How to Find profitable Blogging niches to Make Money in 2023

baishali gulati
6 min readOct 4, 2022


Blogging in 2023

Now that you have decided to start a blog, the next important step is to decide a niche.

A niche is a specific topic or genre that you can write about to build an audience of subscribers.

A blogging niche is a specific topic or audience that you can write about in your blog. It can be anything from fashion to travel to home improvement, and the sky’s the limit! By focusing on writing about topics that are personally interesting to you and your readers, you will be able to cultivate an engaged relationship with them. This helps build trust and credibility, which leads to better conversions rates for your website traffic.

Blogging has become a popular way to make money online, and there’s no stopping the trend. In fact, the blogosphere is growing by the day, which means more and more people are getting started. However, it’s not easy to make money blogging — that’s why it’s important to start with the right niche. To make things easier for you, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that will help you find profitable blogging niches in 2023.

Why do we need to select a blogging niche?

You may discover that I can write on a wide range of topics when you are getting ready to launch your blog. It is totally acceptable to have an interest and passion in more than one subject. Yet, since there are millions of bloggers and competition is intense, niche selection is critical. Instead, you should choose a micro-niche if you intend to build a blogging site on 2023.

Now, What is micro-niche?

It is nothing but a sub-niche. A micro-niche is a niche marketing topic that can be profitable for bloggers to explore. These niches are typically smaller than macro niches and tend to have fewer blog posts published about them each month. This makes them ideal for blogger focused on increasing their blog’s traffic. A micro-niche is a specific, defined target market that you can focus your marketing efforts on. This can be helpful if you want to reach people who are specifically interested in what you have to offer. For instance, You want to create a blog on digital marketing but instead of choosing digital marketing as your niche you can opt for SEO or Google Ads.

A blogging niche can help you to target your audience and focus your blog posts on topics that are of interest to them. This makes it easier for you to build an engaged audience, which in turn leads to higher conversion rates and more money in your bank account. By narrowing down your topic, you’ll also be able to make better use of social media marketing opportunities — this is one of the most effective ways of monetizing a blog post.

Now that you are clear about niche and micro-niche. Let us see few points to understand, why the selection of niche is so much required.

- A blogging niche will help you to market your blog in a specific way.

- You will be able to target a specific audience with your blog posts.

- You will be able to build an audience that trusts and likes you.

- You will be able to make money from your blog through affiliate marketing and advertising.

-Narrowing down your topic will also help you in coming up with fresh and innovative ideas for your blog posts.

- By selecting a blogging niche, you can focus your efforts and create a unique content experience for your readers.

- It will give you an idea of the kind of topics, language, and tone that are best for your blog.

- It will also help you focus on the specific topics that are relevant to your industry.

How to find profitable blogging niches in 2023

Once you have selected a blogging niche, it’s important to research which topics are popular in that category and make sure that yours falls within those boundaries. This means writing about subjects that readers feel passionate about or are interested in learning more about. Additionally, make sure to experiment with different angles on your chosen topic so that there is always something new and exciting for potential readers to discover.

Once you have decided on your niche, it’s time to come up with some ideas for content. This can be done by conducting keyword research into relevant keywords (which can be found using Google AdWords), reading other successful blogs that suit your topic area, spending time exploring social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, staying up-to-date with current events related to your niche sector (this will help you find timely stories for future blog posts),and networking with others who also writing about similar subjects matter.

Above all else: always put quality over quantity when writing articles — as we all want well-researched material that they can learn from without feeling overwhelmed!

There are a few things that you need to do before you start your keyword research:

- Know what keywords you want to rank for.

- Identify your competition.

- Research the competition’s keywords and their SEO strategies.

- Choose your keyword research topics wisely.

- Begin using targeted keywords in your blog post titles and sentences.

How to do keyword Research for your niche ?

There are different ways to research keywords for your niche blog, depending on the tools and resources you have available.

The most common way to research keywords is by using Google AdWords. Once you know what target keyword phrases (or “key words”) people are most likely to use when searching online for information related to your topic, you can place ads with those terms in them and see which ones produce the best results.

You can also use free online keyword evaluators like KeywordPlanner or semrush tool to help determine which keyword ideas would be profitable for your blog post( s) and target those most effectively.

Another way to research keywords is through blog search engine optimization (SEO). If you know what search engines people are likely to use when researching your topic, you can make sure your blog content is rank for the right keywords in those engines. This can be done by optimizing your blog post titles and meta descriptions, as well as adding keyword-rich links throughout the body of your articles.

Ultimately, you may investigate potential blogging niche candidates by sampling niches on the internet. This can assist you focus your research interests more precisely by indicating topics and keywords that are currently prominent in the blogging sphere.

What are some profitable niche topics to write about?

When it comes to profitable niches to blog about, some of the most popular topics include wellness, parenting, finance, and technology. You can research the top 10 blogs in your niche to see what type of content they are publishing and make sure that the topics you write about align with what they are covering. Additionally, topics that may be profitable to blog about include travel, fashion, food, home improvement and beauty. When blogging about a niche, make sure to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and events that may be relevant to your target audience. This will help you find stories for future blog posts and make your blog more engaging for readers. Additionally, networking with others in your niche is always beneficial as they can share their insights on topics that are important to them too. If you are new to blogging and want to start writing blog posts that will be profitable, make sure to research the different types of content that can be monetized on blogs. This includes topics such as affiliate marketing, paid social media marketing, and online advertising. When monetizing blog posts, make sure to target niches where your audience is most likely to convert into paying customers.


Finding profitable blogging niches has never been easier. I assume with the help of this blog, you’ll be on your way to profitable blogging in no time!

It is not that hard to find profitable blogging niches. For starters, one can browse through the market and list down their favorite topics and filter out what interests them most. Then, one can spend some time on researching about the niche and its potential for earning. The secret behind becoming an influencer and making money lies in the right niche. According to experts, there are hundreds of inspiring blog topics that can earn you lots if you’re passionate about writing articles or blogging regularly.

To help you out with your search for profitable niches, we have hand-picked some gems ! Keep checking back because new blog posts come up frequently on these subjects!

