4 min readSep 8, 2020


We were just about coming to terms with the Corona virus threat at Navkshitij when we got lashed by the Nisarg cyclone. Fifteen trees crashed on a number of structures. Four trees were uprooted but did not fall. They are leaning on nearby trees. Some trees smashed into the compound wall leaving large gaping holes. Tin roofs over one house were simply blown away. The shed in front of three houses suffered the worst damage. Two Nilgiri trees fell on it and smashed it to splinters. By God’s grace no one was hurt; special friends, staff members and their children, no one was hurt in the rampage.

Normally 20–25 special friends would be playing in the shed and young children of our staff members would be racing around the campus. Some special friends would be playing carom in the shed and others would be watching TV, some would be busy chitchatting and pulling each other’s leg. The cyclone hit us between 3 pm and 5 pm. Luckily, most of the special friends were in the workshop and remained safe because the workshop did not sustain any damage. When the wind started raging, our watchman noticed that four of our special friends were in one of the houses. Sensing danger, he promptly shifted them to the workshop. His sharp thinking and prompt action saved all of them. We are thankful to the Almighty that though the cyclone ravaged the premises not a single person was hurt.

Many of the special friends had to be relocated. Our staff members got working at once. Some were accommodated in the workshop and others in our community hall. Arranging for their meals, beds, toilets and managing the bath timings and morning chores was a challenge and my colleagues handled logistics with a lot of compassion and innovativeness. Our special friends realised the enormity of the problem and very maturely co-operated with the care-givers.

Fallen trees blocked many roads so it was very inconvenient for special friends to move around. It blocked the entry of the water tanker also. So cutting trees and making the internal roads clear was the first priority. Electrical wires got cut at many places so there was no electricity in the premises. By then the heavy down pour had started and added to the difficulties.

Early next morning, our staff members with the help of special friends started clearing the roads. Our electrician Sayyad and Mr Kamble the person who helped us with fabrication work reached by 7 in the morning. A team of people arrived and they started cutting the trees and helped to clear the road faster. People from the fire brigade arrived and help us cut the large trees. By afternoon, the road was partly cleared and some of the electrical circuits were restored. Marunji village still had no electricity supply but our generator had become functional.

The tin roof over Kalyan house had blown away and the rains were pouring. For two days, they had to stay at the community centre. People from Vibhas, Sarang and Malhar houses could not enter their house because the fallen shed had blocked their entrance. It took four days to remove the shed and only then could they go back to their houses. Finally, routine activities at Navkshitij resumed some form of normalcy.

The rest of the restoration will take about a month because due to the lockdown it is difficult to find skilled workers. Besides, keeping the threat of Corona virus in mind we want to ensure that only a minimum number of outsiders are working in Navkshitij premises at any given time.

I am very happy to tell you that once I learnt that no one was hurt in the rampage of the cyclone I was totally relieved. The problem of restoration did not bother us too much because we are fully confident of the support of our well-wishers and the parents and siblings of our special friends. As soon as we sent out the appeal for help, well-wishers from all over India and abroad proved to us once more that our confidence was fully justified.

Once more Team Navkshitij rose to the challenge and handled the crisis with promptness, innovativeness and compassion. They ensured that our special friends were inconvenienced to the minimum. I really admire the Navkshitij team.

We, the Trustees of Navkshitij bow to all our well-wishers. It is because of kind-hearted people like you, that in such adverse situations also we have been able to serve all our special friends for so many years.

Dr. Chandrasekhar Desai,

Vice-President, Navkshitij.

