Re-learning React through the documentation

3 min readSep 9, 2022


A code comment and some ternary operators.

After spending some time reflecting on the fact if I should start another course, learn something else (What do I say to Next.js?), build something from scratch or can finally consider myself a sort of a developer, I’ve noticed that React has a new documentation in beta. So, being a brave little explorer, I’ve decided to give it a try.

Previous docs version is still available currently and the new one is (as it stated there at the moment) 95% finished on the Learn React part and 30% on the API Reference part.

After reading a bit through the first couple of paragraphs, I’ve decided to make some use of it and, instead of just reading or copy pasting the code and pondering on how it works, to try adjusting the examples given there to my own needs. And, as I’m still trying to create a cozy little space to store my previous projects, it ended up being something like this so far. For the moment it’s obviously not finished and chances are it will change or be replaced by something else in the future. Also, it’s not super stylish and fancy as the purpose of the site is basically to learn while practicing and doing something for yourself rather then following the provided mockups / guidelines (which is not a bad thing but I’ve got a bit overwhelmed with this and needed some fresh air). In other words, my tiny sand castle is more like a bucket turned upside down, but it’s my bucket after all.

Lyrics aside, new React documentation looks nice so far. To my taste it has more structure to it, plus there are more examples and even some challenges to complete which adds interactivity. I assume one of the downsides of learning something from scratch for newcomers is that every documentation is trying to find a compromise between explaining the main concepts for the coding-hardened veterans who come there “to get things done and don’t need any refreshers” and those who are more on the “sweet summer child”-side of things.

Once you start going through the first section, it may seem like “do this, get this” without much explaining what’s actually happening. And while, surely, it’ll be explained further on, so far, that’s a feeling I’ve got while reading through most of the documentations (not just React). I guess, that’s the way things are, because docs are not exactly tutorials, but rather a Wikipedia for the tools. And, instead of giving you a quick ride to grab the bits you need to be able to build Thing X, they take you all the way up to the end of the rabbit hole. But if you manage to reach it, chances are you’ll be able to build Thing X++ or maybe Thing Y even.

I still think that for complete beginners it’s better to find some course or tutorial (to my humble taste, Scrimba has quite a nice one which I still hope to polish one day regarding my solo projects). But for those who are in search for a deep dive, docs seem to be the way. My current approach is something like: taking the course / guide — building something out of it — going through the docs while also building something new and with more features. Currently I intend to spend some time doing this and see how far I can go. Hopefully, I’ll manage to hook something out of the library (wink-wink).

If my writing skills aren’t annoying you and you got some use of this text, I thank thee, kind person.




Hi. I’m Dmitrii. I'm interested in Web Development and write about it every Friday.