How Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) helped me to develop Android Apps
I am always interested in software applications and to know how do they work,I choose Android to be best for application development as it is easy to work and also has a large user base globally.While I started learning Android ,I came to know that GDSC was going to start in our college.
So I joined it and later I thanked myself for that choice , Joining GDSC has boosted my learning pace and also taught the App Architecture patterns and some cool tips.Journey with GDSC was great because the team were always ready to help at anytime we needed them.
Conducting cool workshops like Design Thinking Workshop helped us how to get and idea to product(App) in an easy and funny way.The journey was great and fun to learn.
I would definitely like to be part of GDSC and let many more interested students to become developers .Conducting workshops and Appathons will make it even more fun and also learn how to work as a team.I would like to suggest other students who are interested in app development to choose Android and GDSC as a clear path to learn and also to develop apps that would benefit users and businesses.
While in my case,I started developing an Image sharing App(Stack : Android,Django(REST)) that would allow users to share their photos and videos in real-time.