The Man Who Gave Up His Walking Stick

Project Dignity
1 min readAug 30, 2016


Back in the days of DK at Balestier market, there’s a man who gave Mr. Koh his walking stick. He was so inspired by the ability of the people with disabilities at Dignity Kitchen that he gave up his walking stick.

When DK moved to Kaki Bukit, someone took it away by accident but it was returned safely. The walking stick has the name “Hasa Mohideen” stated on it.

And today at our latest premise, this walking stick still reminds us of how it all started.

This story is taken from Dignity Kitchen post dated August 2, 2011.



Project Dignity

To build and return the dignity to the disadvantaged and disabled through vocation with passion. Hawker training center for People With Disability in Singapore.