Chromebrew (Crew) — ChromeOS Package Manager

Đinh Thành
2 min readMay 29, 2017


There is no Package Manager for ChromeOS (like apt, yum). To install any program, developers have to build them from source. That isn’t easy. Fortunately, we can install Bromebrew, a mini Package Manager for ChromeOS. With Chromebrew we can install common packages such as git, nano, curl, node (nodejs), mongodb, python, php, apache, nginx, … easily. The full package list can be found here.

To install Chromebrew, you have to turn your Chromebook into Developer Mode (guide here). Press Ctrl + Alt + T, type shell. Then type this command:

wget -q -O - | bashORcurl -Ls -o && yes | bash

That’s all. We try to install nano to see if it works?

crew install nano

To see which packages are currently available

crew search

To remove a package (ie nano)

crew remove nano

To update all package

crew update

More information about Chromecrew and list of parameters here:

Bug fixs:

  1. Can not run a program due to:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file


cp /usr/local/x86_64-cros-linux-gnu/lib64/libncurses*.so.6 /usr/local/lib64/

2. Can not download openssl:

RETR openssl-1.0.2k.tar.gz ... 
No such file 'openssl-1.0.2k.tar.gz'.

To fix this error, edit file /usr/local/lib/crew/packages/openssl.rb, change url from ftp to http

from: ''
to: source_url ''

