DigiMonkz NFT: Quantum Map (Updated Regularly)

DigiMonkz NFT
23 min readFeb 28, 2023



The purpose of this article is to give a more in-depth overview of Bebe Chez’s vision for DigiMonkz for both short- and long-term goals. This is a Quantum Map of many possibilities and as such is NOT a roadmap limited by time and space. At DigiMonkz, we want to have a sustainable vision that considers current market conditions as well as the future onboarding of Web2 users across a variety of different age groups and ethnicities. At DigiMonkz we are all about the real, tangible value that is needed in Web3, and the world for that matter, more than ever before.

DigiMonkz do what is necessary, not just what is profitable

DigiMonkz’s core values center around peaceful living with steady gains, where our holders learn how to level up their lives, and be more productive and successful, without sacrificing their holistic well-being. This is where Bebe Chez and other master instructors will come in, stacking value on top of value in a variety of ways that will be outlined below.

We had originally discussed the many holder benefits from an educational and practical standpoint. DigiMonkz is, in many respects, a platform for holistic health, personal & professional development, spiritual evolution, and peak performance. As we bring in new and amazing holders and instructors, there is no doubt that the platform will evolve and grow for the better.

The goal of DigiMonkz is to help accelerate the evolution of humankind by helping to create a community of Digital Gurus, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists. To do this, we will create a highly supportive environment of lifelong learning necessary for any successful pursuit. All holders will be equipped with powerful tools to execute their dreams and realize their INNER GENIUS. Long-term, I wish to see their passions transformed into compassion, as they become a source of grace and sustenance for others to realize their own passions and dreams.

DigiMonkz is for the next generation of Web3 entrepreneurs and hustlers who are seeking to balance their exposure to technology with ancient, yet advanced practices taught in an easy-to-integrate and digest format. We will bring a perfect marriage of ancient wisdom with advanced technology. Those seeking to go further will find plenty of inspiration, support, illumination, true wealth, and expansive freedom.

Our team hopes that all holders learn how to break free from the illusion that they are an object in a world of objects and can awaken in the HERE & NOW to shift their consciousness out of an old model based on Newtonian physics of cause and effect & into the Quantum model that offers greater power of the word, thought, and action, as well as holistic wellness, and development of a sharp diamond mind filled with spiritual liquidity (Ojas).


We follow 4 core values that will support the integrity and interpersonal growth of our community, as well as support our growth and vision. This will be based on the M.E.S.H. system, which relates to many networks or interlocked mechanisms found both in nature (interlaced structure of our cellular framework) and in technology. For the latter, M.E.S.H. makes materials stronger, like the mesh for fishing nets, in the mechanics of gears, or in the meshing of computing designs. In fact, the power of the entire NFT and Web3 space depends on the cooperation of multiple parts to create a greater whole supported by network effects.

The components of M.E.S.H. are as follows:

Mindful Business — Holders will be taught a series of cutting-edge wellness and yogic practices that support our mental & emotional state for greater relaxation, creativity, and entrepreneurial or investing success, especially at such a critical juncture in the history of humankind, as we transition from a Web2 to a Web3 world. A healthy and harmonious mind is filled with greater insight and wisdom to make the best decisions even during challenging times filled with Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Bebe Chez is known for interlacing his wellness content with current macroeconomics and investing ALPHA to fuse wellness education with better trading or investing practices.

UPDATE: We also have expert alpha callers and traders in both crypto & NFTs that help both novice and more seasoned investors. Moreover, we are working with Oasis Awakening on YourWeb3School to not just onboard Web2 to Web3, as is described later in our marketing plan, but can also to serve as a valuable resource to holders, as well as future junior members that will be part of a separate collection called DigiMonkz Kidz (described later), likely in collaboration with our friends at YogaPetz.

Enlightenment — Holders will be guided on how to build a roadmap for lifelong success starting with strong ethical pillars to enhance their relationship with the True Self and with the “rest of the world.” To do this requires mastery of the first two pillars or limbs of Yoga (Yama & Niyama), which will be taught in an integrative way that will allow anyone to put it into practice in their life, as well as master it with time. Our mission at DigiMonkz is to promote wiser entrepreneurs and investors capable of steady gains along with peaceful living in harmony with nature and others humans.

Spiritual Mastery — Enlightenment is not possible without this next value. Spiritual mastery will be taught in a systematic way for all holders to access at their own leisure. Holders will receive teachings, workshops, courses, and guided practices directly from the Guru himself, Bebe Chez (Dr. Ramos) along with other expert instructors. This is an unbelievable opportunity for anyone to get in on the ground floor for the last of these lifetime passes (1,111 NFTs in Gen 2). Holders will get exposure to a living master and his life’s work. Here, Bebe Chez will teach, in an integrative and highly accessible way, how to master the 4 highest limbs of the Yogic Transpersonal Path, which include:

1) Pratyahara or control of the senses & energy, 2) Dharana or concentration, 3) Dhyana or meditation, and lastly 4) Samadhi or Self-Realization, the goal of evolution.

Holistic Wellness — Bebe Chez has trained with Sri Dharma Mittra (the modern asana master), is a nutrition and health expert, a stress specialist (American Institute of Stress), and has studied, practiced, and developed many techniques to enhance the functioning of body, mind, and spirit. Holders will again get access to his unique approach to learning with real-life applications and integration based on DIRECT EXPERIENCE. Wherever we can, DigiMonkz will supplement Bebe’s teachings with other fantastic instructors or experts. Learn how to boost your immune function, sustain the flow state, access a hidden reservoir of energy inaccessible to most, fit in more time for your well-being as well as for increased productivity, neutralization of stress, the resistance of disease, slowing down of aging, and more.

UPDATE: We are testing both fitness experts as well as culinary experts to create a library of additional valuable content that will make it easier for the Web3 enthusiast struggling with time and planning to fit in healthier eating and effective exercise routines that do not take up much time or planning.

As we age, our functions should not deteriorate significantly over time but can continue to peak even well into the later years of life. As a creator, investor, DEGEN, or entrepreneur, this should be extremely valuable as we can enhance our longevity in any endeavor as well as retain the holistic health necessary to enjoy the fruits of our labor as our body ages.

We will have courses, workshops, group and private coaching, virtual and IRL events (i.e. retreats, seminars, masterminds), and more to support the transpersonal growth of our holders in the four key areas mentioned above. The goal is to develop whole, well-rounded, and harmonious individuals that embody the vision of a digital sage or monk who possesses all the qualities to serve humankind through world-changing businesses.

UPDATE: We recently launched the world’s first-ever healing NFT in a virtual world with a curated practice called Shitili Karana & healing music. We have the vision to create experiential NFT collections and eventually house these in our very own token-gated DigiMonkz Digital Ashram, which is already being planned with various expert builders.

What to expect on the mint date?

Genesis holders will go along for the ride while we build this growing experience and will accrue more and more benefits the longer they HODL as early investors and supporters (many of which will be outlined below). However, at least the Art of Stress-Free Living module (described below) will be available to holders after mint either on a private channel on a token-gated site, and/or the YogaPetz app/platform (working on the layout with their dev team already).

We value loyalty and support greatly and we will remember those early supporters, some of whom may reach the level of a disciple, which has been achieved by only two women who learned directly from Bebe. You can expect at least multiple events per week from him and other instructors, which you can access either live or at your own leisure.

When looking at other experts who offer some sort of coaching, yoga training, or personal development program online or in person and how much they charge for really much less content, experience, and/or exposure, we are looking at a value of at least 5–10 ETH (Very conservative estimate based on current ETH prices). Remember you would only need to pay a fraction of the cost come Gen 2 mint day.

In fact, upon scanning, this type of lifetime access, where a master reveals all his secrets, should be worth likely twice the 5–10 ETH figure mentioned above, at a bare minimum. However, that is not for us to decide. The value of DigiMonkz goes beyond monetary value, period. We are building a journey or an experience that you can share with loved ones or friends and pass on to your children. There is just nothing like DigiMonkz in the NFT space.

Combined with our amazing partnerships, we just don’t think anyone comes close to A) understanding the needs of those in Web3 or B) delivering real, tangible value that should be in everyone's wallet. We know we have the community, the support, the tech, and easily digestible and accessible content to help you find balance in the midst of so much fast-paced information and pressure. Whether you are a Web3 pioneer, a newbie, a DEGEN, an investor, or an entrepreneur, you will find excellent life-changing value in our ecosystem.

DigiMonkz is a compassion project that is being groomed to be a non-profit, decentralized, and open-source business. The goal is for both its founder and the business to be role models that others aspire to become, a case study of sorts. We will strive to be a decentralized, transparent, and inclusive organization that aims to use the power of blockchain, smart contracts, and artificial intelligence to scale this business into the future.

Financial Information: All secondary sales or IRL profits go into 3 key areas after paying for any operational fees:

  1. 10% will go to charitable causes in line with the project’s mission (Soil, ocean, or forest reclamation projects, species preservation, mental wellness programs, especially for war veterans and juvenile delinquents, etc). This can also go to community givebacks or giveaways, or to community-initiated charitable ideas.
  2. 40% to the founder and team for services rendered.
  3. 50% goes back into the project to build and enhance the DigiMonkz experience for all current and future holders, as well as scale the project through intelligent, content/value-based marketing.

Main sources of revenue for DigiMonkz VAULT as well as its holders:

Beyond secondary market royalties, which are not a sustainable source of revenue & are likely going away in the future, we intend to grow in a variety of different ways:

  1. Soulbound AI-generated tokens to onboard Web2 users. These will be sold on our website directly. We will use our traditional social media marketing team, as well as an affiliate marketing strategy with influencers in key areas of wellness, fitness, and spirituality serving as key cogs to bring in new users. Moreover, influencers and our holders will be able to share in every sale that they bring in with a referral code system. We are also partnered with Oasis Awakening and Verizon (latter in the works), to create Your Web3 School that will serve as a conduit to safely and effectively teach Web2 how to navigate, thrive, trade, and build using the power of NFTs, crypto, artificial intelligence, etc.
  2. Referral-based onboarding will be designed to give financial incentives to influencers to buy and promote DigiMonkz as a brand and to open a source of revenue for holders that could see substantial gains with this mechanism (anything ranging from 5–50% of the sale of each soulbound token). More specifics shortly.
  3. We will also have additional DigiMonkz collections on the horizon. We have at least 2 collections coming that have great promise and WILL NOT dilute the value of Gen 1 and 2. a) DigiMonkz Español and b) Digimonkz Kidz. The latter in particular has us very excited. This is likely to be in partnership with YogaPetz & other unrevealed teams and will include some cool features designed to onboard adolescents and young children into a fun, gamified Web3 Wellness & Self-Mastery experience (DETAILS are mostly worked out, but we will keep this one wrapped up for now).
  4. YogaPetz $PRANA (can be exchanged to USDC). Users of YogaPetz will stake their NFT(s) to earn $PRANA, which they can use along with $KARMA to unlock more advanced or exclusive content. NOTE: DigiMonkz 111, legendary Gen 2’s, or Genesis 111 access Gen 2 holders have been confirmed as $PRANA boosters (basically DigiMonkz have a multiplier effect to earn more tokens just by holding at least one of our NFTs).
  5. Discounted soulbound token sales to communities with healthy and liquid crypto-based tokens, like $APE & $BANANA, to give Bored Ape and Cyberkongz Genesis holders, respectively, another cool and useful utility for their tokens. They HODL and earn passively and can use the token to access our platform in either a subscription-based model or a year pass (soulbound token).
  6. Digital Ashram of healing and education in a virtual reality format for an immersive experience. We have already shown that technology is an interface of consciousness and that we can embed healing energy into NFTs. We seek to move beyond PFPs and into experience-based NFTs. We launched the first-ever healing NFT, as a proof of concept, which lives on the Ethereum blockchain currently available to anyone without a token or paywall. In the future, we see our Ashram as monetizable and accessible in a similar way as you would an amusement park or a museum, with an entry fee. All Genesis 111 qualifying holders will get free access to this Digital Space, while Gen 2 only holders will have discounted access.
  7. Hey, Bebe! (AI Guru) app subscription service. Your personal DEGEN ape will be available to be a mentor, coach, or guru ready to guide and educate you just like the real-life Bebe would. This may be first on the phone and later on augmented and/or virtual reality (have already had meetings with capable teams to deliver on this vision down the road). Again, Genesis 111 qualifying holders will get free access to this utility, while Gen 2 only holders will have discounted access.
  8. DigiMonkz Institutional Plans for Businesses and/or schools. The latter, in particular, will be easier to implement as Bebe has been a researcher and educator for over two decades and will leverage his connections in the educational system to first test the app and techniques and then sell a package for use by students as well as educators.
  9. Miscellaneous sources, such as merch, franchise opportunities, yoga teacher training, live events, private coaching, and more.

While, Genesis 111 Holders will get FIRST ACCESS to sign up for any IRL event, as well as receive a 10% discount on any event or merchandise. The 111 will also receive a 25% discount on private coaching directly from Bebe Chez or a trained disciple or expert holder that has mastered the principles taught in our Digital Ashram (Enlightened holders, or legendary, get a 35% discount). Expert holders will also have the ability with time to create their own content on our platform or via the YogaPetz app as their own resort.

  • To make this easier. all Genesis 111 as well as Gen 2 legendary auction winners get a DTC YogaPetz Resortlist. Petzlist will also be awarded to the upcoming auction winners.

Lastly, only the 111 will have direct access to the network and collaborations of Bebe Chez for any future Web3 business or endeavor. Bebe treats Genesis 111 holders as family or friends and you will have access to him. If you believe in this and what is being built, you will HODL or try to gain entry as there are very few individuals on the planet teaching this life-changing wealth and power-building system. The choice is yours.

Many coaches, trainers, and instructors out there offer high-quality content mainly in the Web2 space and for thousands of dollars, but with limited access and usually not to the founder. They are all disconnected from the younger generation that is helping to shape the future of the Digital Age and don’t understand the technology nor the needs of the space. Bebe seeks to change this as he is tailormade for Web3 individuals.

There is a huge need in this burgeoning space and he is perfectly positioned to guide, mentor, heal & inspire the next wave of Digital Entrepreneurs and world changers. As a master yogi, and Yale-trained Neuroscientist, as well as many of his other credentials and decades of experience, he is ready, willing, and able to lead and transform lives. He is only interested in creating positive change and providing loving service. Anyone who knows him or heard him teach has experienced this firsthand.

Meditating Zen Degen

Perks of being a member of the DigiMonkz (whether through 111 or the 1,111)

Holders will have 24/7 access to exclusive content via private Discord, our website, and YogaPetz MegaResort (likely available in beta before they even mint). Holders will have access to the following content whether in a book or an audio format, workshop, group or private coaching, and other live or recorded formats. Not included below is the content of our other master teachers of a variety of different disciplines, including, but not limited to, traditional medicine, chiropractic medicine, mental health, psychedelics, therapeutic yoga, kids yoga, all levels of yoga, psychology, hermeticism, counseling, acupuncture, and even cooking. All holders can not just participate and learn, but can ask any question and receive help from the community, Bebe, or an experienced instructor.

Most instruction will be delivered directly by Bebe Chez in an accessible and understandable way that anyone can take advantage of. This is an opportunity to learn directly from a living master building your self-study, self-discovery, and self-care from the ground up, step-by-step, rung-by-rung, to one day reach the pinnacle of life and the goal of the evolutionary process, which is Self-Realization.

All of this is done from the comfort of your own home. There will be something for anyone whether beginner or more advanced. This is a MUST-HOLD asset unlike any other in the space. Everyone should have at least their own DigiMonkz. Bebe does not foresee any other lifetime pass of this sort.

Bebe Chez has dedicated more than half of his life to loving service and has prepared his consciousness to teach others how to attain radiant health and transpersonal or spiritual growth based on strong ethical principles, development of impeccable bodily integrity, holistic wellness, concentrated diamond mind, unrelenting inner fire, and spiritual enlightenment and freedom. All these traits will allow any serious student to build the strongest foundation under his guidance upon which to undertake any endeavor.

He has made it his mission to teach others how to live stress- and disease-free with a vibrant body, mind, and spirit. Sadhu’s from across the globe can embark on a ‘digital pilgrimage’, no matter where you live, thanks DigiMonkz. The goal is to teach you how to reach a higher state of consciousness, wellness, and performance without leaving the city or modern way of living, all the while working towards your dreams and business pursuits, or even being a householder with children. Bebe Chez embodies everything he teaches.

Students will not be taught Yoga in a modern, exercise-centered format, but in a unique way where limbs are seen for what they are: a transpersonal, evolutionary journey that takes you from outer to inner awareness and back. All the fruits of your personal, solitary practice should manifest even when in the midst of everyday activities surrounded by others.

The Art of Stress-Free Living

Bebe Chez’s Flagship programs:

Art of Stress-Free Living

The full version of the book in both audio and written formats, as well as many courses, guided video & audio practices.

  • Science and mastery of stress.
  • Science and mastery of the flow state.
  • Key nutritional principles to reduce stress and inflammation, enhance sleep, and more.
  • Biohacks, developed by the Bebe Chez himself over decades of steady perfection.
  • In-depth self-care routines to maintain optimum health of both body and mind
  • Neurobiology of Sleep (Creative, Lucid, and Therapeutic).
  • Acu, Yin, and Therapeutic Yoga techniques, Healing Mantras, Specific breathing techniques for balance, resetting, power, etc.
  • Yoga Nidra to relieve stress, recharge, and harness senses and thought waves, as well as for a gateway to formal meditative practice.
  • Breathing techniques (pranayama), mindfulness, and meditative techniques to regulate your autonomic nervous system reset stress, and harmonize the nervous system.

DNA Hacker Secrets

This program will take the serious student beyond mental balance and into a more complete state of bodily wellness to BECOME SUPERHUMAN, in some respects.

  • Theory and Practice of DNA Hacking.
  • Optimize your genetic programming.
  • Nutrition masterclasses, including how to optimize athletic performance.
  • Natural medicine classes (adaptogenic herbs, psychedelics, etc).
  • Eco-wellness to combat nature-deficit syndrome and mental health issues, as well as to become aligned with Mother Nature.
  • How to cultivate a higher vibratory state that insulates you from any common malady or negative influence.
  • Overcome Habitual responses and cravings of the subconscious mind.
  • Pranayama and meditative techniques to reset stress and boost immune function.
  • Yoga as Adjunct Medicine taught for a variety of mental and physical ailments.
  • The doshas and diet: How to balance your diet to harmonize your genetic and energetic constitution.
  • How to get in alignment with natural cycles for greater energy, focus, and health.
  • How to organize your schedule to fit in your health and well-being, as well as time to plan and create the future you deserve.
  • How to establish an early morning meditation practice to build endurance, enhance creativity, and abolish tiredness.
  • How to increase the flow of pranic shakti to boost endurance, slow down aging, and enhance meditative practice (for more advanced students only).
Voyage from Human to God

The Voyage from Human to God

Based on Bebe Chez’s life’s work and unpublished book with the same title. Holders will learn the history and goal of Yoga, as well as how to integrate the 8-limbs of Yoga in a more practical and transpersonal way. The book itself is a healing tonic when read repeatedly, especially the 12 short stories at the end.

  • Learn to master yoga and more importantly life by fulfilling every duty to perfection, like the great Sri Krishna.
  • Yoga Training with significantly fewer hours and this amount of depth would cost you easily more than $10,000 & they don’t even include the contact you can get, as a genesis holder, with a living master.
  • Build real wealth and power.
  • Methodology for Self-Realization: 8-limbed transpersonal path.
  • Every limb includes a series of integrative practices accessible to any serious student taught in a way never before seen in the space.
  • Purification sequences: Using mantra and breath to purify and heal the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Psychic Development: Develop greater concentration and imagination to boost creativity and expand the nervous system’s bandwidth.
  • Access to the entire book, in both written and audio format (will be recorded and read by Bebe Chez, himself).
  • Heal your consciousness with every read.

Yoga Teacher Training Program

  • From beginner to advanced taught by Bebe Chez and other experienced or master-level teachers. Don’t just learn for personal benefit but finds ways to help others while growing your own business and brand.
  • Certified via the blockchain’s immutable ledger and bound to your wallet.
  • Franchise opportunities via the YogaPetz platform and branding both IRL and also virtual to grow your own wellness/yoga business in your local community or digital network.

Additional Content

In addition to all of these foundational pieces of training, Genesis and future expansion holders will get access to other personal, professional, and financial growth opportunities. Including, but NOT LIMITED to:

  • Future partnerships (YogaPetz is just the first, but many more are in the works behind the scenes).
  • Guest Speakers & Instructors in acupuncture, chiropractic medicine, shamanism, psychedelic in mental health, psychology, coaching, Tai Chi, cooking, nutrition, and much more.
  • Special sessions on how to identify Mega Trends, macroeconomic and investment information for both Web2 or Web3 savvy holders. We will have expert traders and callers to make your Web3 experience smoother.

NOTE: Retreats (IRL and Virtual). Every live event Bebe Chez has ever hosted has always resulted in at least one person having a dramatic healing change. Events will, of course, have additional fees to cover event-related expenses, although secondary sales could help subsidize events or support a scholarship-type program for disadvantaged individuals. In addition, DigiMonkz would like to offer group and private coaching, mainly from Bebe Chez, but possibly other experts in his network, as well. Latter is offered at a discounted rate only for holders.

Supply and Mint Price for Gen 2

Supply: 1,111

NOTE: Astral & Undead skin traits are confirmed recent additions (SEE BELOW).

Guru: 1 Mythical held by Bebe

Legendary: 11 animated pieces to be auctioned off on OpenSea, likely on April 21st.

Astral: 31 ultra rare, One is legendary (TO BE AIRDROPPED to a Genesis 111 holder)

Undead: 69 super rare, One is legendary

Female: 111 rare NFTs with one of them a Legendary Queen with FULL Genesis 111 access

Male: 891 Common NFTs

Mint Price: TBD, but possibly 10% of Genesis 111.

Female Monkz Sample

How do you gain Genesis 111 access with Gen 2?

  1. Hold 10 male non-legendary monkz.
  2. Hold 4 female non-legendary monkz.
  3. Hold 3 Undead non-legendary monkz.
  4. Hold 2 Astral non-legendary monkz.
  5. Hold one legendary, animated monkz. NOTE: One of the legendary NFTs in this second collection is a female queen. She is the only one in Gen 2 that gains full legendary Genesis 111 benefits. This is in honor of all the brave and fierce women building or contributing value in Web3.
  6. Additional combinations of assets to play off our referral mechanism described below (i.e. (a) holding 5 non-legendary males and two non-legendary female monkz OR (b) Holding one Astral and two females or 5 common males gives you Genesis 111 access). Thus, someone may mint a very rare NFT and combine it with more common ones to get Genesis 111 access and more perks?

Legendary Genesis 111 holder ADDITIONAL BENEFITS

  • An extra 10% OFF private coaching directly from the founder, Bebe Chez (35% TOTAL)
  • Guaranteed WL Spots. Legendary holders are considered team members and will NEVER enter a raffle. They will automatically get WL spots, including the much coveted Resortlist and Petzlist (DTC) for the YogaPetz collection.
  • Access to Enlightened Channel, which gets behind-the-scenes information about the project as well as a future DEEP ALPHA service, plus much more, including exclusive Enlightened-only events.
  • Buy 1 Get 1 for Gen 2 mint (applies to all Genesis 111 holders). Mint your one guaranteed Gen 2 and get a FREE claim or airdrop.
  • FIRST ACCESS to sign up for any IRL or virtual event with limited capacity.
  • Higher yield than the rest of the collection once any staking is opened (see brief TOKEN info below).

DigiMonkz Gen II (PFP Edition) BENEFITS

  • Super cool & high-quality PFP of your beloved DigiMonkz from a different artist from Asia that I respect and admire (wants to remain anonymous for now)
  • Access to the entire Life of a DEGEN Mastermind, which is a YogaPetz premium content (without the need to hold and stake a YogaPetz to earn $PRANA).
  • 10% discount on private coaching with Bebe Chez, unless the holder has gained Gen 111 access
  • FREE Monthly courses, masterclasses, guided practices, and more.

ADDITIONAL Comparison Perks

Comparison of Collections
Comparison of Collections

WEN a $ZEN token?

While it is a bit early to make any token promises, I do recognize the value of an internal token for the betterment of our community and ecosystem. Firstly When the timing is right and we can support a token, only DigiMonkz 111 holders or those holding the right will certainly benefit and receive passive yield to be able to accrue some of the benefits that genesis holders get like, for example, using tokens to receive a discount on private coaching, IRL events, or merchandise.

The token is likely to be added once we begin a leasing or delegation program where holders can lease/stake their NFT (in essence lock it for a set time period to allow another person to access or try out the platform). During that time the staking holder loses access to the content but earns passive yield instead, as long as their NFT is borrowed in a sense (a Web3 trial period?). We will work out the details in a future update, but this is something that we want to implement and our model really lends itself to this.

If you hold multiple NFTs you can stake/delegate, yet if you hold at least one un-locked (whether Gen 1 or Gen 2), you get access to the platform as well. We should note that this leasing or delegating mechanism will likely be available only to Genesis 111 access holders, which as we mentioned above is accessible to Genesis 1,111 holders depending on the assets they hold.

Referral Mechanism for additional passive income

Once we launch our Web 2 to Web3 initiative, we will begin a referral-based mechanism. Every holder, including influencers in a variety of areas (web3, wellness, health, fitness, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, spirituality, coaching, etc.), will have an opportunity to take advantage of an affiliate marketing mechanism. Details remain to be flushed out, but HOW COULD IT WORK?

All holders will receive a smart contract-enabled referral code that is tied to them and their DigiMonkz holdings (Gen 111 and/or Gen 1,111). When a person goes on the DigiMonkz website to purchase a year access pass, they will be able to enter the referral code belonging to the referring holder. Depending on what the person holds they would receive a percentage of the sale, while the buyer receives a 10% discount on the regular price, and the DigiMonkz VAULT gets the rest of the balance. I intend to have this all automated and smart contract enabled, likely on a layer 2 for lower fees.

So, for example, year pass costs, let’s say, $1000. The buyer pays $900 in the crypto used for the transaction. If the referring person holds one Genesis 111, he/she would get $225 (25%, details below), and DigiMonkz vault would receive $675 (remaining balance).

  • Legendary Genesis 111 holders receive a maximum of 50% revenue share.
  • Genesis 111 (non-legendary) holders receive 25% but can hold a second 111 for an additional 25%. Alternatively, they could hold Gen 2’s (see below their percentages).
  • Legendary Gen 2’s of the 1,111 (11 in total) also receive 25%, except for the one queen female legendary that gets the full 50%.
  • Astral Gen 2’s receive 20%
  • Undead Gen 2’s receive 15%
  • Female Gen 2’s receive 10%
  • Male Gen 2’s receive 5%

The percentages above are per NFT. These percentages are capped at 50%, meaning you cannot earn more than 50% at the moment. Someone can hold one Genesis 111 (25%), an undead Gen 2 (15%), and a female Gen 2 (10%) for a total of 50% returns on every pass sold via their referral code. This could be very powerful for influencers and give us the ability to onboard more Web2 users to the platform. Alternatively, someone may see the market favors getting 10Gen 2 males for the 50% return. We think this will create some interesting dynamics in the secondary market when coupled with the Genesis 111 access mechanism described above.

FINALLY, a direct message from Bebe Chez (Dr. Ramos): I can be your Guru, friend, supporter, teacher, and business partner. I will get to know each and every early supporter as we grow this movement and take over the Wellness, Peak Performance, Biohacking, and Spirituality space forever in Web3. Some have already earned entry into the DigiMonkz-verse. The question is: WILL YOU? Stay Zen! #OOHM

Be receptive & present! Hari Om Tat Sat!

Much Love & Respect,


Miami Lakes FL

February 2023

All rights copyright © 2022, are owned by Bebe Chez or Dr. Brian P. Ramos (Miami Lakes FL). Any reproduction, copying, or transmitting of any information or art is strictly forbidden without the express written permission of Dr. Brian P. Ramos, the creator of DigiMonkz NFT and the Life of a DEGEN Journey, as defined by the Copyrights Act of 1968. Any infringement of the Copyright Act may be subject to legal action.



DigiMonkz NFT

Life of a DEGEN Mastermind NFT Project. Designed by @bebechez_eth, to promote holistic health & mindful business for the next generation of entrepreneurs.