How To Set Up Republic Network Protocol (REN) Darknode via Windows OS on AWS VPS

4 min readJan 21, 2019


Current support/setup for REN darknode is specified only for Mac OS and Linux. I created this tutorial while working through setup in hopes of lowering the bar for those running a windows machine but looking to be an early participant of REN darknode hosting.

Setting up REN darknode on AWS via Windows

1. Open AWS account as per instructions here

  • This will be used as the VPS platform in order to maintain a static IP for the darknode
  • The other objective of this step is to generate AWS credentials that will be used to associate your DCC account to this VPS, by way of entering terminal commands (ie “curl”, provided from above link) into a shell on your local computer
  • Follow instructions precisely for setting up IAM, security group, and user on AWS
  • Tags step can be skipped (click Next: Tags then Next: Review)
  • Once user is added, credentials file will be available in .csv format — keep this file safe, offline would be optimal opsec

2. Download the “WSL - Windows Subsystem for Linux” app from windows store

  • Download “Ubuntu”
  • Debian GNU/Linux may also be required for REN commands to work properly in WSL
  • May only be available on windows 10

3. Install package in WSL on local computer

4. Update in WSL

5. Deploy darknode in WSL

  • darknode up — name my-first-darknode — aws — aws-access-key YOUR-AWS-ACCESS-KEY — aws-secret-key YOUR-AWS-SECRET-KEY
  • If receive error message, check that an “O” instead of a “0” was entered for any characters appearing as such

6. Once everything is installed you should receive a multiaddress as an output. Copy the this for reference

  • Additionally you should receive the message “Congratulations! Your Darknode is deployed. Join the network by registering your darknode at https…”

7. Copy the https address and paste in a google chrome browser — ensure metamask is added; if not, add it

8. Make a strong random metamask password (32 characters+) and save it in a password manager such as lastpass

9. Copy seed phrase and store OFFLINE!

11. Once funded and metamask installed, connect to Darknode Command Center

  • refresh DCC page and popup should open asking for connection, click “Connect”

12. Ensure your darknode is funded with minimum 100k REN and 1.5 ETH for GAS

  • copy your ETH address at metamask and send REN to your ETH address at metamask
  • Always prudent to send test amount first to any new wallet
  • REN token can be added at metamask by selecting “add token” from the chrome extension page
Make sure to fund your darknode with ETH for GAS!

13. Make sure to click “Approve” on your metamask homepage for all incoming transactions

  • Once DCC metamask address contains 1.5 ETH and 100k REN and have been approved, you can now Fund your DCC account with ETH to be used for GAS — you are now ready to register!

14. Click “Register” on DCC page and wait for completion — should show as registered within 24hrs

Thanks to @marsmensch, @kenrei, @Antonlebedev1986 and @Dan Lane for your help in getting my REN darknode and this tutorial off the ground. Feedback is welcomed as this is my first Medium post. Thanks for reading!


ETH/REN address: 0x0D2637bA105fCD3362f9cd361aE3aeb113b5F69b

BTC address: 3GZn1WRkuPPq47QMPf4dBT7dZ5xey9UwDr

