Towards Preserving Digital Culture — An interview series


Towards preserving Digital Culture is a portrait series designed as a contribution to the Software Heritage initiative — an endeavor endorsed by UNESCO. This initiative is dedicated to the safeguarding of software heritage, ensuring its preservation and accessibility for succeeding generations.

The primary objective of this series is to underscore the pivotal role of software heritage preservation in mitigating the loss of digital cultural heritage. Through a diverse array of voices, we aim at stimulating new dialogues on this contemporary heritage, by navigating challenges posed by the relentless progress and obsolescence of technologies & by addressing issues and challenges such as the complexities of preserving formats and environments and legal limitations.

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

Driving this initiative forward is Camille Françoise, Product Manager Research & Heritage on New Media at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, and Software Heritage Ambassador.

In this series, we invited a diverse selection of esteemed professionals to share their insights on the preservation of software heritage. Our immense gratitude to the interviewees for their invaluable contributions to this series !

Somaya Langley, Digital Preservation Manager, Science Museum Group, Interview.

Kenneth Seals-Nutt, Software Engineer & Researcher, Co-founder of Science Stories — Interview.

Amy Thomas, Lecturer in Intellectual Property & Information Law, University of Glasgow — Interview.

Tom Ensom, Digital Conservator — Interview.

Jakob Moesgaard, Research Librarian, The Royal Library of Denmark — Interview.

Caylin Smith, Digital Preservation Manager, Cambridge University Libraries — Interview.

Avinash Changa, Founder & Director of WeMakeVR, Creative Technologist — Interview.

Morgan Stricot, Media and Digital Art Conservator, ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe — Interview.

Paul Wheatley, Head of Research & Practice, Digital Preservation Coalition — Interview.

Patricia Falcao, Time-based Media Conservator & Researcher — Interview.

Brandon Butler, Copyright Lawyer & Director of Intellectual Property and Licensing, University of Virginia Library — Interview.

Wendy Hagenmaier, Software Preservation Manager, Yale University — Interview.

Dragan Espenschied, Preservation Director, Rhizome — Interview.

Gaby Wijers, Director and Founder of LI-MA — Interview.



Towards Preserving Digital Culture

This series has been brought together by Camille Françoise, Product Manager Research & Heritage on New Media at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision.