All You Need To Know About How To Generate More Leads From Google…!

You’re so excited about your new hair salon and you want to make sure people find you when they search online. Your friend recommended Google My Business as a way to get your business online for people to see. But, how can Google My Business actually help you?

4 min readJan 26, 2019
Google My Business helps you get your business to stand out on Google Search and Maps! You can use pictures, contact info, and more to showcase your business when people search online.
When you use Google My Business, you’ll be able to easily manage your business listings online and on our mobile app, even when you have multiple locations. Just think of the time you’ll save by being able to manage all of your locations from one app!
You can use Google My Business features to connect with your customers by responding to their reviews or to enhance your ads (if you use Google Adwords). This will be a great way to engage with your customers and share info about your business.

Meet Kerrie

Kerrie has just expanded her small coffee shop to three new locations. She’s so excited to be growing, but is concerned her customers might get confused with so many locations. Luckily, she has Google My Business to help!

Share information with customers

Kerrie wants to use her business listings to connect with her current customers and attract new ones. With Google My Business, she can do both! She just has to make sure she provides all of her information when she sets up her listing.

Once Kerrie creates an account, she can add her business information to create a listing. She wants to make sure she adds enough information so her customers know when she’s open, where she’s located, and how to contact her. She adds the address for each location, the corresponding phone numbers, her open hours, and a link to her website and online menu. Kerrie already has a great website, but if she didn’t she would be able to create one using Google My Business.
Now that Kerrie has coffee shops in multiple locations, she wants to make sure customers are able to find her. She can set up her business listings so they are more likely to appear when customers use Google Maps and Search. That way, customers will be able to find her when they are near her shops.
To make sure her listing stands out, Kerrie adds some photos of her speciality coffee drinks. She also adds a post about the monthly coffee promotion she runs, which will be visible across Maps and Search. Customers love seeing the monthly promotion when it’s released, so this should definitely keep them interested.
It only took Kerrie a little while to set up her listing and now her business will be front and center when customers search for local coffee shops. Since Google My Business can be used to manage all of her business locations with one account, Kerrie will be able to keep her listings current without having to manage multiple accounts, which means she can spend more time coming up with fun new coffee drinks!

Engage with customers

Since Kerrie’s customers are searching for her online, she wants to make sure she has a way to connect with them. She knows this is one of the best ways to get them to come to her shops. Kerrie can do more with Google My Business than list her business information. It’s also a great tool for engaging her customers.

Rspond Reviews: Kerrie loves to know what her customers think about her coffee shops, especially considering her dedication to creating great drinks and a welcoming atmosphere. When her customers leave reviews mentioning this, it helps her business stand out even more. Plus, with Google My Business, Kerrie can respond to the reviews her customers leave. She can thank them for a great review or address any concerns they might have.

Communicate With Costumers: Some customers don’t want to call a business to ask for information — they like to send a message electronically. With Google My Business, customers can ask questions or send messages directly through the listing and she can respond to them without having to leave the page. Now, she’ll have another way to communicate with her customers.

Get Calls and Direction Request From Customers: Kerrie loves that she is able to get calls and direction requests from customers who see her Google My Business listing. There’s a handy call button that appears when someone searches for her. Since so many of her customers search using their mobile phones, this will be an easy way for them to get in touch with her. They can also request directions right from the listing, which helps them find her when they are driving or walking around.

See how customers interact with your listings

Kerrie has been using Google My Business for a couple of months, and she wants to see how customers are interacting with her listing. She can use the insight feature in Google My Business to track these interactions.

With insights, Kerrie can review how her customers interact with her listing and use the information to help make changes or improve it. First, she uses insights to see how many people saw her business online and the types of things they were searching for.
Kerrie really wants to see how many of her customers are asking for directions to the areas where she opened her new shops. So, she checks out the search report to view driving direction requests and realizes that two of her locations have had fewer searches than her other locations.
Now that Kerrie has checked insights, she decides to start using AdWords Express to create ads and target them to the locations that need more advertising. With only a few more steps, she’ll be able to connect her Google My Business account to AdWords Express.

