Planning your MS Teams deployment has never been more actual…

Digit 9
2 min readApr 10, 2020


If you are an IT manager, probably a lot of companies already contact you over and over again… Plan your MS Teams deployment and roll-out, or it will not go well. Think about governance, external sharing, which features do you want to roll-out and which ones certainly not.

And then suddenly, from one day to the next, everybody had to work from home, remotely,…

And guess what happened… all organizations started using MS Teams without thinking about guidelines, rules, governance and so one. And don’t get me wrong — that’s a good thing because these organizations didn’t lose their productivity and kept going.

However, after some months these organizations will have another problem, all their company data will be scattered over hundreds of teams and there will be a lack of structure.

This doesn’t have to be a big problem, as long if these organizations are aware that they must get control of the steering wheel again and lay some ground rules.

Because at this moment, we are almost sure you allowed your people to get their job done, however, make sure your Intellectual Property doesn’t sneak out (by f.e. forgetting about external access, etc.).

Here a are a few quick steps to maximize productivity and keep the chaos under control:

· Make sure your users know how to start a conversation, upload a file, have a conversation around a file, reply to a thread — don’t bother them explaining SharePoint is the backend, etc.

· If you don’t know why they would need guest access, turn it off by default to keep your company data secure

· Think if you are going to allow users to create teams or if you want to take control of this yourself. You can also just allow one group of managers to create teams in comparison to only IT or all employees

…and if that sounds a little too much, let us assist and relieve you.



Digit 9

Digit 9, short for digital productivity, is a small Belgian company helping small, medium and large firms to work in a productive way. More info: