My In Person interview experience at Amazon [SDE-2 Offer]

Dilkush Malav
3 min readJun 4, 2024


Joining Amazon as a Software Development Engineer 2 (SDE2) is a dream for many in the tech industry. Recently, I embarked on this exciting journey and successfully navigated through the rigorous in-person interview process. In this blog, I’ll share my experience step-by-step, from the screening test to receiving the coveted offer, along with some valuable insights for future candidates.

Screening Test:

The journey began with a screening test, where I faced two challenging Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) questions. While I managed to solve the first question entirely, the second one posed a bit more challenge, and I could only solve a part of it.

Round 1 — DSA:

The first round delved deep into Data Structures and Algorithms, with two questions. The first question, involving graph traversal and priority queues, was akin to a LeetCode hard-level problem. It was indeed tricky, but I managed to crack it.

The second question, resembling a medium-level problem on LeetCode (similar to currency conversion), focused on graph traversal using Depth-First Search (DFS). It was more straightforward, and I successfully solved both questions, although the interview extended by 15 minutes to accommodate our discussion, which the interviewer didn’t mind.

In addition to the technical assessment, 2 Amazon’s Leadership Principles (LP) were asked, emphasizing the importance of aligning with Amazon’s values and demonstrating leadership qualities.

Round 2 — DSA Continued:

The journey through DSA continued in the second round with another question on graph traversal Breadth-First Search (BFS), a medium-level problem on LeetCode(similar to counting islands). The unique aspect of this round was the open-ended nature of the problem. Over the first 30 minutes, the interviewer kept adding more variables and complexities to the problem, challenging my problem-solving skills and adaptability. In the latter half, I was tasked with coding the solution on paper, showcasing both my understanding of the problem and coding proficiency under pressure.

Similarly, I had another discussion on Amazon’s Leadership Principles, reinforcing the importance of these principles throughout the interview process.

Round 3 — Low-Level Design (LLD):

Transitioning from algorithms to design, the third round focused on Low-Level Design (LLD). I was asked to design APIs for an aggregator-type service, requiring me to create class diagrams with data fields and methods for various endpoints. This round emphasized system architecture and the ability to translate requirements into scalable and efficient design solutions.

Round 4 — High-Level Design (HLD):

The final round was dedicated to High-Level Design (HLD) and further exploration of Amazon’s Leadership Principles.

The initial half-hour was dedicated to delving into four of Amazon’s Leadership Principles (LP).

Then i was asked to design a recommendation system, a complex problem that tested not only technical acumen but also the ability to think holistically about system architecture, scalability, and user experience. Throughout the discussion, I had the opportunity to exemplify Amazon’s leadership principles, integrating them into the design rationale.


After successfully navigating through the interview process, I received the offer to join Amazon as an SDE2.


  • Comprehensive Preparation: Prepare thoroughly for both technical and behavioral aspects of the interview. Expect a mix of hard and medium-level DSA questions along with discussions on Amazon’s Leadership Principles.
  • Demonstrate Leadership: Incorporate Amazon’s leadership principles into your responses and problem-solving approach. Showcase instances from your past experiences where you exemplified these principles.
  • Time Management: While adhering to time constraints is crucial, don’t be overly anxious if the interview extends by a few minutes. Some interviewers may provide additional time for thorough discussion and problem-solving.

In conclusion, the Amazon SDE2 in-person interview is a challenging yet rewarding experience that tests not only technical competency but also alignment with Amazon’s core values and leadership principles.

Best of luck to all future Amazonians!



Dilkush Malav

I have been an avid learner and consistently exploring new domains throughout my life.