“Just Graduated from 100DaysOfCode/100DaysOfLearning.”

Learning Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond

7 min readApr 14, 2024

14 April 2024

Hello everyone, I’m Dilli Hang Rai a B.Sc. CSIT Student, Developer, and AI Enthusiast. I will write about my 100DaysOfLearning experiences, opinions, insights, and tips and share some of my learning resources.

What is 100DayOfLearning or 100DaysOfCode?

Self-Guided Learning and Posting New things Continuously for 100 days. In other words, it is like a marathon for learners to learn any coding stuff, CS concepts, technology, and anything related to IT and Computer Science each day and post them continuously on social media for 100 Days. Remember it’s a commitment, self-driven learning journey.

Why am I writing this article?

It is not to be popular or cool but to share my experience, knowledge, tips, and opinions of 100DaysOfCode/100DaysOfLearning. I hope this small article will help out for beginners, learners, and enthusiasts out there. And of course, it is a memo for me and marks of my growth, development, profile, and career boost.

How did I start?

I started my 100DaysOfCode or 100DaysOfLearning on Jan 5, 2024, and completed it on April 14, 2024. Before Starting my 100Days I took part in the 60DaysofLearningwithleapfrog program in the years 2022 and 2023. So, that’s why I made the 100 days possible from prior experiences. I used to see the posts on social media and get inspiration for learning and starting my 100 days.

When Can You Start Your 100DaysOfLearning/100DaysOfCode?

I suggest if you are fresh or a newbie, you first understand & explore basic concepts over time, and then decide and know your field in CS/IT, like for me it’s software development & AI/ML. You may be interested in other CS Fields like Cybersecurity, Computer Networking, DevOps, Software or System Architecture, Database Engineering, and many more. Know your area of interest first.

Opinion vs Facts: In the Realm of the IT, Technology Industry, and the CS Field, these all are dynamic & growing. So, only the Adaptable, Consistent, Passionate, Humble, Hard Worker can make a strong position and reach the top.

Before Starting 100Days

“Make Your Mindset Strong and Rigid on Learning Straight For 100 Days and Posting It Online. “

Some of the Guidelines:

1 Explore and Grab Basic Concepts/Fields, Know your field within CS/IT

2. Prepare your learning materials and resources

4. Use or Create Your Road Map Because Your Brain and Learning Curve Are Unique from Other

3. Fuel yourself with Planning, Focused, Commitment, Determination, and Motivation, and then start!

In today’s era, we have almost everything on the internet, there are vast learning materials and resources. So, I do not expect you will be confused about the above steps. Some People Want to Learn Overnight which is not possible until you are a genius or maybe a machine I do not know.

Official Partners

1. 100DaysOfCode

2. 100DaysOfLearning

Why should I start 100Days and What are the advantages?

Not Everyone Is a Learner Some Are Passers.

This question’s answer is to not start if you are not passionate and committed. Even though 100 Days may not be the longest journey, I would suggest not to underestimate it. Because you may get stuck in the middle, which is not a good sign, at the initial days like #Day1 #Day2……. you will be highly motivated, fueled with hype and so as the days pass you may be distracted, demotivated, lose interest, so only start if you are committed and determined to complete it.

One should start the 100Days because I think completing 100Days is like an achievement and title of 100Days that an individual will gain.

Like hikers go hiking, trekkers go trekking and there is some sense of fun, achievement, destination, experiences, and interaction so similar developers or Tech Persons or any individual who are in IT/CS 100Days is a milestone, learning experience, connections, growth, career & profile boost, and a beautiful journey.

One Benefit Is If Your Content Is Good Others Get Inspired and Motivated to Start Learning and also get connections. So, It Is Best to Be Optimistic and a Potential Genuine Learner/Poster.

Facts vs Experience vs Opinions/ Insights/ Analysis:

  • Audiences may Not Read Your Content With 100% Attention to all Details So Don’t Care Just focus on learning and posting.
  • Some Underestimates, Some Overestimated and Some Were Amazed, Some Were Inspired
  • People Either Ignore If They Do Not Understand the Aspect,
  • Or Feel Wow or Just Read Through If They Are Getting or understanding Your Post.


  • Do Not Memorize & Run After Coding Syntax.
  • Start with Basics, make your foundation strong, and stay curious and updated.
  • Syntax Memorization Is a Waste of Time, Delve into the foundation, Mathematics, Concepts, and logic or the Ecosystem Behind the Coding Is Important.
  • Coding Is Just an Implementation of Logic and Problem-Solving Steps.
  • So, you may be thinking what the hell? Coding I know is all about developing applications and cool web apps, no you’re stupid it’s just an application of those problems that were solved a decade long ago and most of them are using its applications in the modern day.

Nobody knows everything. Neither you nor me. There’ll always be a knowledge gap and uncovered areas, and each individual has different levels of understanding.

What did I find and like to express?

Everybody has their unique level of understanding, limitations, and capabilities. So do not underestimate yourself, it is natural to doubt yourself but be confident you are no less than others. Consistency is the key, and it is okay if you only understand the context, concept, and overview. Sometimes You Run Out of Content What to Learn or What to Post for Some Hours or Minutes. So, to prevent that I mentioned some guidelines steps above.

  • Not All Things Can Be Learned Overnight.
  • It’s the ripple effect, But the Impact of Motivation or Inspiration from your insightful learning post will flow into the Community as inspiration and influence.
  • So, It Is Also a Test of Motivation, Consistency, And Learning Ratio or Curve

About Me:

To be honest, If I have to describe What type of learner I am? Then maybe the term is not right but then I am a slow learner (Deliberate Learner) and I take pretty much time to understand the concepts and logic, but once I grab the concept, I rarely forget it. So, what type of learner are you it’s very important to know it.

I know nothing but also, I know something little and all those little combination makes it a bigger picture.

During my 100 Days sometimes, I grab the concept very fast and sometimes find it very difficult to grab the concept. Your Mood, environment, and energy level may also determine or decide if you will understand, and grab the whole content learned in a day. I still forgot the small details and I believe no one is born with super talent like Einstein, it’s a potential that you hold and also hard work, consistency, revisions, interests, and passion.

Play, Pause, Repeat, Backward Play Repeat.

Learning AI/ML Experiences:

Revise, Read, Practice & Research a lot I mean a lot ….

I was always fascinated and interested with technology especially AI. Movies like Ironman (Jarvis System), matrix, and Terminator are used to amaze & inspire me.

I Started Learning ML on Feb 6, 2024, and that was the time when I was in my 4th Semester of B.Sc. CSIT. ML/AI is a very volatile subject which means that there are lots of concepts, and mathematics, and requires a lot of consideration and study.

Learning ML/AI/DL is challenging but filled with excitement and the main thing is that it is a VOLATILE subject.

I was and still am like oh that was the point I got and forgot the learned small details overnight. So, I suggest taking out your pencil and drawing paper or the digital pen (best) if you have one and start drawing figures while studying theories and all the mathematics, logic, and concepts.

Sometimes You Are Super Hyped to Learn the Things and Your Brian Catches Up with the Things You Are Learning but Sometimes Due to Various Other Reasons or Moods You May Be at Low-Level Energy Leading to Distraction and Not Catching Up on the Things.

Sometimes It Would Take Me About 3 Days to Just Complete the Single 12-minute Tutorial, Watch, Read, And Review the Codes And concepts. In the end, I am just a learner like you all people, aim to be a better version of myself day by day.

Indeed, I did not memorize or able to keep the whole content of 100 Days of Learning but yes, I can surely say I have grabbed some basic concepts, overview, ideas, and pictures. After this, I’ll revise my 100 Days and continue my AI/ML/DL journey. Thanks

“Have An Answer to What You Are Learning. Finally, Build the Projects”


Learning Resources & Materials that I have used in 100Days are listed with links below:

1. FreeCodecamp

2. Tensorflow

3. w3school


3. ChatGPT

4. VS Code

5. Google & Google Colab

6. Whiteboard

Other References

1. YouTube (For Beginner)

2. Coursera

3. Universities Academic Subject Course Syllabus (Highly Recommended ~ Fundamentals) ~ Download the Syllabus and study it to make your foundation strong.

4. Social Media

5. Online webinar, Workshop

6. YouTube — IBM, 3Blue1Brown




Deeply in love with Computer Science 🧑‍💻, Nature 🍀 & 🎵. From Nepal 🇳🇵. Research, AI + Software Development 🔆. Know More: https://dilli822.github.io