Coding Notes of the Week

2 min readJun 23, 2023
Title — Another Week of Coding.

Some notes of the week I’ve decided to take to see what I read/marked during the last seven days.

  1. GitHub keeps redesigning itself. I also keep checking the feed section and “For you” tab in particular. Seems useful if you want to see what people you’re following are doing currently.
  2. GitHub functionality thoughts: How dependable is Dependabot? Is it worth using it for fixing vulnerabilities in the code? Also, git pull command after using it might be worth running to update your local code.
  3. Article to check: Markdown Crash Course from Web Dev Simplified. Have to use more Markdown features for my Readme files. And it also a nice way to organize your texts.
  4. Podcast episode to listen: Are Websites Old News? Are They Going the Way of the Newspaper? from HTML All The Things. Web Development keeps changing, more services are switching to the paid-models. Interesting times, as always. Feels like there’s no clear direction, but everything is going somewhere and it happens quickly (or already happened, but no one yet knows about it).
  5. JavaScript weekly pondering: objects are a milestone that’s quite hard to overcome, but without the proper knowledge of them it’s not possible to proceed. Still reading Eloquent JavaScript and hoping for the best.
  6. Tailwind take: you can create your own variables for colors, but then you can’t use Tailwind built-in colors. Either I’m missing something or there’s no way to use both.
  7. AI usage: still prefer Bing AI to Chat GPT. Still don’t quite understand what are the benefits of using the latter, when they are practically the same thing. Also, seems like the amount of questions in the conversation has been increased (from 20/25 to 30, if I remember correctly).
  8. Course for the week: Scrimba — React Router. Trying to remade the main project into something else. I wonder if using React Router (to full extent) is worth it or it’s better to switch to either Next.js or Remix.
  9. Learning resource for the week: The Odin Project. Haven’t heard about this one, and it looks quite nice, but I don’t think I have time for another course/learning platform.
  10. Main thought for the week: docs > courses; personal projects > courses projects. It’s better to choose one personal project, no matter how small it is, stick to it and keep improving it, using whatever stack you need, and not gathering the projects suggested by others. Hopefully one day I’ll stick to this principle.

Another week has passed and I keep grinding my way into coding. Not sure what results it’ll bring me, but at least I enjoy it and feel like actually doing something. I guess at the end that’s all that matters.

Thank you for reading.




Hi. I’m Dmitrii. I'm interested in Web Development and write about it every Friday.