Machine Learning ZoomCamp by DataTalksClub | Introduction to Machine Learning

Dimas Aditya
13 min readSep 26, 2024

The concept of Machine Learning (ML) is illustrated through an example of predicting car prices. Data, including features such as year and mileage, is used by the ML model to learn and identify patterns. The target variable, in this case, is the car’s price.

New data, which lacks the target variable, is then provided to the model to predict the price.

In summary, ML involves extracting patterns from data, which is categorized into two types:

  • Features: Information about the object.
  • Target: The property to be predicted for unseen objects.

New feature values are inputted into the model, which generates predictions based on the patterns it has learned. This is an overview of what has been learned from the ML course by Alexey Grigorev (ML Zoomcamp). All images in this post are sourced from the course material. Images in other posts may also be derived from this material.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning (ML) is explained as the process of training a model using features and target information to predict unknown object targets. In other words, ML is about extracting patterns from data, which includes features and targets.

To understand ML, it is important to differentiate between the following terms:

  • Features: What is known about an object. In this example, it refers to the characteristics of a car. A feature represents an object’s attribute in various forms, such as numbers, strings, or more complex formats (e.g., location information).
  • Target: The aspect to be predicted. The term “label” is also used in some sources. During training, a labeled dataset is used since the target is known. For example, datasets of cars with known prices are used to predict prices for other cars with unknown values.
  • Model: The result of the training process, which encompasses the patterns learned from the training data. This model is utilized later to make predictions about the target variable based on the features of an unknown object.

Training and Using a Model

  • Train a Model: The training process involves the extraction of patterns from the provided training data. In simpler terms, features are combined with the target, resulting in the creation of the model.
  • Use a Model: Training alone does not make the model useful. The benefit is realized through its application. By applying the trained model to new data (without targets), predictions for the missing information (e.g., price) are obtained. Therefore, features are used during prediction, while the trained model is applied to generate predictions for the target variable.

What did I learn?

Part 1: What is Machine Learning


Machine Learning (ML) is a process where models are trained using data to predict outcomes. The main components involved in ML are:

  • Features: Attributes or characteristics of the objects (e.g., year, mileage of cars).
  • Target: The variable to be predicted (e.g., car price).

How ML Works

  1. Model Training: The model learns patterns from the data using features and targets.
  2. Model Usage: New data is input into the trained model to predict outcomes.

Key Components

  • Model: Result of the training process containing learned patterns.
  • Prediction: The process where the trained model generates output for unseen data.

Part 2: Machine Learning vs Rule-Based Systems

Rule-Based Systems

  • Depend on predefined characteristics (like keywords).
  • Require continuous updates, becoming complex over time.

Machine Learning Approach

  1. Data Collection: Gather examples of spam and non-spam emails.
  2. Feature Definition: Define features and label emails based on their source.
  3. Model Training: Use algorithms to build a predictive model based on encoded emails.
  4. Model Application: Apply the model to classify new emails based on probability thresholds.


  • Maintenance: Rule-based systems require constant adjustments, while ML models adapt to new data through training.

Part 3: Supervised Machine Learning Overview


In Supervised Machine Learning (SML), models learn from labeled data, with:

  • Feature Matrix (X): Two-dimensional array of features.
  • Target Variable (y): One-dimensional array of outcomes.

Types of SML Problems

  1. Regression: Predicting continuous values (e.g., car prices).
  2. Ranking: Scores associated with items (e.g., recommender systems).
  3. Classification: Predicting categories (e.g., spam or not).
  • Binary Classification: Two categories.
  • Multiclass Classification: More than two categories.

Part 4: CRISP-DM — Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining


CRISP-DM is an iterative process model for data mining, consisting of six phases:

  1. Business Understanding: Identify the problem and requirements.
  2. Data Understanding: Analyze available data.
  3. Data Preparation: Clean and format data for modeling.
  4. Modeling: Train various models and select the best.
  5. Evaluation: Assess model performance against business goals.
  6. Deployment: Implement the model in a production environment.

The process may require revisiting previous steps based on feedback and evaluation results.

Part 5: Model Selection Process




  1. Split the Dataset: Divide into training (60%), validation (20%), and test (20%) sets.
  2. Train the Models: Use the training dataset for training.
  3. Evaluate the Models: Assess model performance on the validation dataset.
  4. Select the Best Model: Choose the model with the best validation performance.
  5. Apply the Best Model: Test on the unseen test dataset.
  6. Compare Performance Metrics: Ensure the model generalizes well by comparing validation and test performance.

Multiple Comparison Problem (MCP)

To mitigate MCP, the test set verifies that the selected model truly performs well, rather than relying solely on validation results.

Part 6: Setting Up the Environment


To prepare your environment, you’ll need the following:

  • Python 3.10 (Note: Videos utilize Python 3.8)
  • NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn (ensure you have the latest versions)
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization
  • Jupyter Notebooks for interactive computing

Ubuntu 22.04 on AWS

For a comprehensive guide on configuring your environment on an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 22.04, refer to this video.

  • Make sure to adjust the instructions to clone the relevant repository instead of the MLOps one.
  • These instructions can also be adapted for setting up a local Ubuntu environment.

Note for WSL

  • Most instructions from the video are applicable to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as well.
  • For Docker, simply install Docker Desktop on Windows; it will automatically be used in WSL, so there’s no need to install

Anaconda and Conda

It is recommended to use Anaconda or Miniconda:

  • Anaconda: This distribution includes everything you need for data science, including a variety of libraries and tools.
  • Miniconda: A lighter version that contains only the essential components to manage Python environments and packages.

Make sure to follow the installation instructions provided on their respective websites to set up your environment correctly.

Part 7: NumPy: A Comprehensive Overview

NumPy is a highly regarded library in Python that serves as a cornerstone for numerical computing. Its primary strength lies in its ability to facilitate the creation and manipulation of multi-dimensional arrays, along with providing a rich set of mathematical functions. This makes it an indispensable tool for a wide range of applications, including data analysis, scientific computing, and machine learning.

Creating Arrays

One of the key features of NumPy is its flexibility in creating arrays. Users can generate NumPy arrays in various ways:

From Python Lists: Creating an array from a standard Python list is straightforward with the np.array() function. For instance:

import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3])

This line of code converts a simple list into a NumPy array.

Using Built-in Functions: NumPy also offers a variety of built-in functions such as np.zeros(), np.ones(), and np.arange() to initialize arrays. For example:

zeros_array = np.zeros((2, 3))  # This creates a 2x3 array filled with zeros.
ones_array = np.ones((3, 2)) # This creates a 3x2 array filled with ones.
range_array = np.arange(10) # This generates an array with values from 0 to 9.

Using Random Generation: The numpy.random module allows for the generation of arrays filled with random values, which is especially useful for testing and simulations. For example:

random_integers = np.random.randint(10, size=5)        # Generates a 1D array of random integers.
random_floats = np.random.random((3, 4)) # Creates a 2D array of random floats.
random_normal = np.random.normal(size=(2, 3, 2)) # Produces a 3D array from the standard normal distribution.

Element-wise Operations

One of the most powerful features of NumPy is its support for element-wise operations. This capability allows users to perform mathematical operations on arrays without the need for explicit loops, greatly enhancing efficiency. This includes:

  • Addition and Subtraction: Simple operations like addition and subtraction can be performed directly between arrays:
arr1 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
arr2 = np.array([4, 5, 6])
result_add = arr1 + arr2 # This results in element-wise addition.
result_sub = arr1 - arr2 # This results in element-wise subtraction.
  • Multiplication and Division: Similarly, multiplication and division can also be executed element-wise:
result_mul = arr1 * arr2  # Element-wise multiplication.
result_div = arr1 / arr2 # Element-wise division.
  • Mathematical Functions: NumPy includes an extensive range of built-in functions that operate on each element individually. For instance:
arr = np.array([0, np.pi/2, np.pi])
result_sin = np.sin(arr) # Calculates the sine of each element.
result_exp = np.exp(arr) # Computes the exponential of each element.

Comparison Operations

Another important aspect of NumPy is its ability to perform comparison operations, which yield boolean arrays. These boolean arrays can be instrumental in filtering data or making conditional assignments:

  • Basic Comparisons: Users can easily conduct basic comparisons:
arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
result_comp = arr > 3 # Produces: [False False False True True].
  • Element-wise Comparisons: Comparisons can also be made between multiple arrays:
arr1 = np.array([1, 2, 3])
arr2 = np.array([3, 2, 1])
result_eq = arr1 == arr2 # Yields: [False True False].
  • Logical Combinations: Users can combine comparisons using logical operators, allowing for more complex conditions:
result_combined = (arr > 2) & (arr < 5)  # Produces: [False False True True False].

NumPy is an essential library for anyone engaged in scientific computing or data analysis using Python. Its capability to handle large arrays and perform complex mathematical operations efficiently makes it a vital tool for developers and researchers alike. Whether you’re creating simple arrays, performing mathematical computations, or conducting data analysis, NumPy provides the necessary tools to enhance productivity and effectiveness in your computational tasks.

Part 8: Linear Algebra Refresher

Introduction to Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with vector spaces and linear mappings between them. This field encompasses various concepts that are crucial for understanding more complex mathematical theories and their applications, particularly in areas such as machine learning and data analysis.

Key Concepts:

  1. Vectors: An ordered array of numbers that represents a point in space.
  2. Matrices: A rectangular array of numbers arranged in rows and columns, representing linear transformations.

Fundamental Operations

Vector Operations:

  • Addition: Vectors of the same dimension can be added together component-wise.
  • Scalar Multiplication: Each component of the vector is multiplied by a scalar.
  • Dot Product: A scalar obtained from the sum of the products of the corresponding components of two vectors.

Matrix Operations:

  • Addition: Similar to vector addition, matrices of the same dimensions can be added.
  • Scalar Multiplication: Each element of the matrix is multiplied by a scalar.
  • Matrix Multiplication: This involves taking the dot product of rows and columns, which requires the number of columns in the first matrix to equal the number of rows in the second.

Special Matrix Types

Identity Matrix

  • The identity matrix (denoted as III) is a square matrix that has ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
  • Mathematical Representation:
  • Properties: Acts as a neutral element in matrix multiplication:
  • Applications: Used in neural networks as initial weight matrices to prevent overfitting and aid convergence.

Python Implementation:

import numpy as np

# Creating a 3x3 identity matrix
I = np.eye(3)

Inverse Matrix

The inverse of a matrix UUU (denoted U−1U^{-1}U−1) satisfies the equation:


  • U must be a square and invertible matrix (i.e., the determinant ∣U∣≠0|U| \neq 0∣U∣=0)



  • Solving systems of linear equations.
  • Optimizing algorithms in machine learning.

Python Implementation:

import numpy as np

# Defining a square matrix
V = np.array([
[1, 1, 2],
[0, 0.5, 1],
[0, 3, 1]

# Calculating the inverse of matrix V
V_inv = np.linalg.inv(V)

Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Determinants in Linear Algebra

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues (λ\lambdaλ) and eigenvectors (vvv) are critical for understanding the behavior of matrices, expressed as:


  • They are used in dimensionality reduction techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and spectral clustering.


The determinant of a matrix AAA (denoted ∣A∣|A|∣A∣) provides insights into the matrix’s scaling factor and invertibility.


  • It determines whether a matrix is singular or invertible.
  • Useful for solving systems of linear equations and finding eigenvalues.


  • Various methods exist for calculating determinants based on matrix size (e.g., LU decomposition for larger matrices).

Understanding these concepts in linear algebra forms a solid foundation for advanced mathematical applications in machine learning and data analysis. Mastery of identity matrices, inverse matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and determinants equips individuals with the necessary tools to tackle complex problems effectively. These mathematical concepts serve as essential components in developing algorithms and data manipulation strategies used across various applications.

Part 9: Introduction to Pandas

Pandas is a powerful Python library that plays a vital role in data analysis and manipulation. It offers flexible data structures and functions to work with structured data, making it an essential tool for data scientists and analysts.

DataFrame Basics

A DataFrame is a two-dimensional, size-mutable, and potentially heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). It can be created from various data sources, such as dictionaries, lists, or external files like CSV.

For instance, consider a DataFrame representing car information, which includes columns such as Make, Model, Year, Engine HP, Engine Cylinders, Transmission Type, Vehicle_Style, and MSRP. The data might look like this:

Using the .query() Method

One of the useful techniques in Pandas is the .query() method, which allows filtering rows using a string expression similar to SQL. For example, to filter out all cars manufactured in or after the year 2015, we can use:

filtered_df = df.query('Year >= 2015')

To filter specifically for cars made by Nissan, we can apply:

df[df.Make == 'Nissan']

Moreover, combining conditions is straightforward. For instance, to retrieve all Nissan vehicles made after the year 2015, we would write:

df[(df.Make == 'Nissan') & (df.Year > 2015)]

These filtering techniques facilitate the extraction of necessary data for further analysis, especially when dealing with large datasets.

String Operations

Pandas provides robust string operations that are absent in NumPy, which primarily caters to numerical data. For example, the Vehicle_Style column may have inconsistent formatting. We can standardize it by converting all text to lowercase and replacing spaces with underscores:

df['Vehicle_Style'] = df['Vehicle_Style'].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_')

Summary of Operations

Additionally, we can summarize numerical columns using various functions. For instance, to find the minimum, maximum, and average MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price):

df.MSRP.min()  # Minimum MSRP
df.MSRP.max() # Maximum MSRP
df.MSRP.mean() # Average MSRP

Descriptive Statistics

The describe() function is particularly useful for providing a summary of numerical columns, including count, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and quantiles:

df.describe()  # Summary of all numerical columns
df.MSRP.describe() # Summary for a specific column

For better readability, we can round the values:


Handling Categorical Columns

In analyzing categorical data, counting the number of unique values in a column can be insightful. For example, to find the unique car makes, we can use:

df.Make.nunique()  # Unique makes
df.nunique() # Unique values for all columns

To view the unique values in a specific column, such as Year, we can apply:


Missing Values

Addressing missing values is crucial for data integrity. The isnull() function returns a boolean DataFrame indicating missing values:

df.isnull().sum()  # Summarizes the number of missing values per column

Grouping Data

Grouping data allows us to summarize and derive insights. For example, to calculate the average MSRP for each transmission type, we can use:

df.groupby('Transmission Type').MSRP.mean()

This grouping provides valuable insights into how different groups compare regarding various metrics.

Overall Summary: Machine Learning ZoomCamp by DataTalksClub

The Machine Learning ZoomCamp course by DataTalksClub offers a thorough introduction to the field of machine learning (ML), emphasizing the importance of understanding data patterns to make predictions. The course delineates core components of ML, including features (attributes of the object) and targets (the outcomes to predict).

Key Highlights:

  1. Definition of Machine Learning: ML is defined as a process that involves training models using labeled data to predict outcomes based on input features. The model learns from this training data and applies the learned patterns to predict targets for new, unseen data.
  2. Supervised Machine Learning: The course distinguishes between different types of supervised learning problems, such as regression (predicting continuous values), classification (predicting categories), and ranking (assigning scores). The training phase involves creating a feature matrix and target variable, which the model uses to learn and make predictions.
  3. CRISP-DM Framework: The Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) model outlines a systematic approach to data mining, consisting of six phases: Business Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Modeling, Evaluation, and Deployment. This iterative process ensures a structured approach to machine learning projects.
  4. Model Selection Process: The model selection process involves splitting datasets into training, validation, and test sets to train multiple models, evaluate their performance, and choose the best one based on validation results before applying it to unseen data.
  5. Environment Setup: The course covers essential tools and libraries, such as Python, NumPy, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn, for data analysis and machine learning. It also provides guidance on setting up environments using Anaconda or Miniconda.
  6. Introduction to Linear Algebra: A fundamental understanding of linear algebra is crucial for machine learning, covering concepts like vectors, matrices, and operations (addition, multiplication, dot product). These mathematical principles underpin many ML algorithms and techniques.

This course equips learners with foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary for entering the field of machine learning, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decision-making and the iterative nature of the ML process. Through structured learning and practical applications, participants gain the tools needed to tackle real-world problems using machine learning techniques.

