Muse: The Unrequited Love

Dijay Limbu
4 min readJul 10, 2023


Hello dear readers and prolific writers.

This is my very first post on medium. we all like to express our thoughts, emotions, ideas through words or even tell stories. i like to do the same like any other writer. many moons ago during lockdown (2020) we all suffered one way or another. During such trying times one of the crucial saving grace for me was to read new books, watch movies, listen music, learn vocabulary and try to pour out my whims into words. It was kind of curse and a blessing in disguise. i had a blog where i posted nearly 15 of those poems and after sometime one of my friends suggested me to post them on medium, Back then i didn’t know what medium was for and it turns out that medium is a platform for the voices of unheard prolific writers.

i will selectively post them on the basis of my preference and maybe in the coming days i will start journaling as well as share some new stories with you all. :)

i don’t consider myself as a professional writer, i don’t like to brag about being the best rather i like to focus on expressing myself, telling stories and make me feel understood.

so here it goes

“muse ” is a poem that i wrote back in summer of 2020 and was the 11th out of 15 about someone who was really special to me at that specific moment but we all know almost all the good things come to an end …. it was sort of unrequited love and i wasn’t really vocal about it but i think anyone who is reading this, you should just speak now! :)

the story goes back in the days

don’t want this to sound cliché

we were novice in the scene

thought both of us will be evergreen

what started out serene ended up berserk

unaware of the treacheries ahead and places where malevolent creatures lurks

it’s all fun and games until someone plays the victim and starts to blame

well, those are just the things of the past

no point in keeping scores for the team who picked you last

spring is finally here with beautiful charismatic views

these few stanzas for the muse to be amused

you’re probably in your room

sitting there all alone

trying to call me.. but you wont..

don’t call me when you’re bored

you don’t dare to call me baby

you’re not my lady

yeah i know this sounds a bit rude and crazy

but i have to cut you off…sorry..

i can’t be yours nor you can be mine

i’m just a crush hidden deep down like clandestine

these days i’m just ghosting you

i waited for greenlight but you always gave mixed signs

soon you’ll be knocking at my door

i wouldn’t ask you to stay or go

your garrulous friends keep talking about him

speak words and they’ll interpret endless meanings

sure he might be great but i highly doubt the way they exaggerate…

…making me insecure under my skin

he can’t be that perfect (in fact no one can be)

save your endearment for him in late night texts, “love you, miss you baby”

even when i’m at a party and i’m dancing with someone new

all i can think about is how lucky he is to have you

at this point i can’t say anything to you

the silence of stars, moon and recurring deja vu

i’m not your type and i’ll never cross your mind

i don’t want my words to go to waste nor my time

you’re probably on your way to meet him

a day well spend before he leaves early in the morning

in this age of vice and misery

you do everything that he says

but keep a keen eye to hunt down wizards and witches

we fall for the one who don’t fall for us

the one who don’t fall for us falls for someone else

and that someone is tangled up somewhere in illicit affairs

we all are enamored by facade

ahh… the irony is god damn real

let’s keep it simple

let’s keep it cool

let’s keep it this way

one step forward two steps back

in the end it’s all gonna be okay

one day you’ll be gone

only thing we’ll have in common is the memories of this small town

first it was you now it’s me who’s long gone

i hope my words hits you close to home

these untold stories, flashback memories, heart ache and longings are what i kept in my secret drawer

now this serendipity is out and about into this world

i can’t reverse time now it’s too late for you to come back around……

you got what you really wanted

you got what you deserved

i hope you’re happy now

someone once said go wherever you feel alive

so, it’s time to set out on a quest to shine, to thrive…to revive

as we’re heading towards fall and eventually harsh winter

all i can remember on this 7th of September is that “it was really a cruel cruel summer”


October 21,2022 released from the archives

“Muse” was inspired by someone who i’m not gonna reveal and the songs ,movies that I had listened, watched in pandemic lockdown. The subject matter of this poem is about being confused about someone’s feelings , intentions and having foresight where it’s hinting towards no solid ground to stand. I wrote the treatment, the ideas for this one during spring of 2020 but I finished it later on autumn.

It’s so heart warming experience to look retrospectively at all those things and good old memories that inspired you to write certain lines.

reading them back is like going through photo album and vividly recollecting, remembering things.

© Dijay Limbu 2023 All rights reserved

My other works:

Memento of Love : The Story Of Once In A Lifetime

Beloved John: Pages From The Diary

