Kotlin — Love at first line

Dimitar Kotevski
5 min readFeb 21, 2016


Kotlin 1.0 has been released a few days ago and it’s time to check out its awesome features.

For those of you who might have been living under a rock and don’t know what Kotlin is — Kotlin is a new JVM programming language that tries to “fill in the gaps” that Java has. It’s 100% interoperable with Java — meaning that you can have a mixed project that contains Kotlin & Java classes. The classes are compiled to Java bytecode, and that bytecode is “runnable” on Java6+, which makes it runnable on Android.

The language is awesome, and combined with the Anko library it’s even awesome-er*. I won’t be explaining the syntax of the language (for that you have the official page). I’m just going to try and expose a few of it’s awesome features.

Single-Expression functions

If we have a function that boils down to a single expression, we can use the single-expression function syntax:

override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is Task && other.id == id


Extensions allow us to extend any existing class by adding functions and properties without the need to inherit from that class.

fun ViewGroup.inflate(
@LayoutRes layoutRes: Int,
attachToRoot: Boolean = false) =

.inflate(layoutRes, this, attachToRoot)

The extension function above adds the .inflate(…) method to the ViewGroup class, so instead of doing this every time:

val view = LayoutInflater
.inflate(R.layout.todo_list_item, parent, false)

now we can just do this:

val view = parent.inflate(R.layout.todo_list_item)


val view = parent.inflate(R.layout.todo_list_item, 
attachToRoot = true)

I guess you already noticed that Kotlin also supports default arguments.


Intentionally left blank.

Optionals / Null safety

Forget about NullPointerExceptions. Kotlin has 2 types of variables, nullable and non-nullable. If we declare our variable as non-nullable — the compiler won’t let us assign a null value to it. Only nullable variables can be null.

var nonNullable: String = "This is a title" // Non-nullable variable
var nullable: String? = null // Nullable variable

In case of the nonNullable variable, we can safely call methods on it, without any null checks, because it cannot have a null value.

In case of the nullable variable, we can safely call methods with the help of the safe-trasversal operator (?.), and forget about null checks:

val length = nullable?.length

The code above won’t fail, even if the nullable variable has a null value. In that case, the value of the length variable will be null.

Elvis operator

The result of a safe call (?.) is always a nullable variable. So in cases where we are calling a method on a null variable — the result will be null.

That can be inconvenient sometimes. For example, in the code sample above, we want our length variable to be a non-null variable because it’s logical for it to have a value of 0 in case of a null string.

In cases like that, we can use the elvis operator ( ?: ).

val length = nullable?.length ?: 0

The elvis operator will use the left side value if it’s not null. In case the left side value is null, it will use the right non-nullable value.

You can even use it to make your sanity checks more readable.

public void myMethod(String str) {
// Sanity check
if (str == null) {


With the help of the elvis operator, the same method in Kotlin will look like this:

public fun myMethod(str: String?) {
// Sanity check
str ?: return


The great part of using this is that the compiler will smart cast our str variable to a non-nullable variable after the “str ?: return” line.

Optional getters/setters

Unlike in Java, where we are used to define all of our class properties private and write getters and setters, in Kotlin we write getters and setters only if we want to have some custom behaviour.

The simplest definition looks like this:

class Task {
var completed = false

And we can access the property:

val task = Task()
if (task.completed) ...

If we wan’t to expose just the getter and allow setting the value only from within the class:

var completed = false
private set

And if we want to have completely custom behaviour:

var completedInt = 0
var completed: Boolean
get() = completedInt == 1
set(value) { completedInt = if (value) 1 else 0 }

Lazy properties

Kotlin allows us to declare lazy properties — properties that are initialized when we first access them.

private val recyclerView by lazy { 

When we first access the recyclerView property, the lambda expression is evaluated and the returned value from the lamdba is saved and returned in that and every subsequent call.

Observable properties

In Kotlin we can observe properties. The syntax for declaring such properties is the following:

var tasks by Delegates.observable(mutableListOf<Task>()) { 
prop, old, new ->

This means that we are going to be notified every time the value of our property changes (the provided lambda will be called).

Anko extensions

Anko is a great library and has a lot of great extensions. I will list a couple.

find<T>(id: Int)

It replaces the findViewById(int id) method. This extension function returns the view already cast to the given type T, so there is no need to cast it.

val recyclerView = find<RecyclerView>(R.id.task_list_new)


Anko has great support for SQLite databases. For a complete overview, check their guide. I will just show you one example:

fun allTasks() = use {
.orderBy(priority, SqlOrderDirection.DESC)
.exec {

The use {…} function opens the database for us, and closes it after the given lambda executes. So we don’t have to worry about closing it anymore and can forget about all those try {…} catch(…) {…} finally {…} blocks. Inside the lambda that we pass to the use function, this references our database. That is the power of Kotlin’s type-safe builders. Read more about them here and here.

The select(…)…exec {} call chain, selects data from the database. And the parseList(parser) call parses the rows of data and returns a list of objects, that our parser returns. The definition of our parser is:

val parser = rowParser { 
id: Int, name: String, priority: Int, completed: Int ->
Task(id, name, priority, completed)

