Embarking on the LLM Journey: A Beginner’s Guide to LangChain

Digvijay Singh
4 min readNov 28, 2023


In the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as pivotal tools, reshaping how we interact with technology. LLMs, like OpenAI’s GPT series, are advanced AI algorithms trained on vast datasets of text. They excel in understanding and generating human-like text, making them invaluable for a wide range of applications — from composing emails to coding assistance.

Understanding LangChain

LangChain stands out as a flexible and user-friendly tool designed to work seamlessly with LLMs. It’s built to simplify the integration of language models into various applications, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced users. Its modular design and support for various LLMs, including OpenAI’s GPT series, make it a versatile option for diverse projects.

Getting Started with LangChain

To begin with LangChain, you’ll need some basic Python knowledge and API keys for the LLMs you intend to use. Installation is straightforward:

  1. Install Python on your system. (This article uses python3.9)
  2. Use pip to install LangChain: pip install langchain
  3. Set up your environment by configuring the necessary API keys.
    Generate your own OpneAI Key- https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys

Exploring LLMs with LangChain

Connecting LangChain with different LLMs is a breeze. For instance, integrating GPT-3 involves just a few lines of code. Here’s a simple example of generating text with GPT-3 using LangChain:

  • Import the ChatOpenAI class from the langchain.llms module. LangChain is designed to work with various LLMs, and this specific class is used for interacting with OpenAI's language models.
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
  • An instance of the ChatOpenAI class is created and assigned to the variable llm. This instance will be used to communicate with the ChatOpenAI API. The api_key argument is where you provide your unique API key for ChatOpenAI. This key is required to authenticate your requests to ChatOpenAI’s servers.
llm = ChatOpenAI(api_key="****_YOUR_API_KEY_****")

# Replace the "****_YOUR_API_KEY_****" with your key
  • The complete method of the llm object (which represents the ChatOpenAI LLM) is called with the prompt "Once upon a time". This method sends the prompt to the ChatOpenAI LLM and asks it to generate text based on this input. The response from the LLM (i.e., the generated text) is then stored in the variable response
response = llm.invoke("Once upon a time")
  • The generated text (stored in response) is printed to the console.
  • Output:
content="in a small village, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was known in the village for her kind heart and adventurous spirit. She would often spend her days exploring the nearby forest, seeking out new and exciting discoveries.\n\nOne sunny morning, as Lily ventured deeper into the forest than ever before, she stumbled upon a hidden path. Curiosity sparked, she followed the path, unaware of the magical adventure that awaited her.\n\nAs she walked along the path, the forest seemed to transform around her. The leaves on the trees shimmered with a golden glow, and the air carried a sweet, enchanting fragrance. Lily felt a tingling sensation, as if the forest was alive with magic.\n\nEventually, the path led her to a clearing where she saw a magnificent tree, unlike any she had ever seen before. Its branches reached high into the sky, and its leaves were a dazzling array of colors. Lily couldn't help but be drawn to the tree's beauty and approached it cautiously.\n\nTo her astonishment, the tree began to speak. Its voice was gentle and soothing, filling Lily's heart with warmth. The tree introduced itself as the Guardian of Dreams and revealed that it held the power to grant one wish to anyone who proved themselves worthy.\n\nEagerly, Lily shared her deepest desire with the Guardian of Dreams. She wished for the village to be forever filled with happiness and prosperity, ensuring that everyone would have enough food, shelter, and love.\n\nImpressed by Lily's selfless wish, the Guardian of Dreams granted her request. Instantly, the village flourished with abundance. The fields grew bountiful crops, and the once-poor villagers found themselves prosperous and content. The village became a beacon of joy and harmony.\n\nLily's act of kindness and bravery had not gone unnoticed. The villagers celebrated her as a hero, and she became a symbol of hope and inspiration for generations to come. The forest and its magical inhabitants protected the village, ensuring its prosperity for years to come.\n\nAnd so, Lily's adventure in the enchanted forest forever changed her life and the lives of those around her. She taught everyone the importance of selflessness, kindness, and the power of dreams. From that day forward, the village and its people lived happily ever after, cherishing the magical tale of Lily and the Guardian of Dreams."

Best Practices and Tips

For beginners, it’s important to start with simple projects to familiarize yourself with LangChain’s functionalities. Be mindful of the ethical implications of AI-generated content and ensure to use of these technologies responsibly.


LangChain offers an accessible gateway to the world of LLMs, opening up a realm of possibilities. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, the journey into the world of advanced language AI is now more approachable than ever. Dive in, experiment, and discover the potential of LLMs with LangChain!

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Digvijay Singh

Friendly neighborhood IT guy, here to solve your tech woes and make your digital life easier.