Include These Organic Food in Your Diet To Improve Your Hair Texture

Digi’s Fresh
2 min readOct 4, 2023

Most of the people are suffering with the problem of hair. Be it hairfall, baldness, dandruff, white hair or whatever. Did you know most of these problem occur because you are not taking a healthy diet or you are consuming a lot of chemicals? Generally, when a hair problem arise, we run back and forth for beauty salons, oils, shampoos or direct hair care product. Nobody has the time to find out the root cause. The trusth is that if your nutrients are not completed, do whatever you want but your problem will not go away.

On the other hand if you bring a change in your diet along with other tips, you can feel a great impact. In this article, we will introduce you to a list of food items with which you can bring a big difference in your hair texture and that too in your home itself. First of all, change your chemical eating to organic eating. Find organic food online and start with.

Before getting to the actual food items name, let’s know what cause the change in hair texture and these food items will resolve these issues at a great extent.

  • Hormonal imbalances: Regular consumption of junk food or chemical based food impact your hormones adversely. As a result, your hair suffers probably with other health or skin issues as well.
  • Poor diet: Again, if you don’t follow a good diet, you will have lack of nutrition’s which impact your overall health adversely.
  • Aging: Aging can be factor as this time your body needs extra care and nutrients to work normally.
  • Medications like painkillers, acne drugs, beta-blockers, etc.
  • Chemical hair treatments like colouring, perming, and bleaching
  • Stress: It steals your nutrients
  • Iron deficiency: Again you are not taking proper iron diet which is the utmost required things to get the shiny and long hair.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy you need extra nutrition’s for your body so that you can serve a little life inside you. Your baby need a lot of iron and calcium and if you are not taking a proper diet as per recommendation, your health, skin and hair will suffer.

So which are the food you should include in your diet to improve hair texture? Well, here is the list:

  • Salmon
  • Eggs
  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Bell peppers
  • Blueberries
  • Carrots
  • Exotic Leaf Tea

How these food items will help you change your hair texture? If you want to know this — wait till we publish our 2nd part of this article.

Till than order chemical-free organic food online with us at Digi’s Fresh.



Digi’s Fresh

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