Top 7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Considered to Be Important in Today’s Business

Digital Drive 360
5 min readJan 30, 2024


Top 7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Considered to Be Important in Today’s Business
Digital Marketing Institute in Gurgaon

Using the right tools to connect to the target audience at the right time and place is referred to as Digital Marketing. It is true that even in the modern age, traditional marketing is relevant, however, since we spend a lot of time on the internet these days, digital marketing is certainly on the rise. The global digital market is estimated to be around $786 billion by the year 2026. Pursuing Digital Marketing course from a good Digital marketing institute in Gurgaon, will help.

Today Digital Marketing has become extremely popular among businesses of all sizes. If you do not have a proper strategy for Digital Marketing, it will be difficult for your company to grow. SEO, Pay per click ads, email marketing, content marketing etc. all fall under the hat of Digital marketing. Therefore, pursuing digital marketing training from a good Digital Institute in Gurgaon, will help.

7 Reasons Why Businesses Should Focus on Digital Marketing

There are several reasons as to why, it is important for the businesses today to focus on digital marketing and some of these reasons are:

1. Customers Are Online

These days, on an average a person spends around 7 hours online everyday. This is a combination of both professional and recreational use. Out of these 7 hours, 2 hours are dedicated only to social media platforms browsing. This means that the customers today spend almost half of their day on the digital platform. These days the marketeers have access to their customers like never before. They have 7 hours’ time each day to reach their audience. This is one of the most important factors that contribute to the growing importance of Digital Marketing.

2. Engaging and Retaining Customers is Easy

Digital Marketing has a multi-channel approach that helps the businesses to remove the unknown variables that are created by the in person customer experiences and show the products to the target audience in a controlled environment.

Studies show that the businesses that are using all the social media platforms to promote their services are able to retain 89% more customers. This is a big difference, if we compare to the 33% of the companies that are not very much active in the different platforms.

The brands are also able to easily reach out to their customers, solve their queries in real time. Chatbots, for example, are making customer service much easier.

The question that might however come up is how it is that digital marketing helps in retention. The answer is that digital marketing helps you understand your customer behaviour and based on that you deliver a product or service that caters to their needs.

3. Competitors Are Using Digital Marketing

There are several things that digital marketing can do and your competitors are already doing it. Try to find out if your competitors are using a specific type of content or videos to promote their products or services. You can also try to find out the different ways they are using to communicate their brand, the level of the engagement with the audience etc. and see if you can do something better. Researching what your competitors are doing and coming up with something better than them is very important for your business.

To do this research, you will have to use Google analytics tool and other tools like AHREFs or SEMRUSH. This will help you to understand how much traffic your competitors are generating and you will also get an idea of the keywords that are helping their website to rank in Google. You will also know the kind of content your competitors are posting on the different social media handles. You can learn about all these tools, if you pursue an Digital Marketing course in Gurgaon.

4. Connect to The Largest Market

There are various ways that digital marketers have to reach out to their customers. Study shows that about 62% of the social media users fall within the 18–34 age bracket. So, the digital marketers are today able to focus on a smaller range of people who already have several things in common. Each social media platform has a different social profile and digital marketers can target and appeal to that.

5. Track Your Marketing Campaign and Get Better Results

Digital Marketing allows you to track your market in a better way, so as to get better results. A lot of time and money are invested into the campaigns. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all of them are working. Digital marketing helps you to track the ROI of your campaign and the other indicators quite easily. This helps you understand whether you are able to bring good results. The metrics include clicks, likes, impressions, comments, shares, conversations etc. The type of metric you will choose will depend on the results that you want to achieve. If you want to monitor specific metrics of your campaign, you should set up a tracking system. If you keep a track of the performance of your campaign, you will be able to fix it easily and adapt to the changes. If you make the changes immediately, that can help you make a lot of money. This helps you maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns and this way, you are also able to spend your budget in a much more effective way.

6. Faster Results and Cost Effective

With digital marketing, you are able to take advantage of the digital infrastructure rather than physical real estate like the storefront windows or the billboard. Renting billboards can be very expensive. You will have to spend thousands of dollars to run these billboards for a very short span of time. Digital marketing allows you to create digital media that might go viral and reach millions within a very short span of time. Therefore, these days, the businessmen have to just pay for the Digital Marketing campaign and pay nothing for the campaigns.

7. Great Return on Investment

The digital marketing professionals know the steps that they need to take to reach their audience. Therefore, you are able to get the most out of every dollar you spend. One of the best marketing ways that gives good ROI is email marketing. This allows you to get a return of 4400% on your investment. This is a wonderful opportunity for you as it allows you to grow and earn a good profit. Research shows that on an average, companies generate $2 for every $1 they spend on Google ads. Moreover the cost of digital marketing is as much as 62% less than the traditional methods.


The popularity of Digital marketing among the business owners has risen considerably in the last few years. It is rather considered to be a holy grail that has several benefits. This type of marketing requires less budget and there is a lot of innovation and creativity there. If you have a digital marketing company with you will benefit a lot. If you want to know more about Digital Marketing, you can enroll in a good Digital Marketing Training In Gurgaon.



Digital Drive 360

Digital Drive 360 is a professional digital marketing training company in gurugram, India. We provide digital marketing training and digital marketing courses a