Synopsis: Cruel Obsession Spoilers — by Bianca Cole

Dilan Allknowing
3 min readJun 24, 2024


Cruel Obsession Spoilers Synopsis

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I was going through my audiobook app, seeking for anything to liven up my evening. The genre filter was set to “Romance,” and my mood was something between daring and interested. As chance would have it, I discovered Bianca Cole’s “Cruel Obsession.” Intrigued by its promise of dark themes and strong romance, I decided to dig in, not understanding that this mafia love tale would quickly become my new obsession.

*AI-assisted text.

Aida and Milo’s Twisted Love Story

“Cruel Obsession” is the first installment in Bianca Cole’s Boston Mafia Dons series. The novel introduces Aida and Milo, two individuals whose lives are inextricably linked by power, danger, and romance. Aida, the daughter of a mafia lord, lives a life of relative isolation and luxury until she is used as a pawn in a power struggle. Milo, on the other hand, is the typical dark and gloomy mafia don who exudes menace and power.

Aida’s life changes dramatically when she is pushed into an arranged marriage with Milo. Initially, their connection is characterized by resistance and harshness. Milo’s stern personality and dictatorial temperament create a sense of tension and terror. However, as the novel develops, their relationships begin to evolve. Milo’s ruthless demeanor conceals a multifaceted guy capable of intense passion and protection.

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Thematic Exploration

Bianca Cole is not afraid to explore dark and provocative issues. The story explores the intricacies of power dynamics in relationships, the effects of trauma, and the battle for control. The forced closeness and violence in the narrative may be upsetting for some readers, but they are necessary in depicting the brutal reality of the protagonists’ environment.

The growing connection between Aida and Milo is important to the story. It’s a journey from animosity to a hesitant understanding, and last to a relationship that transcends the harsh conditions around them. Cole expertly navigates this shift, enabling readers to witness the gradual reveal of Milo’s flaws and Aida’s inner strength.

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Character Development

One of the novel’s highlights is its character development. Aida begins as an apparently weak figure, but her tenacity and resolve come through as she faces the hardships of her new existence. She is more than just a damsel in distress; she is a woman discovering her voice and agency in a frightening world.

Milo, who originally seems to be a one-dimensional villain, is discovered to have several levels of complexity. His actions are often motivated by a painful and tragic background, and his connection with Aida drives him to face these suppressed feelings. This complexities provides a dimension of empathy to his character, making him both terrifying and sympathetic.

Plot & Pacing

The narrative of “Cruel Obsession” is well-paced, with an even mix of suspense, romance, and action. The novel keeps readers on the edge of their seats, waiting to discover how Aida and Milo’s love will develop despite the perils that surround them. The story is interspersed with powerful moments that emphasize the grave stakes of their existence, ensuring that the suspense never subsides.

Cole writes in a captivating way, with vivid descriptions that bring the environment and people to life. The conversation is snappy and true to the individuals’ characteristics, providing realism to their interactions.


Bianca Cole’s “Cruel Obsession” is an intriguing foray into the dark romance genre. It’s a narrative that tests readers with its study of hard subjects before rewarding them with a story of change and unexpected love. Aida and Milo’s journey is loaded with danger and desire, making it a compelling read from beginning to end.

“Cruel Obsession” is a must-read for anyone who appreciate dark, dramatic romances with profoundly damaged characters and a captivating narrative. Just be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster as you follow Aida and Milo’s love story.

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