Ask people for their interests when booking an appointment

Ruslans Melniks
3 min readJan 15, 2020


As a healthcare provider, getting your patients to book their appointment online is becoming less of a rocket science and both — clinics and patients are getting used to that.

A couple of years ago we’ve discovered a solution for a client that (not without any luck, of course) helped them a ton.

How it happened?

It was decided that for a successful booking process, patient will have to go through 3 steps — basic information entry(contact details, appointment details, etc), select a date/time for their appointment (we’ve integrated their website with their practice management system — Open Dental) and receive a confirmation email with all appointment details, insurance instructions, pricing and other.

Little bit about company’s business — Xsite Health provides healthcare services at large workplaces. That helps employees avoid traffic and waiting time when visiting their dentist; companies retain happier and healthier workforce; HR people can attract great talent by having this as an additional perk.

When we started working together, a few years back, the company was much smaller and was providing only dental services, although, a vision for other healthcare services was always there.

We had all sorts of data on why people would use dental at the workplace, but we were lacking information and validation on whether people would use other services. So, on the appointment booking page, we’ve added a couple of checkboxes for people to mark their interests. — interests are still there on the appointment booking form, after all these years

And we haven’t limited ourselves with adding “horizontal” services (like health, vision, salon, hearing), but we’ve decided to add a couple of additional dental services that we weren’t providing to our clients before.

Data really matters

Six months passed by since the new form update was launched. Sales team was going hard with new client acquisition and company’s CEO is a shark when it comes to getting new investments. After some digging around he got himself a meeting with a Director of a huge dental aligner company. The company, at that time, was experimenting with marketing was investing big amounts in all sorts of places that could generate leads. And what they discovered during their meeting was something very interesting. Thanks to adding interests section on the appointment booking form, we were able to determine that a great amount of people were actually interested in straightening their teeth.

The CEO of the company was able to “sell” this data for a partnership and a $2 million investment.

A great story on how small additions can affect major changes.

