Metaverse for healthy life

Imagine a game that tracks your health, teaches meditation, helps improve your sleep, habits and lifestyle?

Dmitry Pyanov
4 min readAug 29, 2019

I was born in Russia in 1990 and in 1997, at the age of 7 years old I got my first Tamagochi.

I still remember the joy and excitement I had when I first interacted with this product. My elder sister Taisia and I shared a small room together so we had no pets at that moment, so the idea of having a real pet was always our dream.

Once my sister took me to a neighborhood market and bought 2 Tamagotchis for me and her. She explained that there’s a small pet that lives inside of that small plastic electronic egg and I must take care of it from now on. We already played Sega games at that time, but never could imagine something like a virtual pet.

Suddenly my dream of owning a pet was fully fulfilled. It was not just a pet, but an electronic pet that fits into my pocket at makes me feel proud of taking care of something that is alive, even if it lives inside of a cute plastic electronic egg. I was really happy to play with my pet, and whenever I go back to this moment from my childhood it makes me feel warm and comforting

Don’t get me wrong, we also had real pets later — a turtle and a cat. But having a virtual pet was something different. It was a thing from the future, a piece of promising and inspiring technology that expands beyond ordinary things.

I spend at least 10 hours a day staring at my screen

‘Screen Time’ problem that made sense in the 2000s is not relevant anymore. The phrase can’t remotely capture our ever-shifting digital experience, social scientists say. Say hello to the “screen home.” It’s now obvious that we’re sucked in a completely new reality of being. We’re chaotically consuming gigabytes of entertainment that makes us anxious and unfocused.

Today, “anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.,” affecting around 40 million adults — almost 1 in 5 people. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 300 million people have an anxiety disorder.

Xillenials, Millennials, Y’s and Z’s are struggling with anxiety that aren’t being helped by their use of social media or games.

College students who meet the criteria for major depressive disorder tend to use social media more often and are more heavily addicted to social media, researchers found.

Last year I was dealing with a severe depression. Looking for tools and methods to battle with it I realized that I was not taking enough care of my mental and physical health. I slowly made myself to learn how to meditate and it changed my life.

I tried taking meds but felt even worse after that. I realized that I have to take care of myself and learn how to balance my well-being with daily quiet time meditating and doing physical exercises. I started with 5 minutes a day and ended up being able to meditate for 40 minutes in about 2 weeks. After every meditation, I felt a little better, more relaxed, focused and grounded.

Scientific research has proven that meditation reduces anxiety, improves your social life, productivity and general well-being.

What if we had a virtual pet that rewards us

  • Practicing guided meditation starting from 0 to being someone who can share their knowledge with their friends
  • Walking, hiking or running — basically tracks our physical activity
  • Tracks our pulse and other health metrics using a smartwatch or any wearable devices.

This is why I’m focused on developing a new gaming app that will help to solve this problem for millions of players worldwide.

Virtual pets meet mindfulness — Mindpet is a virtual pet companion for meditation and health tracking. It is an entertaining AR universe where a player is guided by its personal virtual companion, that grows and evolves if its owner is practicing daily meditations.

MINDPET — a virtual pet game for meditation and well-being

get the app and join us in building the future of gaming

