RAG Basics: Basic Implementation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

A Detailed Exploration of Rag basic Structure

Dina Bavli
7 min readJul 17, 2024
By Author using Dall-e

Imagine asking “Which planet has the most moons?” An LLM might say Jupiter with 88 (based on old information). However, if you check the NASA website the correct answer is Saturn with 146 (up-to-date).

In the rapidly evolving field of NLP, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has emerged as a powerful approach that combines information retrieval and text generation. This blog post introduces the basic structure of RAG, including indexing, retrieval, and generation. Understanding these components is essential for enhancing the capabilities of LLMs. For a theoretical background, see “The Evolution of NLP: From Embeddings to Transformer-Based Models,” and for more advanced topics, check out “Beyond the Hype: Effective Implementation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).”

Join us as we unravel the intricacies of RAG and explore how it enhances the capabilities of LLMs, setting a new standard in NLP.

· What is RAG?
· Indexing and Chunking in RAG
· Crafting Effective Prompts for RAG
· Introduction to the Complexities of RAG Systems
· Pain Points in RAG Systems
· RAG Systems: Beyond the Hype
· Summary
· Sources and Further Reading

What is RAG?

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) represents a powerful and innovative approach in the field of natural language processing (NLP). At its core, RAG combines the strengths of information retrieval and text generation to produce more accurate and contextually relevant responses. The basic structure of RAG involves three key components: indexing, retrieval, and generation.


In the indexing phase, the system processes and organizes vast amounts of data, a task that heavily relies on embedding techniques. These embeddings convert textual data into numerical vectors, making it easier to manage and search through the information.

For a comprehensive understanding of embeddings and their evolution, as well as a deep dive into attention mechanisms and transformer-based models, please refer to my detailed blog post The Evolution of NLP: From Embeddings to Transformer-Based Models.

Next is the retrieval phase, where the system uses similarity measures to find the most relevant pieces of information from the indexed data. This ensures that the context provided to the generation model is highly pertinent to the query at hand.

Finally, in the generation phase, large language models (LLMs) come into play, leveraging the retrieved context to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each of these components.

Why Use RAG to Enhance LLMs?

By Author using Dall-e

LLMs can be outdated. RAG fixes this by letting them consult real-time sources like NASA. Imagine asking “Which planet has the most moons?” An LLM might say Jupiter with 88 (based on old information). RAG, however, checks NASA and corrects it to Saturn with 146 (up-to-date). This ensures that RAG keeps LLMs reliable.

For a great explanation about how RAG works, check out this IBM video.

Here are some key limitations of LLMs and how RAG helps to overcome them:

Lack of Factual Grounding and Hallucination:

  • Issue: LLMs can generate text that is not factually accurate or nonsensical.
  • RAG Solution: Retrieves up-to-date, reliable information, reducing inaccuracies and hallucinations.

Static Knowledge Base:

  • Issue: LLMs rely on outdated training data.
  • RAG Solution: Uses dynamic retrieval from current data sources.

Memory Constraints and Resource Intensity:

  • Issue: LLMs have limited capacity and training them is resource-intensive.
  • RAG Solution: Accesses external knowledge bases, expanding capacity and efficiency.

Accuracy, Specificity, and Contextual Relevance:

  • Issue: LLMs may lack precision and struggle with maintaining context.
  • RAG Solution: Retrieves specific, relevant information for accurate, contextually relevant answers.

Handling Rare or Niche Topics:

  • Issue: LLMs may perform poorly on rare topics.
  • RAG Solution: Accesses specialized databases for accurate information.

By addressing these limitations, RAG enhances the performance and reliability of LLMs, providing more accurate, contextually relevant outputs.

Indexing and Chunking in RAG

To effectively use Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), it is essential to understand how the system processes and organizes data. This involves several key steps: indexing, chunking, embedding, and storing embeddings in a database for efficient retrieval.



Indexing is the first step in organizing data for efficient retrieval. In this phase, documents are processed and converted into a format that can be easily searched. This typically involves breaking down the documents into smaller, manageable pieces called chunks.


Chunking refers to dividing documents into smaller sections or chunks. Each chunk is a segment of the document that can be independently processed and searched. This helps in handling large documents by focusing on relevant sections rather than the entire document.


  • Improves search efficiency.
  • Enhances the relevance of retrieved information.
  • Allows more precise targeting of specific information within large documents.

Embeddings for Chunks

Image from Hariam Gautam

Storing Embeddings in a Vector Database

After creating embeddings for each chunk, they are stored in a vector database. This database allows efficient searching and retrieval of similar documents based on their embeddings.

Vector Database:

  • Stores high-dimensional vectors representing the chunks.
  • Supports fast similarity searches using methods like Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW), k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and FAISS.

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN):

  • A simple algorithm that finds the k most similar embeddings to a given query based on distance metrics like Euclidean distance.

FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search):

  • An efficient library for similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. FAISS is optimized for large datasets and can handle billions of vectors.

Searching for Relevant Splits Using Cosine Similarity

When a query is made, it is also converted into an embedding. The vector database is then searched to find the most similar embeddings (chunks) to the query. One common method used for measuring similarity between embeddings is Cosine Similarity.

credits: https://aitechtrend.com/

Cosine Similarity:

  • Measures the cosine of the angle between two vectors. It ranges from -1 to 1, where 1 means the vectors are identical, 0 means they are orthogonal (no similarity), and -1 means they are diametrically opposed.
  • This method is effective because it focuses on the direction of the vectors rather than their magnitude, making it robust to differences in vector length.


  • The query is embedded into a vector.
  • The vector database is searched for the most similar embeddings using cosine similarity.
  • Relevant chunks are retrieved based on their similarity to the query embedding.

By organizing data through indexing, chunking, creating embeddings, and storing them in a vector database, RAG systems can effectively handle large datasets and provide accurate, contextually relevant responses.

Crafting Effective Prompts for RAG

Creating the perfect prompt for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) powered language models is crucial to unlocking their full potential. The prompt guides the model on how to use the retrieved information to generate the most accurate and contextually relevant responses. Here’s an example of a RAG prompt template that follows the Reader LLM’s chat format:

Example Prompt Template

# Prompt
template = """Answer the question based only on
the following context: {context}
Question: {question}
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(template)

Key Components

  • Context: The retrieved information that provides the necessary background for generating a relevant response.
  • Question: The specific query that needs to be answered using the provided context.
  • Template: The structured format that combines the context and the question, ensuring the model understands how to use the retrieved data effectively.

Importance of a Well-Designed Prompt

  1. Guidance: A clear prompt directs the model to focus on the relevant context, reducing the risk of generating off-topic or incorrect answers.
  2. Consistency: Using a standard template ensures consistent performance across different queries and contexts.
  3. Efficiency: Well-crafted prompts make the retrieval and generation process more efficient, leveraging the model’s capabilities to their fullest.

By designing effective prompts, you can significantly enhance the performance and reliability of RAG systems, ensuring they provide accurate and contextually appropriate responses.


This blog post delves into Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a cutting-edge approach in natural language processing (NLP) that combines information retrieval and text generation to deliver more accurate and contextually relevant responses. We explore the core components of RAG — indexing, retrieval, and generation — and highlight how these systems improve the performance and reliability of large language models (LLMs).

Key topics include:

  • Indexing and Chunking: Breaking down and organizing data into manageable pieces for efficient retrieval.
  • Embeddings and Vector Databases: Converting chunks into numerical vectors and storing them for fast similarity searches using methods like K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and FAISS.
  • Effective Prompt Crafting: Designing prompts that guide models to use retrieved information accurately.

It provides a clear and practical introduction to RAG, setting the stage for a more detailed tutorial with code.

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Sources and Further Reading

For those interested in diving deeper into the topics covered in this blog post, here are some excellent resources:

The Evolution of NLP: From Embeddings to Transformer-Based Models:

Great Explanation about RAG:

RAG From Scratch:

Related Posts:



Dina Bavli

Data Scientist | NLP | ASR | SNA @ Israel. ❤ Data, sharing knowledge and contributing to the community.