How to Write SEO-friendly Content using Ai Writer software

Sathish Jadhav
5 min readAug 14, 2022


How to Write SEO-friendly Content using Ai Writer software

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an important part of online marketing. It’s the process of making your website as visible as possible to search engines and thereby improving your website’s chances of being found by potential customers. In order to make your website more visible, you need to ensure that your content is well-written and SEO-friendly.

Luckily, there are many tools available that can help you write SEO-friendly content. Ai Writer software can help you plan and write your content in a way that is both well organized and easy to read. By using Ai Writer software, you can quickly create content that is both informative and engaging for your readers.

What is Ai Writer?

Ai Writing software allows you to create high-quality content for your website or blog. It is easy to use and can be customized to fit your needs. Ai Writer has many features that make it a great tool for SEO purposes. Here are some tips on how to write SEO-friendly content using Ai Writer:

  1. Use keywords throughout your content. Not only should you include keywords in the text of your article, but you should also use them in the title, in the headings, and in the tags used in your article. This will help Google index your content and give it more exposure.
  2. Make sure your text is well-written and error-free. A well-written article will be more likely to attract readers and spark their interest, which will lead to higher search engine rankings.
  3. Create engaging images and videos. Including photos and videos that are relevant to your topic can increase clickthrough rates (CTRs) and lead to more traffic to your site.
  4. Write for an audience of specific niche users. If you know what interests your readers, you’ll be able to write content that’s more likely to appeal to them. This

How to Write SEO-Friendly Content in Ai Writer

When writing for the web, you want to make sure your text is easy to scan and read. SEO-friendly content is important for both search engine optimization and human readers. Here are six tips to help you write SEO-friendly content in Ai Writer:

  1. Use headings and subheadings to improve clarity. H1 tags and subheadings can help guide the reader through your article. For example, a subheading might be “The Benefits of Using Headlines in Your Articles”.
  2. Use images, infographics, and videos to illustrate your points. Images help readers see your ideas visually. Infographics present complex information in an easy-to-understand format, while videos show how something works in action.
  3. Use keywords throughout your text. This includes using them in the title, in the body of the text, and in the URL (unfortunately, this isn’t always possible). Not only will using keywords improve your ranking on search engines, but people who search for specific information will see them as well.
  4. Use active voice instead of passive voice. When you use passive voice, you describe things without taking

Tips for Writing Good SEO-Friendly Content

SEO-friendly content is important for any website or blog. Not only will it help your website rank higher in search engines, but it can also help you attract more visitors and better-quality traffic. Here are five tips for writing SEO-friendly content:

  1. Use descriptive, keyword-rich titles and headings. Make sure to use keywords throughout your article, including in the title and in the text of each paragraph.
  2. Write in an engaging, reader-friendly style. Keep your language simple and to the point, using active and engaging verbs to draw readers in.
  3. Include plenty of images, videos, and other multimedia content. This will help you engage with readers on a more personal level and increase click-through rates (CTRs).
  4. Continuously update your content. If you write an article that’s not relevant to your audience or doesn’t include new and exciting information, don’t wait around for Google to penalize you — update it ASAP!
  5. Avoid spammy or unethical techniques such as deceptive cloaking (making a site look like it’s from a different domain), hidden text ads, or paid guest posts on other

Top 5 Ai Content Writing Software

  1. Jasper: you can finish writing high-quality content 2–5X faster! ✍️ Jasper can help write your blog articles, social media posts, marketing emails, and more. Jasper knows over 25+ languages, so whether you’re not writing in your spoken tongue or want to translate your content for multiple languages you can do it with Jasper.
  2. Copymatic: CopyMatic is powered by Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), so you can be confident that the content it produces is 100% unique. Plus, it’s optimized for conversions, so you don’t need to hire a separate copywriter. Simply use CopyMatic and let it do all the work for you!
  3. Writesonic: writesonic offers an Ai Content Writer that writes content for you by drawing from a library of over-the-top and relevant content. Craft compelling marketing copy in seconds with an AI-powered copywriting assistant.
  4. Rytr: Rytr is a smart writing assistant you always needed but never had. It’s an AI-powered writing tool that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost!
  5. Wordhero: Introducing WordHero — an AI writing tool that helps you write high-quality blog articles, social media captions, emails, ads, sales copy, product/SEO descriptions, and more — in just a few clicks! WordHero offers an entire suite of 50+ writing tools — with new ones added constantly!
  6. Peppertype: Peppertype Ai is a content generation tool that helps you create good quality content for your blog in a few seconds. Read more about the tool and see if it’s the right tool for you.
  7. Autowriter: It’s like content creation at your fingertips, give a few words of description and get some amazing content in seconds. You can generate blogs, Facebook ad copy, Google ad copy, product descriptions, and a lot more.


Writing SEO-friendly content is essential for any website or blog. Unfortunately, not all content is easy to write or edit in a way that will help improve your site’s ranking. Fortunately, Ai Writer makes it relatively easy to produce high-quality, keyword-rich content without much effort on your part. If you are looking to improve the visibility and search engine rankings of your site, consider using this powerful software to write great content that can be easily optimized.

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Sathish Jadhav

I am a Freelance web Designer and Digital Marketer based in Dubai — UAE. Digital Marketing is my passion, Researching on Business modules and Case Studies.