Product management digest 02/2018

Dmitry Yeremin
4 min readMar 18, 2018


The Art of the Lazy Product Manager
Parul Singh described how “Lazy Product Manager” approach works for PMs and why high growth startups need to build less, not more.

The Facilitator’s Handbook: 24 Design Sprint Tips
The author of the book “Sprint” gives a bunch of useful tips for facilitating design sprints.

Liminal Thinking: Beliefs Are Created
The obvious things are not obvious. They are based on our beliefs that are constructed over the time and formed by “pyramid of belief”. UX matters published the excerpt from the book «Liminal Thinking» by Dave Gray.

The user experience of flower websites
Jeff Sauro conducted benchmark analysis of the flower ordering experience of the 4 popular flower websites.

Your sketch library is not a design system
Brad Frost described what is a design system and how it differs from basic Sketch library.

Why you should stop using product roadmaps and try GIST Planning
Itmar Gilad, ex-Google product manager described why you should stop using product roadmaps and try GIST Planning (Goals, Ideas, Step-projects, and Tasks)

Stop Validating & Start Co-Creating
Teresa Torres described why validating ideas can be waste of time and how co-creating with the customers leads to a better product.

Life Beyond Google Analytics: Pick the Best Tools for the Job
Basic description how to choose the most suitable analytics platform for your business.

Introducing C.A.R.E. — a simple framework for user onboarding
Ruairi Galavan described why user onboarding isn’t only about tooltip toors or empty states and why it should be treated as a strategy that adapts over the time.

Learning the basics of Conversational UI with a UX Designer for Amazon’s Alexa
Angela Nguyen (UX designer at Amazon) gives advices how to create conversational UI for Alexa voice assistant .

The Customer Centricity Checklist
Basic checklist for implementing customer centricity approach and why it’s beneficial for the companies.

Move over product manager, introducing the Behavioral Product Manager
Kristen Berman made a comparison between traditional and behavioral product managers.

Is the Net Promoter Score a Better Measure than Satisfaction?
The NPS may be a better measure than customer satisfaction for some reasons such as simplicity, executive understanding or availability of external benchmarks. This study shows little evidence to suggest it’s better than customer satisfaction measures for predicting revenue growth.

UX Case Study: Talkspace Mobile App
Talkspace one of the most popular telemedicine apps available today that makes it an excellent candidate for Codal’s recurring UX case study series. Study shows how app with segmented onboarding, minimal screens, and clean interface can become leader of the market.


Hangouts Chat by Google - intelligent team communication

Don’t Close This Tab - a widget to turn website visitors into customers
Friday - measure employee happiness & build better teams

AutoShorten - automatically shorten links by copying or sharing them
Anchor 3.0 - the easiest way to make a podcast.

Taskade for Chrome - turn your new tab into a checklist, note, or outline
Polisis - AI that reads privacy policies so that you don’t have to

Whimsical - the visual workspace for teams

Reflect Studio v2 - create beautiful, interactive charts without writing code

Lucid - сreate design systems

Drag Pro - Transform Gmail into organized To Do lists (like Trello)

Play For WordPress - Convert your WordPress articles to podcasts
Ceev - Transform your LinkedIn into a spectacular resume
Atina - Simple project management tool

