11 Reasons Why Lawyers Need a Coach

Dina Eisenberg
4 min readJul 16, 2018


Practicing law is difficult. Juggling the responsibilities of serving clients while running a business can leave you feeling like you are juggling chainsaws. One wrong move and it’s all over.

You are well-trained to analyze legal problems and develop creative legal solutions. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you know all the challenges of running a law practice or have those solutions at hand. It would be like saying that because you read the menu at the fancy restaurant, you are prepared to be the chef. Not so much.

Lawyers have many useful skills and plenty of knowledge, but when it comes to business, you need help. An experienced business coach is a perfect teammate to help you grow and refine your practice.

Your coach will help you to:

  • Assess your current situation. You’re too close to see clearly
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Set priorities for what needs to change first
  • Identify blind spots and limited beliefs you don’t see
  • Challenge your status quo and reasonings
  • Clarify your vision for the future
  • Craft a plan to move towards that future
  • Gather the necessary resources to start
  • Remain flexible and resourceful through difficulties
  • Stay accountable to yourself
  • Cultivate your self-confidence and self-trust

Problem is, most lawyers are unaware that coaching help is available or believe that it is for ‘other people. Lawyers don’t do coaching, right? Wrong.

Smart, successful lawyers use coaching as a tool to win and achieve their goals. Is it time for you to do the same?

You will benefit greatly from coaching if:

  1. You are unsure of your next step. You have an idea of where you’d like to take your practice but no idea how to execute on it
  2. You are overwhelmed between practice and managing. You know there’s a better way to get things done but can’t get off the hamster wheel to find it
  3. You are unsure about you. You’ve suffered a work trauma that prevents you from taking action because you lack the confidence.
  4. You are thinking of leaving the profession. You’ll benefit from having an objective party help you assess the situation, sift through options and manage your emotions.
  5. You are making progress towards your goals. Everyone needs support to stay focused and accountable. Sometimes the closer you get to achieving things, the more distracted you can become.

The greatest athlete alive, Serena Williams, has a coach. Shouldn’t you have one, too?

Are you reluctant to work with a coach because of a past experience or what you have heard from others? That’s totally understandable but don’t let that stop you from getting the help you need to flourish.

Let me help you make better choices.I know from personal experience what it’s like to hand over a 5 figure investment and get nothing valuable back in return.

My ‘coach’ offered quarterly masterminds across the country to meet and strategize. However, I couldn’t get my questions answered or collaborate with the other biz owners. One time, after I asked a question the coach actually told me to ‘google it’. Wha? That is not good coaching.

My friend and colleague, Mark Silver, also had similar experiences with poor coaching that prompted him to write a special report called Don’t Buy Now that chronicles his journey and offers tips on how to avoid being manipulated.

Be sure to ask questions (even if you think it’s a little rude). Mark makes some excellent points about scarcity and shaming. The right coach will not be put off or insulted by questions. Rather, she will be delighted to engage with you.

Lawyers often ask why my VIP day offer comes with a 72-hour expiration date, and I don’t mind explaining that the time period gives people enough time to process while asking them to be accountable. Don’t assume all scarcity is bad. Ask why.

Take action to get the help you need to succeed. Yes, you will make mistakes in judgment along the way. That’s part of learning. After you touched the hot stove, I bet you didn’t do it again, right?

Sure, you will waste some money on coaching. But think of all the horrid clothing you’ve bought trying to find the best fit. Finding just the right fit is a process. You can’t expect to find the right coach for you if you never try.

Be a better you. Owning a small business like a law practice is the best personal development tool there is, if you let it be.

Law practice is stressful and isolating. Often there is no one to talk over the day’s events or brainstorm new ideas for the future.

Working with a coach, you have someone to help you clarify your vision, create execution plans, and boost your emotional intelligence, which can transform practicing law into something deeply gratifying and sustainable. Get a coach.

Want to learn how delegation coaching can transform your practice from chaos to confidently calm? Let’s talk.

Dina Lynch Eisenberg is a lawyer turned entrepreneur known as the Queen of Outsourcing. Enjoy free resource and learn more



Dina Eisenberg

I help solo & small firm lawyers gain clarity and the skills to use emotional intelligence and delegation as rapid growth tools. https://OutsourceEasier.com