Strategic partnership between NZ and Vietnam: an exciting step forward


Mitchell Pham, Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand.

By Mitchell Pham, chair of the Digital Council for Aotearoa New Zealand.

This month, New Zealand and Vietnam announced a strategic partnership — and I’m excited for several reasons.

I would love to see the two governments establish an environment and ecosystem for industry, business and community to collaborate.

For Vietnam, New Zealand is an important gateway to the West. For New Zealand, Vietnam continues to be an important connection to the ASEAN region.

Each country is ahead in some areas and less-so in others, so there are many opportunities to share and learn from one another.

Through this partnership, I’m hopeful both countries will move beyond trading to regional collaboration, co-creation and innovation.

The possibility of a shared approach to economic and social advancement (including a travel bubble) is also very real. But it’s up to both countries to pursue this.

It will be interesting to see what goes into the plan of action over the next 12 months.

How Kiwis see Vietnam

Most of my Kiwi friends love Vietnam for many business and cultural reasons.

Vietnam has a large population, incomes are increasing, as is consumer appetite. It is undergoing rapid digital transformation, has an insane mobile penetration and is experiencing massive growth in digital commerce.

Vietnam is also ideally located, with easy access to the rest of South East Asia from vibrant economic hubs such as Ho Chi Minh City.

New Zealanders seem to find Vietnamese people easy to connect with. They love the food. It is a culture known for its genuine warmth and amazing hospitality.

We also share in common:

  • a significant period of digital transformation — thanks to COVID-19, both societies and economies are having to use digital and data-driven technologies to transform.
  • strong leadership and a shared conviction in beating the pandemic — both governments reacted early and decisively to COVID-19 and both nations got behind collective behaviours such as strict social distancing and quarantining.

As a result, we are both coming out of COVID lockdown early and are starting to economically recover ahead of most of the world.

It’s why it makes sense to work together.

Role of the Digital Council

As chair of the Digital Council, I believe the Council can help ensure this growing partnership gels.

In the conversations we are having with stakeholders across the business sector in New Zealand, inclusive growth is a priority.

Kiwis want to see indigenous and minority businesses and women entrepreneurs thrive in the years ahead.

They’re also interested in the growth of e-commerce and digital marketplaces.

Vietnam has a very well-established e-commerce industry, with very strong homegrown providers shaped through years of fierce competition against multinationals.

New Zealand can learn a lot from our Vietnamese counterparts.

On the other hand, we have plenty to share on issues to do with climate change, inclusion and food safety management.

Positive vibe between New Zealand and Vietnam

Doing business and travelling regularly between both countries, I’m often in the relationship zone and observe it at ground level.

I feel a palpable positive vibe and a high level of interest between the two countries.

We are mutually interested in trade, our unique history, culture and language, and ultimately, learning from one another, as we head into a post-COVID world.



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