My COVID Purchases Are Paying Off

Sarah Klein
2 min readJun 26, 2020

It’s been an interesting 2020 so far for everyone, and at this point I think we’re all feeling like we might wake up tomorrow to find it’s somehow 2025.

All this time has me doing what I do best, learn. I’ve signed up for Codecademy where I’m learning more about data, LinkedIn learning which is teaching me how to transition to Product Management, and even Masterclass where Ron Finley has my herb garden flourishing and so many new plants propagated in our apartment.

My most recent purchase, in an effort to bring some routine back to my life while I’m job hunting post-move, was SheCodes workshop.

SheCodes is a set of front end development workshops designed for women. So far, it’s been great. I’ve been brushing up on skills I haven’t used so much for the past couple of years and adding to my skillset.

I completed the first of the three workshops last week and have moved on to SheCodes+ where I’m currently building a weather app using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Bootstrap. It reminded me just how much I love to tinker.

We’ll see what else COVID/Job hunt boredom brings me to create. I’ve got a few things up my sleeve, so stay tuned!

In the mean time, here’s the wireframe and html/css mock up of my weather app!



Sarah Klein

Design Ops @ Cisco Secure 🚀 Tech Fanatic 💻 Startup Founder 📈Design Enthusiast 🎨 Chaotic Good 🧝‍♀