TikTok Advertising 2020,How to Advertise on TikTok in 2020


You can utilize TikTok’s measurement tools to monitor the performance of every promotion that you make. You can likewise see the reports and information of your advertisement conveyance execution directly from your promotion account.

TikTok Ad Formats

There are huge amounts of advertisement position choices you can run direct on TikTok in the event that you work with the promotion and deals group. You have In-Feed Video, Branded Takeover, Top View, Hashtag Challenge and Brand Lens. Lets delve somewhat more profound into every one.

1> In-Feed Video

The in-channel local video, native video ad formats arranges in TikTok are the normal advertisements that you’ll hope to see on other social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram.

They’re 15-second video detects that naturally show up while clients investigate posted content.

2>Brand Takeover

A brand takeover is typically one of the most costly advertisement buying choices. It’s a full-screen advertisement that shows up at whatever point a client opens TikTok just because.

A brand takeover can either be a three-to-five second GIF or even a three-second picture or video.

3> Top View

Top View develops the Brand Takeover idea, and joins with the first in-feed position. After :03s, video flawlessly turns into the first in-feed post.

4> HASHTAG Challenge

TikTok’s Signature Ad Product — a User Generated Branded Content Machine. Difficulties are a fundamental element of TikTok’s people group community. TikTok’s users love responding to a call and making and uploading videos, recordings in like manner. These difficulties are generally given a #-label name, to make them both important and simple to-discover. Brands can likewise support hashtag challenges on TikTok. Except if your brand has figured out how to develop a well known TikTok channel of its own

4>Branded Lens

Snap has lens and charges 5 figures for one day. TikTok has one too.

At the point when clients make recordings on TikTok, they can browse an assortment of branded lenses to enhance their content.

Besides, a marked branded lenses is constantly shown in TikTok’s trending segment, and clients can interface with them while recording.

TikTok Campaign Structure

A TikTok Ads is made up of three levels: Campaign, Ad Group, Ad

How to Advertise on TikTok, TikTok Ads, Advertising in TikTok, How to Advertise on Tiktok, TikTok Ads India, How to Start With TikTok Sponsored Ads, Lead Capturing Ads on TikTok


Specific steps:

1>Select the campaign goal: app install/landing page

2>Set the budget for the campaign

3>Start creating an ad group

Ad Group

Specific steps:

1>Choose placements

2>Set campaign object

3>Set your target audience

4>Set up a campaign budget and schedule for ad group

5>Set optimization goals and bids

6>Start creating ads


1>Upload and add your picture or video

2>Add ad text and call-to-action text, select ad cover, etc.

TikTok Ad Targeting


  • Interest-Based: Beauty, Food, Travel…ect. See image below
  • Custom: Blacklist, Whitelist, Lookalike
  • Pixel


Age: 13–17, 18–24, 25–34, 35–44, 45–54, 55+

  • Gender: Male & Female
  • Location: Select Country
  • Language: French, English, Japanesse,..ect


  • Carrier: provider in each country above
  • Operating SystemL iOS, Android
  • Network Type: Wifi, 4G, 3G, 2G

TikTok advertising , advertising on TikTok, TikTok advertising video , TikTok advertising cost, TikTok app advertising, TikTok paid advertising, TikTok for advertising,

Learn More:

TikTok Marketing Strategy for Business 2020

