Selecting Campaign Type with Google Ad words | Is it Best for You?

Digitalleadership Institution
4 min readFeb 23, 2018


AdWords lets you promote your brand in various ways and the different campaign types which can help you with this is broken down in this article.

When you start setting up your AdWords campaign, you’ll need to choose a campaign type. The campaign type determines things like where your ads can show to customers on Google’s advertising networks and what format they can be in, like text or video.

With these options, you can tailor your campaign to match your business goals and focus on the features most relevant to you.

Campaign types include:

Let’s give you further details about each category:

1.Search Network with Display Select (SNDS)

Containing the broadest reach of all campaign types, the SNDS places text ads on search result pages and websites in the Google Display Network (GDN). In other words, SNDS re-purposes text ads in responsive banner ads and places them on websites. It’s not as pretty as creating your own image ads, but it is a quick effective way to get ads out there.

The SNDS contains only two campaign type feature selections: “Standard” and “All Features.” The “Standard” setting will enable the most commonly used ad extensions (Sitelinks, Location, Call), and hides advanced settings (Ad Scheduling, Ad Rotation, Dynamic Search Ads, Campaign URL Options). The stripped down “Standard” features view is a little less intimidating and a good choice for new AdWords users.

When should you use SNDS?

  • Medium to large budget
  • Small industry niche
  • Small geographic target area
  • If your Search Network campaign isn’t reaching target budget and you’re optimized

2.Search Network Only

Search Network (SN) Only campaigns allow you to show text ads on the search engine result pages only. Campaign features are more extensive than SNDS, and besides “Standard” and “All Features” they include Mobile app installs, Mobile app engagement, Dynamic Search Ads, and Call-only. “Standard” features are a good bet for the new Adwords users in this case as well, as the features include five extensions — two more than SNDS (Callout, Structured-Snippets). The Search Network is a great place to advertise for a wide range of businesses, and it’s particularly good for local businesses.

When should you use the SN?

  • Any budget
  • Appropriate choice for most businesses
  • If you want to advertise on Google Maps
  • If you want to pay to be #1 on Google

3.Display Select Only

Known for displaying image ads, the Display Network (DN) contains over a million websites to show ads on (managed placements). The features are slightly different for the DN and start with “Marketing objectives” or “No marketing objective.” If you select “Marketing objectives,” you’ll be able to build your campaign based on awareness (impressions), influence (visits, engagement), or actions (buy, call, visit a location). As you select from one of these three boxes you will change the features on the page that relate best to building that type of campaign.

When should you use the DN?

  • For building brand awareness
  • If you have certain website you want to advertise on
  • To create remarketing campaigns
  • If you want to display ads on YouTube


Google Shopping ads don’t have much setup and there aren’t many features to select. If you want to show products from your eCommerce store in Google Shopping, then you’ll need to setup the Google Merchant Center. While the process is not difficult, there can be roadblocks depending on how your eCommerce store is set up. If Google Merchant Center is set up and receiving your store’s feed, hook it up to your new Shopping campaign and Google will do the rest — no need to target or create ads.

When should you use Google Shopping?

  • If you have an eCommerce store


Advertise on YouTube with Video campaigns on Google Adwords. You can choose ad formats that serve as an option to skip the ad after five seconds or as a six-second buffer between videos. Campaign features allow you to extend ads with shopping campaigns and with mobile app installs. Campaign setting is straightforward here, but there are a few options to select to get started.

When should you use Video campaigns?

  • For creating placing your commercial video content on YouTube
  • If you have video content you want to promote

Video ad formats include:

  • TrueView In-Stream: These are the ads that are cut into the beginning, middle or end of video.
  • TrueView Discovery: These appear on the display network as a thumbnail on a page, or video search result. If the thumbnail is clicked the viewer will be taken to the YouTube site.
  • Bumper: Theses are videos of 6 seconds or less that appear before videos on YouTube and display network. Bumper videos are based on impressions since the viewer cannot skip this type of ad.

6.Universal App Campaign

Easily advertise your app across Search, Display, and Video Networks with the Universal App Campaign. This is the best place to set up advertising for your app because of Google’s reach. Setup is straightforward in this campaign as well, although you will need to add your app and modify your objectives.

Selection of campaign type is requirement specific. And do experiment with the available features, because what works for you might not work for others and vice versa.



Digitalleadership Institution

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