Sharpen your employees Data Science skill-set

3 min readJun 19, 2017


Why investing on a Data Science bootcamp is a win-win for both organisations and employees

“Once upon a time, when data was part of an isolated silo…”

The previous phrase perfectly reflects how data projects were perceived in the past. Long gone are those days! Nowadays, data is used in more integrated manner, allowing to connect the dots among different data pools and to predict trends. This digital transformation supports companies to be more proactive and remain competitive. In an era where terms like “Big Data” and “Blockchain” are ubiquitous, organisations need to ensure that the way they manage data is up to speed to take the full advantage of it.

A few weeks ago, during a panel discussion on the CDO role scope, Jonas Vandenbruaene pointed out that 40% of the cases when data projects do not meet expectations are related to lack of skills. In order to sort out this challenge, organisations need to actively support their employees to acquire and master data related skills. Furthermore, this requires to -on top of acquiring technical skills- understand how to correlate data to business decisions and processes.

The acquisition of technical skills for handling needs to be complemented with business acumen acquired through real life business cases

Hence, it is crucial that companies proactively encourage and support their employees to update their skill-set with a pragmatic approach. This certainly represents a win-win: while the organisation acquires state-of-the-art tools, the employees performance and motivation remain high, leading to a good employee retention level.

In order to help organisations to achieve this, at di-Academy we are thrilled to present the second edition of our Data Science bootcamp. The program will take place at our brand new location (at DigitYser, centrally located next to metro Yser in Brussels) and is set up in two pillars:

  • The first pillar is a 7 week long Summer Camp (starting on August 7th.), providing knowledge on coding and technical tools via coached MOOC’s. Participants can also earn a certification on SAS, Microsoft Azure, SQL, Python, R, and Statistics.
  • The second pillar is a 12 week long Data Science Bootcamp (starting on October 2nd.), during which real business cases are presented by our partners on a basis of 2 days a week.

This scheme allows corporations two enrich their human talent in 2 directions:

  • Training their existing employees, allowing them to combine the bootcamp with their current job.
  • Meet highly skilled jobseekers who can be hired after the bootcamp. For this purpose, throughout the program, there will be several job fairs showcasing the participants’ talent.

Do you want to learn more details on these training and the job fairs? We invite you to join our presentation and Q&A session on July 3rd. and to contact us (, +32 (0) 470 365 507), so we can provide more details.

It is a pleasure for di-Academy to help talented companies and their employees developing digital skills. We look forward to be in touch with you and to keep alive the conversation on acquiring Data Science skills!




DigitYser is the digital flagship of Brussels where communities gather to learn, create and implement digital solutions focused on Data & AI , IOT and VR.