Love What You Have, Before Life Teaches You to Lov — tymoff

3 min readAug 19, 2023


what you have, before life teaches you to love
Before the world and its cynicism crashes down from above
Before dreams fade, and life’s complexities take center stage
Before the rat race consumes you and you become its slave

Love the simple things, like a warm hug or a friendly smile
Love the little moments that make life worth the while
Like a bird’s song in the morning, or a sunset going wild
Like the feeling of pen on paper, or a mother’s gentle style

Love the people who matter and cherish them each day
For time is fleeting, and nothing can make it stay
Hold onto them tightly, through the good and the sad
And always, always be thankful for the love that you’ve had

Love what you have, before it’s gone and you cannot get it back
Love what you have, and keep it close, never letting it slack
For in this life, love is the one true thing that will endure
And in the end, it’s the love we give that makes our hearts pure.

Why Loving What You Have is the Key to a Fulfilling Life

When we are young, we’re often told to chase our dreams, to aim for the stars and to never settle for less. While this sentiment is inspiring and motivating, it can also be misleading. You see, in our quest for more, for bigger and better things, we often forget to appreciate what we already have. Life teaches us to love what we have, but often it’s a lesson learned too late. Here are the reasons why we need to love what we have before life teaches us to do so.

1. It Brings Inner Peace

When we focus on what we don’t have, we create anxiety and stress. We feel like we’re always chasing, always striving for something just out of reach. This can prevent us from enjoying the present moment. However, when we learn to love what we have, we become more grateful for the things we already have. This brings us inner peace and contentment. We don’t need to chase after things to be happy because we know that we already have everything we need.

2. It Strengthens Relationships

When we take the people in our lives for granted, we put our relationships at risk. By loving what we have, we come to appreciate the people who matter most to us. We express our gratitude and let them know how much we value them. This strengthens our relationships and creates a sense of harmony and unity in our lives.

3. It Builds Resilience

When life throws us curveballs, it’s easy to get discouraged and feel like giving up. However, when we love what we have, we develop the resilience to bounce back from setbacks. Because we have an appreciation for the good things in our lives, we’re better equipped to cope when we face challenges. We know that our lives are filled with blessings, and we’re more likely to find solutions to our problems.

4. It Cultivates Happiness

It’s often said that happiness is a choice. We can choose to focus on the negative things in our lives or the positive ones. When we love what we have, we choose to focus on the positive. This cultivates happiness and joy in our lives. We’re able to find delight in the simple pleasures of life and appreciate the beauty around us.

In conclusion, loving what you have is a powerful and transformative mindset. It allows you to live a more fulfilling life, one that’s filled with joy, gratitude, and resilience. Start appreciating all the blessings in your life, no matter how small they may seem. Your heart will be filled with joy and gratitude, and your life will be all the richer for it.




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