How To Run YaCy Search Engine on Akash Network

Surya Handika Putratama
3 min readMar 21, 2022


Running YaCy Search Engine Software (YaCy) is super easy. It can be run on workstation, virtual private server, or cloud, with relatively low spec requirement. In this post, I will guide you to deploy YaCy as your personal search engine on Akash Network.


  • Windows, Linux, or Mac workstation to run Akashlytics Deploy application.
  • AKT tokens (or test tokens) to pay for server lease.


  • Download Akashlytics Deploy application from here.
  • Install the downloaded installer.
  • Select “Create new account” if you haven’t had Akash address or “Import existing account” if you have an Akash address.
  • Fund your address with AKT tokens (if you want to deploy to Akash mainnet) or test tokens (if you want to deploy on Akash testnet). You can buy some AKT from CEX like Kraken or DEX like Osmosis.


  • Before we can deploy online services on Akash, we need to generate a client certificate. Client certificate is used to secure communication between your client (in this case is Akashlytics Deploy) and cloud providers. After successful client certificate generation, we can start to deploy something on Akash Network. In this guide, we will deploy YaCy.
  • At top right corner, click Create Deployment.
  • Make sure all prerequisites is fulfilled.
  • Choose Empty template, so we can write our custom SDL
  • Copy SDL from here and make your adjustment to CPU, memory, and storage requirement. Then, click “Create Deployment” to deploy.
  • Choose any provider that you like.
  • After successful lease contract, you will see this Leases page.
  • Click the URL in Uris to access your YaCy page.

Setting Up Your YaCy Instance

  • Open YaCy’s administration page by clicking “Administration” button at the top right corner.
  • Use “admin” as username and “yacy” as password when asked.
YaCy’s administration page
  • Select your preferred language, the default is English.
  • In use case, select “Search portal for your own web pages.” Community-based web search only work on static IP & port server, thus it doesn’t work on Akash.
  • Change your peer name to identify your peer in YaCy network.
  • Lastly, you can check “with SSL” if you want to access your YaCy instance through HTTPS.

