Understanding Machine Learning Algorithms: Analogies & Real-World Examples

Dinesh Chaudhary
11 min readMay 18, 2024


Image Created by Goole Gemini

Machine learning can seem complex, but understanding its core algorithms unlocks a world of possibilities! This post breaks down 4 fundamental algorithms — Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, KNN, and SVM — using relatable analogies and real-world examples. Learn how these algorithms make predictions and discover their applications in various fields!

1. Linear Regression:

Linear regression is a fundamental algorithm used in machine learning for predicting continuous values based on a linear relationship between features and the target variable. Here’s a breakdown of the concept:

1. Unveiling the Relationship

Concept: Imagine you’re studying the relationship between studying hours (feature) and exam scores (target variable). Linear regression helps you find the underlying linear trend that explains how changes in studying hours tend to affect exam scores.

2. The Equation Behind the Line

Mathematical Representation: This linear trend is often represented by an equation:

Y = b₀ + b₁X + ε

  • Y: Predicted exam score
  • X: Studying hours (feature)
  • b₀: Intercept (score on the exam with zero hours of studying)
  • b₁: Slope (how much the score changes on average for each additional hour of studying)
  • ε: Error term (represents the difference between the actual score and the predicted score)

3. Finding the Best Fit Line

Linear regression works by analyzing a dataset of exam scores and studying hours. It aims to find the values for the intercept (b₀) and slope (b₁) that create a straight line that best fits the data points. This “best fit” line minimizes the overall error between the predicted scores and the actual exam scores.

4. Making Predictions

Once the model is trained (found the best-fit line), you can use it to predict exam scores for new students (new data points) based on their studying hours. For instance, you can predict the score of a student who studied for 6 hours by plugging 6 into the equation.

5. Assumptions of Linear Regression

  1. Linearity:
  • The relationship between the independent variables (features) and the dependent variable (target) is linear. This means that changes in the predictor variables are proportional to changes in the response variable.

2. Independence:

  • The observations should be independent of each other. This implies that the residuals are uncorrelated across observations.

3. Normality of Residuals:

  • The residuals should be normally distributed. This is important for making inferences about the regression coefficients.

4. Remove Collinearity:

  • If your independent variables are correlated with each other, it’s important to address this multicollinearity. You should retain the most correlated variable with the dependent variable and remove the others. For example, if your data includes both date of birth (DOB) and age, you should remove one of them to avoid redundancy.

5. Homoscedasticity:

  • The residuals (errors) should have constant variance at every level of the independent variable(s). This means that the spread of the residuals is the same across all values of the independent variables.

6. Gaussian Distribution (Normal Distribution):

  • Linear regression produces more reliable predictions when the input and output variables have a Gaussian (normal) distribution. Applying transformations to your variables to make their distributions more Gaussian can be beneficial.

7. Remove Noise:

  • Linear regression assumes that your input and output variables are not noisy. Data should be cleaned before feeding it to the model. This is particularly important for the output variable, where you should remove outliers if possible.

8. Rescale Input:

  • Linear regression often produces more reliable predictions when you rescale input variables using standardization or normalization. This ensures that all variables contribute equally to the model.

6. Advantages and Limitations of Linear Regression


  • Interpretability: A major strength of linear regression is its interpretability. By analyzing the coefficients (b₀ and b₁), you can understand the direction and strength of the relationship between features (studying hours) and the target variable (exam scores).
  • Simplicity: Linear regression is a relatively simple algorithm compared to more complex models. This makes it easier to understand, implement, and interpret.
  • Relatively Fast Training: Due to its simplicity, linear regression models often train faster compared to more complex algorithms.


  • Linear Assumption: Linear regression assumes a linear relationship between features and the target variable. If the underlying relationship is not linear, the model might not perform well.
  • Limited to Continuous Variables: The basic form of linear regression is designed for continuous target variables (exam scores). Extensions exist for categorical variables, but they involve additional considerations.
  • Sensitive to Outliers: Outliers in the data can significantly impact the fit of the regression line. Techniques for outlier detection and handling might be necessary.

7. Real-World Applications

Linear regression has a wide range of applications across various domains:

  • Finance: Predicting stock prices based on historical data.
  • Marketing: Forecasting sales figures based on marketing campaigns.
  • Healthcare: Analyzing the relationship between medical factors and patient outcomes.

2. Logistic Regression:

Imagine you have a magic mail sorter that can automatically classify emails as spam or not spam. Logistic regression is like the brain behind this sorter!

1. Sorting Two Piles

Logistic regression tackles a specific type of problem in machine learning: classification. Here, the goal is to predict which category something belongs to, like sorting emails (spam/not spam) or classifying images (cat/dog). There are usually only a limited number of categories, often two (binary classification).

2. Linear Regression’s Cousin

You might be familiar with linear regression, which predicts continuous values based on a straight line. Logistic regression is similar, but instead of predicting exact numbers, it predicts the probability of something belonging to a particular class (spam or not spam).

3. The Squishing Function (Sigmoid)

To turn its linear predictions into probabilities, logistic regression uses a special function called the sigmoid function. Imagine this function as a squisher — it takes any number and squishes it between 0 (very low probability) and 1 (very high probability). The sigmoid function is defined as:

sigmoid(z) = 1 / (1 + e^(-z)

Here z is the linear combination of input features and their weights:

z = b0 + b1X1+ b2X2 + ……. + bnXn


· b0 is the intercept (bias term)

· b1, b2, …. bn are coefficients(weights) for the input features X1, X2, …., Xn

4. Putting it All Together

  • So, how does this mail sorter work?
  • It analyzes each email’s features (e.g., sender, keywords, presence of links).
  • It assigns weights to these features, indicating how important they are for spam classification.
  • It uses these weights to create a linear score for the email.
  • Finally, it feeds this score into the sigmoid function, which squishes it into a probability between 0 (likely not spam) and 1 (likely spam).

5. Training the Sorter and Making Decisions

  • The sorter learns the best weights for these features by analyzing labeled training data (emails already classified as spam or not spam).
  • Once trained, the sorter uses a threshold (often 0.5) to make final decisions. If the predicted probability of being spam is higher than the threshold, it goes to the spam folder; otherwise, it goes to the inbox.

6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Logistic Regression


  • Interpretability: One of the biggest strengths of logistic regression is its interpretability. The model outputs weights for each feature, allowing you to understand how each feature contributes to the final prediction.
  • Simplicity: Logistic regression is a relatively simple algorithm compared to more complex models like neural networks. This makes it easier to implement, understand, and interpret. Additionally, its simplicity often translates to faster training times.
  • Probability Outputs: Unlike some classification algorithms that provide only hard classifications (e.g., cat or dog), logistic regression outputs probabilities. This gives you a sense of confidence in the prediction. For instance, a model might predict an email to be spam with a 90% probability, indicating a strong likelihood of spam.
  • Works Well with Limited Data: Can perform well even with moderately sized datasets. This is advantageous when collecting a large amount of labeled data is expensive or time-consuming.


  • Limited to Binary Classification (Base Form): The basic form of logistic regression can only handle classification problems with two categories (binary classification). Extensions exist for multi-class problems, but they can become more complex and require additional considerations.
  • Assumptions about Data: Logistic regression assumes a linear relationship between the features and the log odds of the target variable. This may not always hold true in real-world data, potentially leading to suboptimal performance if the data exhibits strong non-linear relationships.
  • Potential for Overfitting: Like most models, logistic regression can suffer from overfitting, especially with high-dimensional data (many features). Regularization techniques are often necessary to prevent the model from becoming too specific to the training data and performing poorly on unseen data.
  • May Not Capture Complex Relationships: While logistic regression can be a powerful tool, it might not be suitable for tasks involving very complex relationships between features. More advanced models like neural networks might be better suited for such scenarios.

7. Real- World Applications

Logistic regression has a wide range of applications across various domains:

  • Finance: Banks use it to detect fraudulent credit card transactions and predict loan repayment risks.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals predict patient readmission risks and assess disease risks using medical data.
  • Marketing: Companies leverage it to identify customers at risk of churning and target advertising effectively.

3. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN):

1. Unveiling the KNN Detective

Imagine you’re a detective investigating a crime scene (new data point). KNN is your trusty sidekick who helps identify the culprit (classify the data point) or predict the value of a missing piece of evidence (regression).

2. The Evidence Locker: Training Data

KNN relies on a case file filled with past crimes and their characteristics (training data). Each crime scene (data point) is described by various pieces of evidence (features).

3. The Witness Hunch: Distance Metrics

The core principle of KNN is based on the idea that similar crimes (data points) are likely committed by the same culprit (belongs to the same class). KNN uses a distance metric, like a detective’s hunch, to measure the similarity between evidence at the new crime scene (new data point) and evidence from past cases (training data). Common distance metrics include Euclidean distance (straight-line distance) or Manhattan distance (taxicab distance).

4. Interrogation of the K Closest Witnesses

KNN doesn’t interrogate the entire city (all data points in the training set). Instead, it focuses on the K closest witnesses (K nearest neighbors) to the new crime scene based on the chosen distance metric. These K nearest neighbors are the most similar data points to the new one.

5. Cracking the Case: Classification vs. Regression

How KNN uses these K closest neighbors to solve the case depends on the type of crime:

  • Classification: Imagine a crime of identifying the type of fruit (apple, banana) based on its features (color, size). KNN would take a majority vote among the K closest fruits (neighbors) in the evidence locker (training data). If the new piece of evidence (unknown fruit) is closer to more apples than bananas based on its features, it gets classified as an apple.
  • Regression: Now, let’s say the crime is about predicting the stolen amount of money based on witness descriptions of the thief (features like height, clothing). KNN would take the average amount stolen from the K closest past theft cases (neighbors) with similar thief descriptions. This average becomes the predicted stolen amount for the new case.

6. Choosing the Right Number of Detectives (K)

The number of neighbors considered (K) is crucial. Too many detectives (high K) might lead to the wrong culprit due to irrelevant information from distant crime scenes. Too few detectives (low K) might not provide enough evidence for a solid conclusion.

7. Advantages and Disadvantages of KNN


  • Simplicity: KNN is easy to understand and implement.
  • Interpretability: You can see which neighbors influenced the prediction, offering insights into the model’s reasoning.
  • Flexibility: KNN can work with various data types and doesn’t require assumptions about linear relationships between features.


  • Curse of Dimensionality: With many features (high dimensionality), finding the closest neighbors becomes computationally expensive.
  • Sensitivity to Outliers: Outliers in the data can significantly skew the selection of neighbors and the predictions.
  • Prediction Cost: While training is fast, predicting for new data points involves calculating distances to all points in the training data, making it slower for large datasets.

8. Real-World Applications:

KNN algorithm has a wide range of applications across various domains:

  • Finance: Predicting stock market trends or creditworthiness
  • Healthcare: Diagnosing diseases based on patients’ symptoms.
  • Biology: Classifying plant or animal species based on characteristics

4. Support Vector Machine

1. The Battlefield of Classification

Imagine you’re a general on a large battlefield. Your army (one class) needs to be strategically separated from the enemy’s army (another class). An SVM acts like a powerful tool that helps you position your troops to create the most effective defensive line, clearly dividing the two forces

2. Classification is Key

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are designed for classification tasks, meaning they categorize data points into predefined classes, like our two armies on the battlefield.

3. The All-Important Margin: Widening the Gap

Unlike some classifiers that try to minimize overall errors, SVMs focus on maximizing the margin. Think of the margin as the empty space between the opposing armies where no soldiers are present. A wider margin translates to a more robust classification model, less prone to misclassifying new soldiers (data points) that might arrive on the battlefield.

4. Support Vectors: The Elite Soldiers

SVMs find a separation boundary, called a hyperplane (a line in 2D or a plane in higher dimensions), that maximizes this margin. But they don’t just pick any random spot for the hyperplane. They identify the soldiers closest to the enemy lines from each army. These critical soldiers are called support vectors. Imagine them as your most experienced troops you place at the forefront to hold the defensive line (hyperplane).

5. Adapting to Complex Terrain: The Kernel Trick

Real-world battlefields aren’t always flat, making a straight line challenging. SVMs can address this using the kernel trick. The kernel trick essentially transforms the battlefield layout (data) into a higher-dimensional space where a hyperplane can effectively separate the armies. Think of it like strategically maneuvering your troops across hills and valleys (higher dimension) to create a clear separation between the forces.

6. The Advantages of the SVM Battle Strategy:

  • High Accuracy: SVMs are known for achieving excellent classification accuracy, ensuring your army has a clear defensive line against the enemy.
  • Effective in Complexities: SVMs can handle data with many features, like soldier strength and weaponry (similar to features in your dataset), just like dealing with the diverse characteristics of modern warfare.
  • Interpretability (to a degree): In some cases, analyzing the support vectors can provide insights into the data and the classification criteria, like which soldier traits are most important for distinguishing between the armies.

7. Considerations for the SVM Approach:

  • Training Time: Training SVMs can be computationally expensive, especially for very large datasets with many soldiers (data points).
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: SVMs involve parameters that need careful adjustment for optimal performance. This can require some experimentation to find the best battle strategy for your specific situation.
  • Regression Challenges: While extensions exist, SVMs are primarily designed for classification tasks, not for predicting continuous values like soldier morale.

8. When to Deploy the SVM Troops?

  • SVMs are a great choice when high classification accuracy is crucial and you’re dealing with complex, high-dimensional data, like in many real-world classification problems.
  • They can also be useful when some level of interpretability about the classification criteria might be desired.

9. Real-World Applications:

Support Vector Machine algorithm has a wide range of applications across various domains:

  • Finance: Predicting stock market trends or credit risk assessment.
  • E-commerce: Product recommendation systems based on user preferences.
  • Natural Language Processing: Machine translation or text summarization.

By explaining SVM with this military analogy, you can effectively communicate the core concept of maximizing the margin between classes for robust classification. You can tailor the explanation to the interview level. If it’s a technical interview, you can delve deeper into the kernel trick or hyperparameter tuning. This approach showcases your understanding of SVMs, their strengths and weaknesses, and when they might be a suitable algorithm for a machine learning classification problem.


Using analogies and real-world examples makes these Machine learning algorithms more accessible and easier to understand. Each algorithm has its strengths and is suitable for different types of problems, making them fundamental tools in the field of machine learning



Dinesh Chaudhary

👨‍💻 AI Enthusiast | Software Engineer | Freelance Data Scientist. Crafting innovative software, analyzing data, and exploring AI to solve complex problems.