Artificial Intelligence to Now Help News Media Companies
4 min readJul 14, 2018


Artificial Intelligence has been showing its presence in almost every field from sports to weather. But something that has long been coming and expected is the implementation of AI in news.

News media has always been a target for Artificial Intelligence. And especially that is something that is needed more than ever before. Today, news organisations, let alone the regular person determine which news is trustworthy and which is not.

Today, social networks and messaging platforms are being the real news sharers, and so one gets information before a news company gets access and process information. But that, in turn, leads to other problems.

One has no idea on which kind of news can be believed, and even if the information that they get is true, it is not professionally processed, and often gives out a wrong idea. In short, the future of news media is not in its own control. Well, then who is?

News media companies have never been the quickest ones to adapt to technology, and that is seen even now. But as they adamantly stood their ground, people graduated from printed news to faster available news that can be accessed everywhere, anytime.

Tech giants like Facebook and Twitter became the platform for news to be shared, and that was a huge blow to news media companies. Soon enough though, news media companies also jumped onboard and started sharing their own stories online, and that in turn became the most used source for information.


Well, things are changing now. News media companies are taking things on their own and now implementing the same things that made tech companies so popular among the news hogging generation.

Search index optimizations are now the rule of the day, and this is a change that is something that news companies did not want to make but simply put they were made to make this change.

Artificial Intelligence is having a huge role in this change as they are now changing the way news is being presented today. Artificial Intelligence is also helping news companies by strengthening their strong point, and that is a deep knowledge and understanding of content, and thus they have a deep and detailed content understanding.

News companies are now understanding how AI actually works and are focusing on the appropriate AI solutions.

And so when the knowledge in content creation and data comes together, news companies would have a say on content consumption in a whole new remarkable way. News companies would finally be able to create a whole new seamless and meaningful news experience that still is rich with journalistic excellence.

Various Benefits

But how will Artificial Intelligence actually help in the distribution and presentation of news? Well, with artificial intelligence, news companies would be able to figure out what kind of news interests a particular reader, and thus the news that person would be thus personalized, and would always be interesting for that person.

Machine learning will also help in building and continuing new forms of interaction with the readers and the writers in whole new levels. When journalists understand how readers want the news to be presented, they would be able to tailor news that way, thus bringing a much better reading experience to the consumers at their fingertips.

A much more interesting feature is that news can be shared and read at a real-time, thus bringing a personal touch between readers and writers. That way, journalists can see in real time news that is trending and can work at bettering that news by investing much more time and energy on that particular subject.

Artificial Intelligence would also finally be able to pinpoint fake news from real, and thus help everyone to get access to well written, true information. Fake news has been taking lives, and a lot of confusion is being created due to fake information, and Artificial Intelligence will be able to filter them the right way.

Artificial Intelligence is going to change the way we are going to read the news. The technology is out there, and now all that is needed to get as much as news media companies as possible to jump on board and come together to make the publishing of news and information seamless, easy and practical.

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