11 Horrible Mistakes You’re Making With PHP Website Development

Mitul Patel
5 min readJan 17, 2023


PHP Web Development

PHP is a widely-known server-side coding language that is used to build static and dynamic web pages and web apps. In fact, PHP is so popular that it has been used by 244+ million websites across the globe to obtain next-level software or web solutions.

Although, many experts believe that PHP is on the verge of extinction since the arrival of other advanced programming languages. But still, some people are preferring PHP web application development because of its simplicity, flexibility, and robust features.

However, PHP is so easy compared to other programming languages, that developers often make these x mistakes. But worry not, we are here to address those common mistakes and provide you with solutions to them.

So, sit tight, and keep reading!

1. Using the MySQL extension

First things first, using SQL databases is an outdated way and most of the developers are unaware of this. When using SQL databases, specifically MySQL, many developers out there still opt for the MySQL extension.

But in reality, the MySQL extension is officially disfavored because it is highly insecure, unreliable, and most importantly, doesn’t support SSL and also lacks modern MySQL features.

Instead of using the MySQL extension, opt for its alternatives like MySQLi or PDO.

2. Ignoring the use of PDO

As we mentioned above, using MySQLi instead of MySQL extension is a better option because MySQLi is updated, secure, reliable, and quick. But in the end, it is MySQL-specific only.

Use PDO or PHP Data Object as it allows the use of object-oriented syntax and will also align the code for databases like PostgreSQL, MS SQL, and more. Moreover, PDO offers a time-saving feature that can inject fetched data directly into a new object, which saves time for big projects.

3. Forgetting to rewrite URLs

Another mistake to avoid is writing unreadable URLs. It’s high time to write clean URLs as per the guidelines provided by various frameworks including Symphony, Zend, Laravel, and more.

One thing to remember is that don’t rewrite URLs with a lot of variables, as it makes them unreadable. So PHP software developers need to implement the practice of writing neat code.

4. Assigning in conditions

Even experienced developers do make mistakes, right? And this happens especially when writing codes. When writing codes, the developers will mistype something or will end up pasting from another part of the code where there was a typo error.

If something like that happens, follow the below steps to avoid it:

  • Use a valid IDE like PhpStorm because it will notify the developer of the “assignment in condition” issue whenever it discovers.
  • Develop an eye reflex and check the code carefully, one line at a time.
  • Use of Yoda Conditions, a programming style that inverts the variable and constant, literal, or function in an equality conditional expression. The reason to use Yoda Condition is to avoid unexpected behavior by forcing a syntax error when the full-stack PHP developer makes a typo by using an assignment operator.

5. Suppressing errors

Whenever there is an error, it tells the programmer that something is wrong. Suppressing errors is a way that lets the app run with prospective bugs. Simultaneously, getting incoherent errors on the web is highly irritating.

In such instances, it is best to redirect the errors to an error log, using the php.ini file. While too much logging may slow down the website exceptionally, especially during intense traffic rush. During such a thing, change the default error handler with another customized error log.

Here the PHP add-ons like Paper-train, allow the errors to be sent to the backend instead of showing them on the screen so they can be grouped and fixed afterward.

6. Configuration loopholes

An accidental or poorly-managed development system configuration along with sensitive data is prone to get hacked. To keep things safe and secure from hackers, remove app_dev.php which allows access to the development version of the app from the deployed servers. Similarly, remove the php.ini file as it contains configuration data as well.

Keep the website in a local PHP setting, specifically to the hosting account of the programmer, as it ensures a safe and sound environment for the app. Making a secure page that is inaccessible to the public, and naming it a phpinfo() function to list the specific values of the php.ini variables, is considered a good practice that every PHP software developer should follow.

7. Remote code execution

Dynamic calls and remote functions like filesystem calls act as open invitations for hackers to remotely execute code on the local server. Therefore, include(), fopen(), fsockopen(), etc. should be avoided at any cost or if they are made, they should follow a proper validation of the user points.

8. Not using database caching

Use some kind of database caching while using the database in the PHP app. One such example of great data caching is Memcached, a popular caching system that is used by Facebook.

Memcached is a free caching system that can provide significant gains to the software. If you are opting for a PHP web app development process, it is strongly recommended to use the caching system.

9. Not using E_ALL reporting

One of the handy features that come with PHP is error reporting. This feature takes much of the guesswork out of debugging code, thus speeding up the overall development time.

There are many full-stack PHP web developers out there that make the most of error reporting, while others don’t. E_ALL is a strict type of error reporting that reports even the smallest error.

Do remember to turn off the reporting feature, as you don’t want your users to see several error messages on pages.

10. Not Setting Time Limits On PHP Scripts

It’s always assumed that when the PHP script runs, it will finish on time! But only a true programmer knows that nothing should be concluded when it comes to a piece of code. It’s the unresponsive script that makes the program grumpy.

Luckily, there’s a solution to that! The programmers just need to set a time limit on the script and voila! Issue solved within minutes, without spending the whole day!

It’s that simple!

11. Using Wrong Comparison Operators

Comparison operators might be the most basic part of PHP programming, but jumbling them together can make the program go nuts!

So, it’s better to understand the misused operators like =, ==, !=, first as they are a crucial part of PHP programming. Also, take some time to understand the differences between them as it will greatly help you in speeding up the programming and generate fewer errors to debug.


So, now the question is if there are many new and better coding languages, which company does provide PHP application development services out there?

And the answer is Bytes Technolab! They have some of the PHP developers that you can get in the market. Bytes Technolab’s PHP web development services include

  • Custom PHP development
  • Backend design and development
  • Integrations and enhancements
  • PHP-based eCommerce solutions
  • Social networking solutions
  • And full-stack PHP development

Now you know whom to contact when a PHP web development project pops up on your mind!



Mitul Patel

Mitul Patel Founder & CEO at https://www.bytestechnolab.com/. With a demonstrated history of scaling up the company in the ever-competitive Software Industry.