How to Reduce the Size of an Android App During Development

Adam Wills
4 min readJul 19, 2023


How to Reduce the Size of an Android App During Development

In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, delivering a seamless user experience is paramount. However, one common challenge that developers face is dealing with large app sizes, which can lead to slow downloads, increased storage space requirements, and decreased user retention rates. Therefore, it is crucial for developers to optimize their Android applications to reduce their size while maintaining the app’s functionality and performance. In this article, we will explore several strategies and best practices to achieve significant size reductions during the development phase.

1. Evaluate Third-Party Libraries

When building an Android app, developers often rely on third-party libraries to expedite development. However, these libraries can contribute significantly to the app’s overall size. It is essential to carefully assess the necessity of each library and opt for more lightweight alternatives whenever possible. Additionally, utilizing ProGuard or R8 can help eliminate unused code, further reducing the app’s size.

2. Optimize Image and Resource Assets

Visual elements, such as images and icons, constitute a significant portion of an app’s size. To reduce this impact, developers can employ various optimization techniques. For instance, converting images to modern formats like WebP can significantly reduce their size without compromising image quality. Compressing and resizing images appropriately can also lead to substantial size savings.

3. Minimize APK Expansion Files

APK expansion files are used to deliver large assets alongside the main APK. While they are sometimes necessary, developers should aim to minimize their usage. By employing dynamic loading techniques or hosting larger files on remote servers, developers can avoid bundling unnecessary assets with the initial APK, thereby reducing the app size.

4. Compressing and Shaping Code

Code optimization plays a crucial role in reducing an app’s size. Developers can enable compression techniques like Gzip to reduce the size of transmitted data during network requests. Additionally, employing vector graphics instead of bitmap images can significantly reduce the size of drawable resources.

5. Modularization and Feature On-Demand

Breaking down the app into smaller, independent modules allows users to download only the required features, reducing the initial installation size. Implementing feature on-demand loading enables users to download specific functionalities as needed, further optimizing the app’s size.

6. Remove Unused Resources

Throughout the development process, it is common for various resources to become unused or obsolete. Cleaning up the project regularly and removing these unused resources can contribute to significant size reductions.

7. Opt for Proguard/R8

Proguard and R8 are powerful tools that can significantly reduce an app’s size by removing unused code, renaming classes, and shrinking resources. By leveraging these tools, developers can achieve substantial size savings without sacrificing app functionality.

8. Audio and Video Compression

If the app involves audio or video content, developers should consider utilizing efficient compression algorithms. Choosing appropriate bitrates and codecs can help reduce the file sizes while maintaining acceptable audio and video quality.

9. Optimize Native Libraries

For apps that incorporate native code, developers can optimize the native libraries to minimize the app size. This can involve using specific compiler flags, removing unused functions, or utilizing more efficient code.

10. Regularly Update SDKs and Dependencies

Keeping SDKs and dependencies up-to-date is essential to benefit from their latest optimizations and bug fixes. Regular updates can often lead to improvements in app size and performance.


In conclusion, reducing Android app size during the development phase is crucial for enhancing user experience and engagement. By carefully evaluating third-party libraries, optimizing image and resource assets, employing compression techniques, modularizing the app, and staying up-to-date with the latest tools and best practices, developers can successfully reduce app size without compromising functionality. By following these strategies, developers can deliver efficient and compact Android applications that cater to the expectations of modern mobile users.


  1. Q: Will reducing app size affect the app’s performance?
  2. A: When done correctly, reducing app size should not negatively impact the app’s performance. In fact, it can lead to improved performance due to optimized resource loading and reduced network transmission times.
  3. Q: Can I reduce app size after the app is already published?

A: Yes, you can release updates with size optimizations. However, it is more effective to consider size reduction during the initial development phase.

4. Q: What are the consequences of a large app size?

A: A large app size can result in slower downloads, increased user churn, and lower user satisfaction, as users may be hesitant to install or update the app due to its size.

5. Q: Are there any automated tools to assist in reducing app size?

A: Yes, there are various tools like ProGuard, R8, and APK Analyzer that can help developers identify and remove unused code and resources, leading to size reductions.

6. Q: How often should I evaluate the app’s size during development?

A: It’s beneficial to regularly monitor the app’s size throughout the development process. Conducting periodic reviews ensures that size optimizations are implemented continuously and consistently.

