Most Important Steps for Selecting Commercial Intent Keywords

9 min readMay 26, 2017


Choosing the right keyword for SEO is a top priority. But more often you do not just need the right, but exact keywords that will attract the visitors and lead them to your website.

And these are the high commercial intent keywords that are almost similar to how it sounds when a prospective client is seeking for his kind of product very much eager to pay the price.

The invitation from these prospects is clear and loud and if you are smart enough, the right use of such high commercial intent keywords will direct all such prospects to your site. According to small business SEO services, the main intention behind using these keywords is that it should directly hit the target.

It is a type of intent marketing in which the keywords are targeted at those customers who are just eager to buy right now. For example, consider that a customer is just looking for services that he may need in the later stage. So, such a customer is in the early research phase and in that case, his target keyword will be ‘plumbing services’ or to be specific ‘plumbing services in Oklahoma.’

In such a case you can target this keyword with a checklist so that you succeed in making a good impression and he may come to you later on when his need is more urgent. But when someone is in urgent need of plumbing services, he will even mention the particular plumbing service he requires.

For example, if the customer wants some repairing to be done, he will search for ‘plumbing repairing services in Oklahoma.’ This particular keyword makes his requirement/intent clear and this particular person can be a hot lead.

You must target such hot leads with PPC and you are sure to get good hits and conversions.

Types of Search Queries

There are three basic types of queries: These include:

· Informational Keywords: Such searches are carried out to learn about something or to get answer to questions

· Transactional Keywords: These are the searches that are carried out for buying something

· Navigational Keywords: These are the searches done for locating a particular website

When it comes to commercial intent keywords, professional SEO services rely only on transactional searches. Keywords are the signals that come from the prospective clients and especially those having commercial intent promise better chances of leads and conversions.

Now, that you know that the transactional keywords should only be considered as commercial intent keywords, it is the time that you also know how to detect keywords with high commercial intent.

Product And Buy Now Keywords

There are lots of keywords that are searched across the internet. But some keywords have more strength than others. And that is why high commercial intent search queries are divided into two main categories:

· Product Keywords

· Buy Now Keywords

What Is A ‘Buy Now’ Keyword With Commercial Intent?

Just as the term suggests this particular keyword indicates that the prospect is just eager to buy anything at the same moment. This particular user has made up his mind to buy and now is just looking for options and offers that will meet his expectations.

The terms used by such prospects for searching are:

· Discount (s)

· Buy

· Deal (s)

· Free shipping

· Coupon (s)

All these keywords indicate that the prospect has already decided to buy a product, and all he is seeking is a good deal. In this case, the word ‘buy’ reveals the strongest commercial intent. It is as if the prospect is declaring that he wants to pay you the cash and purchase whatever you are offering on sale.

The other words such as deals, discounts also indicate that the buyer wants to buy the product, but it also signals that he is looking for some offers in the form of discounts and deals. These incentives will tempt him to buy your product more.

What Is A ‘Product’ Keyword With Commercial Intent?

Another type of important keyword with high commercial intent is ‘product’ keyword. These keywords also lead to high conversion rates but even then here the prospect might be a bit hesitant to invest in your product immediately rather than those who belong to the ‘buy now’ category.

Types of ‘product’ keywords are:

· Specific products (Samsung Galaxy S5 etc.)

· Best

· Affordable

· Review

· Comparison

· Branded searches (searches that include name of brand/goods)

· Categories of product (beach accessories, summer dresses, insect repellant etc.)

· Cheapest

· Top

Not all the keywords are valuable for you. Some of them will be more valuable and it will be decided by the type of business in which you deal. Product-specific keywords or branded keywords are highly competitive and hence have a high conversion rate.

On the other hand, SEO services always consider the keywords like ‘review’ or ‘comparison’ for conversions although these keywords do not look very strong. It is because although these keywords do not directly suggest the buying intent, the intention behind checking comparisons and reviews is always to purchase.

When it comes to creating the product keywords list, you should first understand the distinction between the product and lead searches. For example, if the keyword says, ‘hire a lawyer,’ then the intent is to discuss business and see if things can work out from there.

What does this indicate? It means that even though the prospect is a hot lead and really interested in hiring a lawyer, he will discuss business and the conversion will take from here. That is why, for service-based businesses, best can be a better term.

For example, here you can use the term ‘hire the best lawyer.’ In case, the product search is completely focused on particular product or brand then, the keywords like ‘cheapest’ or affordable’ are highly competitive and effective.

Commercial Intent Keywords Or High Search Volume Keywords- Which Are More Valuable?

It is a common thing for businesses to invest thousands to increase their visibility online. And if high traffic is the focus it is certainly the right thing to do. But if the visitors are not getting converted into leads or are not buying the product you are selling, then there must be some problem with your approach.

High traffic keywords can serve a purpose only for the click-bait websites such as BuzzFeed that are supported by ads. Otherwise, these keywords do not give you many conversions. It certainly does not mean that big keywords having less commercial intent should not be targeted.

But top SEO services believe in targeting keywords that are reflected far above in the purchasing funnel. On the other hand, you should use keywords with high commercial intent for paid search campaigns. Here are a few reasons for that:

· With paid search ads you are placed at the top of search result page

· You can make adjustments or tweaks for optimizing according to cost per click, cost per conversion, and cost per lead and similar metrics

· Shopping Ads or similar ad types have a high capacity to attract the searchers having a commercial intent and hence you have more chance of getting clicks from such people eager to buy.

Customized Keywords

Just as marketing requirement of every business is different, similarly not all types of typical commercial intent keywords suit everyone’s business. In that case, you have to work and think a bit more and find out the exact commercial intent search queries that can give your desired conversions.

For a business-based service, ‘hourly rate’ or ‘rent’ can be one of those keywords with highest commercial intent. While planning such keywords the best SEO service company also considers the action you intend your prospective customers to take after they click on your ads.

If for example, you are carrying out the campaigns only with the purpose of gaining leads then, you can use the term, ‘free trial’ as the commercial intent keyword. It means that not all the keywords are suitable for every business and hence while selecting keyword with highest commercial intent; you have to think more and come up with your own list.

But how do you identify such specific high commercial intent keywords for your kind of business?

Irrespective of the kind of business you run, you can still find out such keywords for your business and increase your conversion rate. Here are some such options that will surely help you in identifying the keywords with highest commercial intent for your type of business.

1. Adwords Keyword Planner

One of the finest ways to find out the keywords with highest commercial intent is undoubted, the AdWords Keyword Planner. For finding out these keywords:

1. Go To AdWords account

2. Click on the ‘Tools’ tab

3. Select Keyword Planner

4. Choose new keyword & ad group ideas from this list

5. Put in service or product specific within the search field

Within few seconds, search volume trends graph will come on the screen.

6. Go to ‘keyword ideas’ tab.

Here you will come across suggested keywords list from where you can pick up the keywords with high commercial intent.

In the above snapshot, the keyword, ‘buy iPhone’ is shown having the highest bid. It is because this particular keyword has the highest commercial intent. Hence, competition for this keyword is also intense.

Even the other highlighted keywords are keywords with highest commercial intent. In this case, ‘cheap iPhone’ has been searched two times more than the ‘buy iPhone’ keyword. It means the monthly search volume for ‘cheap iPhone’ is much higher than for ‘buy iPhone.’

But even then the latter is a keyword with highest commercial intent than ‘cheap iPhone’ because ‘buy iPhone’ indicates the immediate intent of the potential customer to buy, whereas the customer searching for ‘cheap iPhone’ is also looking for some deals or discounts.

In this way, with the help of AdWord Planner, you can check out the different monthly searches ranking high in the bid and select your keywords with highest commercial intent.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is another way to find out the keywords that can gain you maximum conversions. For getting the results:

1. Go to Google Analytics account

2. Click on AdWords Keywords report under the Acquisition tab (Acquisition > AdWords > AdWords Keywords)

3. Result table showing the top-keywords will appear

4. To the left, you will see top 10 keywords displayed by default

5. You can change the goal you want to measure using the drop-down menu that is at the top as circled in the above figure

6. The three different columns beside the goal reveal the visits in percentage, total conversions and then, their monetary value in the third column.

In case you do not assign monetary values while checking goals, the third column will show zero volumes. But you must add monetary values because it will help you know which keywords are actually gaining you conversions and how many of them are finally converting into sales.

You can accordingly, pick up your high commercial intent keywords.

3. UberSuggest

You can also use another tool, UberSuggest for this purpose. Go to and enter the word you want to search. For example, if you use the word ‘coupon’ into the search bar, the result will reveal all the keywords related to it including the long-tail permutations.

You can in this way search for different terms such as ‘coupon deals’ or ‘coupon code’ and make a comprehensive list of such keyword variations that are specific to your service or product.

4. Google Auto-Complete

It is a search tool from Google that usually is overlooked. However, SEO consulting services use it to get an idea about the phrases that are used by the searchers in the search box. Google also considers these terms relevant.

You can use Google Auto-Complete to track down as many related terms as you want.


One thing you must always understand while determining keywords with high commercial intent is that users use different phrases depending upon the different stages. For example, if they are in the learning stage and just want to know about a specific product, their phrase will be different.

Similarly, when they have decided to buy and are in the buying process, they will use a different phrase.

In the phase one, it will be all about understanding and try to find a solution to their problem. After researching they will have a better understanding of it.

In the second phase, with the understanding they have developed after doing all the research they will narrow down their search to a specialized solution. This is the stage when they are now looking for particular services or products and will look out for comparisons and reviews.

The third stage is when they have decided what to buy and from where. So this buyer is the hot lead, who is ready to buy.

Now the idea is to reach this prospective customer, impress him and lead him to the sales funnel. With the right combination of high intent commercial keywords and SEO strategy, you can easily reach the goal.

