DAO — The Gen Z Freelancing?

diksha tiwari
4 min readMar 21, 2022


DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization is a community of people with a relevant set of skill, working together towards cohesively, and getting paid for that. In other words, It is an Internet community with a bank account.

Suppose, you are a freelancer and you are looking for some opportunities on different platforms which follows a common rule: Sell your skill for X/hour or X/minute and get paid for that. Or, think of a situation where you are an employee and you are getting a monthly wage of income( talking about India, specifically). There are a lot of things that you will go through:

  1. A centralized system: This means you are following a hierarchy and that too based on the number of years of experience you are having, which in other words, is irrelevant to your skill set.
  2. Misaligned wages: The central notion of a traditional company is always “Spend least and get more” which backfires you as sometimes you do not get the justifiable amount of money for the hard work you put in.
  3. Accessibility: It is really hard to get in to a company and the same way, it is really hard to get out of it. It also aligns with a specific location, and sometimes time zone.
  4. Ownership: It is really hard to get wealthy from the monthly salary.

Now, here comes DAO- A Decentralized Autonomous Organization. Basically, it eliminates all the above said problems in the most optimal way. Here we go:

  1. Decentralized System: It means no hierarchy, no positioning and no delay which also means there is no middleman.
  2. Suitable payout: “A company serves its clients and a DAO serves its members”. Since they are not interested in taking money from you, you will be getting an aligned incentives for your work.
  3. Flexibility: You can switch your works as well. For say, at some point of time you can code and the other time, you can design. This is the flexibility that comes with a DAO.
Reference : https://www.notion.so/piedao/DAO-Member-vs-Freelancer-cfe54701b5974e0a9051ed38a759395c

Now, the question is what about the basis of every community: TRUST ?

“Code is Law”

So, here comes the Smart Contracts. These are the set of rules which governs the transactions. They make sure the smart contracts are visible to everyone and can be changes in a certain limited situations.

Types of DAOs:

There can be different categories of DAO. Some of them are:

Reference : https://blog.coinbase.com/daos-social-networks-that-can-rewire-the-world-128b73732547
  1. Service DAOs : Collectively delivering services for other people or other DAOs. For example — Rain Guild
  2. Social Club DAOs : People hanging out, making things on blockchain. One of the famous example is FWB(Friends With Benefit)
  3. Venture DAOS : Decentralized venture fund where anyone can join and invest in. For instance — MetaCartel

How is life in a DAO?

  1. Bigger is not necessarily better — You do not need to look for a crowd in a DAO, that does not matters. You will be able to show yourself up in a closed circle.
  2. Vibes matter — It completely depends whether your zone matches with the other member of the community. If not, you can leave anytime and look for some other DAO.
  3. Free flowing — Free flowing means, there won’t be anyone telling you what to do. You can pick yourself up and cipher as you wish.
  4. Humans Connection — Ultimately, this is a community of people which means you are free to network together.

“DAO = Smart Contracts + People”

We do not know whether DAO will replace traditional freelancing on a scale or not. But, this is quite evident that the pros of a DAO is seemingly better than that of traditional company or a freelancing.

Also, the way technology is making the operational work faster and that too, on a great scale. It won’t sound unreasonable to say that this is going to be the future of a great ecosystem of working professionals.

Note: For any queries, kindly put that in the comments sections.

