• Primary mentor : Sam Mbuga
  • Backup mentor : Martin Were
  • Student : Dileka Madushan
  • Project Wiki: Link


The Patient Clinical Summary generates a summary that is being displayed on the patient dashboard which is helpful for the clinicians to make clinical decisions without going through numerous encounters/observations. It would also be helpful for clinicians access these reports off-line specially when they visit patients in rural areas.


  • Generating Patient clinical summaries using SQL data set definitions.
  • Creating scheduled tasks to generate patient clinical reports.
  • Creating user interface to create report configurations.
  • Creating back-end infrastructure to implement functionality.
  • Creating endpoints to consume reports from Muzima Android App.
  • Modifying Muzima Android app to display reports to the user.

GSoC Contributions

Mid Evaluation Presentation

Other Resources:

Thoughts on GSoC:

It has been a wonderful experience for me for the last 12 weeks to work with OpenMRS and GSoC community. I gained lots of valuable technical knowledge. I had the opportunity to dive deep into Spring and Android in development phase. It was a real pleasure working with the likes of my mentor whom had a lot to offer me 😆.

Though GSoC is coming to an end, my contributions to the open source community starts from this year and I hope to continue it for a long time to come 😅!



Dileka Madushan

I am a Technical Lead with 6X AWS Certifications. I am passionate about micro-services, machine-learning , data analytics and algorithms