How to Design a Half Circle Chart in Figma

Quick Guide to creating a half circle donut chart in Figma

Dimitri Andros
3 min readOct 13, 2020

Today I’m going to go in detail on how to quickly create small a chart in Figma only using a circle.

First things first, you want to start out by making a frame; it can be any size you want. Inside of that frame, create a circle using the ellipse tool. Try to make sure that the circle uses even dimensions. (any number that ends in 0,2,4,6,8, just in case you were confused). This isn’t necessarily mandatory but it makes things easier in the future when you may have to scale your designs larger or smaller. Give the circle a fill color, this is going to be the primary color of your chart at the end.

Once you have this setup, your next step is to locate the Arc tool on the right side of the circle. Click and drag on the Arc tool to transform your circle into a half circle.

Next, you want to locate the Ratio tool that is the middle of three dots, which are now located on your new half circle. From here, you want to click Ratio tool and drag upwards. This will create a donut effect for the circle. (Pro Tip: Hold Shift to move in increments of 10)

We’ve now created the shape of our half circle donut chart. Let’s say you wanted to create round edges for your chart. This can be easily done by changing the corner radius of our half circle the same way you would using any other shape.

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Last, I’m going to show how we might present and style this chart for practical use. Let’s say I wanted this chart to be 75% filled. I would first duplicate our half circle (CTRL + D). I would then select the bottommost layer between the duplicates and change the color to a light gray.

Next, select the colored half circle and locate the Sweep tool, which is on one of the ends. Drag the tool to 37.5%, or whatever is half of your actual target percentage.

We are now able to see that color portion is covering 75% of the chart. Using a duplicate and lighter tone creates a contrasting effect for the chart and makes the key data visuals stand out.

And just like that we’ve created our half circle chart. Figma is amazing, making it very easy to edit and create these charts. Charts are useful in all kinds of designs and being able to create them on the fly will increase your efficiency as a designer.

