Changes in the PowerApps and Flow Licensing Model

Digit 9
2 min readJul 31, 2019


It’s been 5 months since my last blog post and guess what… I could just reuse the title I used in February. Last week at the Inspire event, Microsoft announced that licensing will change in October. Everything is flew at this very moment, however (hopefully) nothing is going to change for the Office 365 users - be aware that this post is based on a presentation of Microsoft given at Inspire, and could lack some nuances.

Microsoft has captured the 3 biggest concerns from customers:

  1. Make it easier to get started with a single use case. Before rolling out the “full platform” for all users, many customers want to be able to license a single PowerApps or Flow scenario.
  2. Make licensing easier to understand. Simplify the feature-level differences that existed between P1 and P2 plans.
  3. Clarify how external users will be licensed. We’ve recently released PowerApps Portals for external users. Customers understandably want to know how licensing will work for these as they explore the preview.

Because of this reason they announced some new plans…


  • PowerApps per app plan: Allow individual users to run applications for a specific business scenario based on the full capabilities of PowerApps. Pricing will be $10 user/app/month.
  • PowerApps per user plan: Equip individual users to run an unlimited number of apps, without any feature restrictions. This takes the place of existing P1 and P2 plans and will be $40 /user / month.
  • PowerApps Portals for external authenticated users: $200 for 100 logins/month.
  • PowerApps Portals for anonymous users: $100 for 100,000 web page views/month.

Microsoft Flow

  • Flow per business process: Implement critical business processes with capacity that serves teams, departments or the entire organization, for an unlimited number of users. Pricing will be $500 business process/month for up to 5 active workflows.
  • Flow per user plan: Equip individual users to create unlimited workflows and business processes based on their requirements. This means the existing Flow P1 and P2 plans will collapse into a single simplified per user plan. Pricing will be $15 user/month.


I’m afraid we still have to wait some time until Microsoft comes back to us with some details, however let’s hope that for us, Office 365 users, nothing will change in the coming months…



Digit 9

Digit 9, short for digital productivity, is a small Belgian company helping small, medium and large firms to work in a productive way. More info: