Testing WSO2 IS with samltest.id : IdP Test

Dilin Lalindra Dampahalage
4 min readFeb 14, 2019


If you ever need to test your SAML 2.0 configuration quickly, then samltest.id is the way to go. It is free testing service for SAML 2.0. They have a Shibboleth 3.x IdP and a SP pre-configured. You just have to upload your metadata and configure your IdP or SP. Then you can begin testing. It is as simple as that. In this article I will tell you how you can test WSO2 Identity Server’s IdP with samltest.id. We will be using WSO2 IS 5.7.0 which is the latest release of Identity Server at the time of this article being written.

Configuring SAML SSO with Static Metadata Files

Getting Started

In this test we will use Identity Sever as the IdP. We will test it out with the SP in samltest.id. You can download the latest release of Identity Sever from here, if you haven’t downloaded it already. You can refer this installation guide if you are new to WSO2 Identity Sever.

SAML Test’s SP uses IdP’s entity id to load the corresponding metadata file for the IdP. The default entity id of the resident IdP is “localhost”. Let’s change this into a more unique one.

To configure this click resident under Identity Providers and go to Inbound Authentication Configuration SAML2 Web SSO Configuration.

Change the Identity Provider Entity ID to something like “wso2is”.

Configure Resident Identity Provider’s Entity ID in IS

Configuring a SP in Identity Server

Then you need to configure a service provider in WSO2 Identity Sever corresponding to the SP in samltest.id. You can find the details of this SP here.

SAMLtest’s SP


Start up the Identity Server and log into the management console. Add a new service provider by clicking Add under Service Provider. Register the service provider by giving a name.(ex: samltest.id)

Paste the public certificate of SAML test’s SP to the Application Certificate text box.

Adding SAML test SP’s public certificate

Next expand Inbound Authentication ConfigurationSAML2 Web SSO Configuration and click Configure.

Then configure the service provider with the details you obtained from SAML test site as follows.

SAML Web SSO Configuration

Please note that you have to change the default NameID format to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent since it is the format expected by SAML test site.

After you have configured the SP click Download IDP Metadata to download the Identity Sever’s IdP metadata file.

Uploading IdP Metadata to SAML Test

Go to Metadata Upload Form in SAML Test’s site and upload the IdP metadata file you downloaded earlier.

SAML Test will Trust our IdP after this

Doing the Test at SAML Test

Go to test your IdP in SAML Test’s site. Provide the entity ID you configured earlier for the IdP in the Login Initiator text box.

Initiate the test

After this you will prompted in to the Identity Server for user login. Log in by giving the credentials. If you have configured everything correctly you should be logged in and you will be redirected to SAML Test’s landing page.

SAML Test Landing Page

That’s it! Similarly we can also test Identity Sever as a SP. We will talk about this in a future article.



Dilin Lalindra Dampahalage

I'm a Wireless Communications researcher at University of Oulu, Finland.