Demystifying Helm: HTTP and OCI Registries

Dikshant Rai
2 min readJan 13, 2024



In the realm of Kubernetes orchestration, Helm stands out as a powerful package manager, streamlining the deployment and management of applications. Helm supports various repository types for chart distribution, with HTTP and OCI (Open Container Initiative) registries being two prominent choices. In this blog post, we’ll explore the characteristics, use cases, benefits, and limitations of Helm repositories based on HTTP and OCI standards.

Helm HTTP Repositories:

Use Case: Helm HTTP repositories are the traditional, widely adopted method for distributing Helm charts. They operate over standard HTTP protocols and are easy to set up, making them an accessible choice for many organizations.


  • Simplicity and Ubiquity: HTTP repositories are easy to create and maintain. They are compatible with a broad range of systems, making it effortless for users to fetch charts.
  • Broad Compatibility: Helm HTTP repositories can be hosted on various infrastructure, from cloud storage services to traditional web servers.


  • Security Concerns: While HTTP repositories are convenient, they lack the inherent security features offered by other protocols. The absence of built-in authentication can pose a challenge in secure environments.

OCI Registries for Helm:

Use Case: OCI registries extend the container image distribution model to Helm charts, providing a standardized and secure way to store and distribute charts. OCI registries leverage container technologies for Helm charts, bringing consistency to the packaging and distribution process.


  • Compatibility with Container Ecosystem: OCI registries align with the container ecosystem’s standards, fostering interoperability between Helm charts and container images.
  • Security Enhancements: OCI registries often provide built-in security features, including authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensuring a more secure distribution of Helm charts.


  • Learning Curve: Transitioning to OCI registries may require a learning curve for users accustomed to HTTP repositories. Understanding container-focused concepts is necessary for effective utilization.

Making the Right Choice:

Choosing between HTTP and OCI repositories depends on factors such as the organization’s security requirements, existing infrastructure, and the need for containerization compatibility. Both types have their merits, and the decision should align with the specific use case and the overall architecture of the Kubernetes environment.

In conclusion, Helm’s versatility in supporting various repository types empowers DevOps teams to tailor their chart distribution strategy based on their unique needs. Whether opting for the simplicity of HTTP repositories or embracing the container-centric approach of OCI registries, Helm ensures a seamless journey from development to deployment in Kubernetes environments. As Helm continues to evolve, understanding these repository options becomes essential for DevOps engineers navigating the dynamic landscape of container orchestration.

