Assignment 1_Teknik Penulisan Jurnal Ilmiah (NT 6094)

Dinda Citra Utami
2 min readFeb 7, 2024


I am Dinda Citra Utami, a student who is pursuing postgraduate studies in the Computational Science study program at the Bandung Institute of Technology with NIM 20923006. I am an alumnus of the mathematics study program at the Sumatra Institute of Technology. As a student, I am currently actively participating in activities that support the academic field, one of which is by participating in research activities of the material physics and instrumentation scientific group. In addition to academic activities, I am also actively involved in several organizational activities, one of which is being the general secretary of Turun Tangan Lampung. I do these activities to support my achievements as a student to realize good academic achievement while being actively involved in enriching learning experiences outside the classroom.

I chose to take this course in semester 2 because I believe that the material taught will make a significant contribution to my academic development, especially in journal writing. In addition, the material presented suits my needs to complete my studies. I believe that by taking this course I get new insights and valuable perspectives that will help me in publishing a journal that is in accordance with existing standards and rules.

In this project, I am interested in exploring topics related to the development of artificial intelligence technology (Artificial Intelligence) and its impact on various aspects of human life, such as in the field of health. One example is by using AI to create a speech recognition device in a hospital environment for patients who have limited vision or disabilities (visually impaired). In addition, I am also interested in researching innovations in the field of renewable energy and how their application can help in overcoming environmental problems.

The research topic that I will work on in completing the thesis is about the process of reducing CO2 into renewable energy that is environmentally friendly and can be utilized in various fields. This research is closely related to advanced solutions used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and focuses on developing methods that can convert CO2 into useful products using the DFT (Density Functional Theory) method. The relationship between the research that I will do and the project in this course is closely related because both explore the same topic related to renewable energy. The insights I gained in this course are expected to enrich my research substantially and form the foundation of good and comprehensive research and publications.

