2 min readJan 23, 2023

How relationship with father relationships with friends

We want to tell you about Project DADS. It is an organization that aims to bridge the father-child relationship that exists for many children in their lives. We hope you will enjoy reading about who we are and what we do, and if you feel compelled to get involved with our mission, we have provided contact information below. Thank you for taking the time!

The vision of Project DADS is a society where every child grows up knowing he or she is wanted, loved and cherished by his or her father. We must recognize and honor the critical role that fathers play in the lives of their children, and we must support them in their roles as parent. The more that this happens, the less likely children will experience a life of poverty, violence, abuse and neglect.

Project DADS is an ambitious endeavor for many reasons. All of the projects we undertake will not only benefit children but also serve as a model for effective social change. We believe that what is good for one child can be good for all children in our society. Each project will be framed around the mission of Project DADS, and based on what we learn while working with our partner organizations, we will refine each goal.

We see ourselves as a catalyst for social change by making shared experiences of fatherhood and family a part of our culture. We do not pretend to have the answers concerning children’s well-being, but we do believe that if more children have the opportunity to know love and support from their fathers, then there will be less need for such interventions as foster care or adoption.learn more