Optimizing Salesperson Visit with TargetIn

Dinda Farradila
Published in
5 min readMay 11, 2024


How I help salesperson to make their sales visitation organized and full of meaningful information.

My Role: Product Designer

Team: Product Manager, Business Analyst, Mobile Developer

Platform: Mobile (iOS & Android)

Timeline: August — November 2023

Project Overview

A client, from FMCG industry, told us about their problems regarding their salesperson day-to-day task. As a salesperson, it’s their duty to sell the company’s goods to the customer (in this case, the customers of our client are wholesaler and retailer — not end-customer) but their current system doesn’t allow them to store a lot of information about customer location, preferences, needs, or previous interactions that make it challenging to tailor sales pitches effectively.

From the problem we found, we have an idea to improve their system by creating an mobile app that can be used to record necessary information and process their order faster which also could be used by the management to enrich their customer database via monitoring dashboard.

Target User

For the mobile app, users are divided into two groups: salesperson and supervisor.


  • Goal: Fulfill daily sales goal by visiting customer as assigned by the management.
  • Pain points:

Limited Information: Insufficient information about customer locations, preferences, needs, or previous interactions can make it challenging to tailor sales pitches effectively and provide personalized recommendations.

Technology and Tools: Technical issues or limitations with these tools can hinder their ability to efficiently record information, process orders, or access necessary data.


  • Goal: Oversee salesperson to ensure they meet their daily goals.
  • Pain points:

Transparency: The data obtained from daily visits are not real-time, supervisor need to wait for a day and calculate the data in separate excel sheets which very time-consuming to find a salesperson that didn’t meet the daily target.

The Problems

From the information gathering through salesperson and supervisor POV, we created these problem statements below:

  1. Salesperson couldn’t write down every necessary information regarding the customer in current system, they had to write it manually.
  2. Salesperson couldn’t see their past interactions with customers.
  3. Supervisor couldn’t see the activity of their salesperson in real-time.
  4. Supervisor couldn’t track whether their salesperson had met their daily sales goal or not.

Design Opportunities

Based on the problem statements, we identify opportunities that could be present in our solution later using the HMW framework:

  1. How might we make a dynamic form that salesperson need to fill out for every customer visit?
  2. How might we make a list of salesperson past interaction with customers?
  3. How might we create a dashboard for supervisor see their salesperson progress in real-time?
  4. How might we make a list of salesperson daily sales goal?

The Solution

To answer the HMW above, we separated the solution into 3 steps: building IA (Information Architecture), creating user flow, and designing prototype.

Information Architecture

After user can login to the app, there are 4 menus that would be present in the navigation bar. They are home, office, history, and my account.

Information Architecture for TargetIn

Because the main issue for salesperson is how they could write down every necessary piece of information about customer visits, we decided to put the form at Home so that users could easily achieve their goals despite the complicated business process.

User Flow

In this case, we showed you the main flow of this app which is the customer visit flow.

Swimlane flow for TargetIn

After user successfully sign-in, the system directs user to home that contain map and check-in CTA. When user click “check-in” CTA, the system will show 6 nearest customer from user’s current location. User has to choose one of the customer, then the system will check if the chosen customer within 25 m of current user’s location. If yes, system will show success message and direct user to customer information page. If no, system will show message that user’s currently outside the customer radius and go back to home screen.

It’s optional to update the customer information, but it’s mandatory to fill out visit notes before completing the sales activity. To complete the activity, user has to click “check-out” CTA. The system will check whether the user still within the customer area, if not, user has to input their finish time manually before completing the activity.


Here is the prototype. You can try it below: https://www.figma.com/proto/cH9ZVW5s5KhaDZyJAaw2BM/tempat-belajarku?node-id=1172-15104&t=gDRClcaGC9je3qL5-1&scaling=scale-down&page-id=1102%3A850&starting-point-node-id=1172%3A15104

Main Flow of TargetIn

The Outcomes

TargetIn might far from perfect sales-tracker app, but it could answer some users pain points. TargetIn has a big potential to improve and add new necessary features, still currently it has an impact to client’s business process:

  • Is being used by 300+ users every day
  • Successfully updated 400+ customers data in a month of usage.
  • Found outperformed and underperformed salesperson in real-time

To learn more about TargetIn, check the app on play store here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.duaberlian.salestrackingapp&pcampaignid=web_share



What do you get when you mixing Spatial Science and UX Design? Yup, you got me!