What is Bun? Is the hype real?

Let’s get this decoded —

Digital Nomad 101
3 min readNov 24, 2023


Photo by Choi Sungwoo on Unsplash

What is Bun?

When we mention “Bun,” we’re not referring to the soft, baked goodness often paired with burgers. Instead, we’re diving into the realm of software development. In the coding universe, Bun is not just a snack; it’s a comprehensive toolkit designed to revolutionize how we develop, test, and bundle JavaScript & TypeScript projects. Imagine an all-in-one solution that combines a powerful bundler, a versatile test runner, and a Node.js-compatible package manager — that’s Bun.

The Evolution of Tooling — Bun is a JavaScript runtime.

For many developers, the switch from a familiar tool like Yarn to Bun might raise eyebrows. Here, we explore the reasons behind such a transition. What does Bun bring to the table that prompted the switch?

Bun is a new JavaScript runtime built from scratch to serve the modern JavaScript ecosystem. It has three major design goals:

  • Speed. Bun starts fast and runs fast. It extends JavaScriptCore, the performance-minded JS engine built for Safari. As computing moves to the edge, this is critical.
  • Elegant APIs. Bun provides minimal, highly optimized APIs for everyday tasks, like starting an HTTP server and writing files.
  • Cohesive DX. Bun is a complete toolkit for building JavaScript apps, including a package manager, test runner, and bundler.

How to Install Bun?

Installing a new tool can be a daunting task, but fear not.

$ curl -fsSL | bash

Let me show you a few examples:

Start an HTTP server using Bun with a mandatory “Hello World!!”

const server = Bun.serve({
port: 3000,
fetch(request) {
return new Response("Hello World!!");

console.log(`Listening on localhost:${server.port}`);

Why did I replace my Yarn Package Manager with Bun?

Bun is an npm-compatible package manager.

Bun install is 33x times faster than Yarn. Yep, that’s right. I don’t think I need any other explanation here. Mic drop moment.

You need to do:

$ bun install
Source: Bun. sh

That’s not it; it is also a test runner that makes the rest look like test walkers.

See for yourself.

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Do let me know what you think of Bun in the comment box. Thanks for reading.



Digital Nomad 101

[100% Follow Back] Engineer turned digital nomad. Loves to write about travelling!!