The 5 Distinctive Narcissistic Stares And What They Really Mean

Why are you staring at me?

Dina A
6 min readJan 22, 2022
Photo by Peter Forster on Unsplash

We want to think narcissists can easily be identified by how they look, behave, or other little clues their body language reveals. Eyes are the windows into our souls, it’s said, so it makes sense you should be able to see what someone is really like by how they look at you.

But can we prove this?

Is there a way to tell who is narcissistic (or psychopathic)?

Can you tell who is narcissistic by their stare (like the link between eyebrows and grandiose narcissism)?

Or is it all nonsense?

1. The Creepy, Intense Stare

If you’re on a date with someone and they can’t keep their eyes off you, you might think they’re interested in you. But what if they seem too interested?

What if they stare at you as a shark might stare at a fish?

If we consider narcissists as predators, it makes sense why they would be staring.

You are their prey.

Most of us have enough common decency to not stare at someone constantly, especially if it’s making them uncomfortable, but narcissists don’t care.



Dina A

Writes fiction. Reads too much. Drinks far too much tea for my own good. Mother of little males. Psychology nerd.